Ok, I might be shooting myself in the foot with this one, but....I love the old viper tv series appropriately named "Viper". Does anyone know if they converted it to DVD?
We were supposed to do this a while back for a few people but I lost contact with the gentlemen that was going to do this. It was probably on here about 4 months ago or so in a thread.
How would you rate the quality of your tapes?
Send me the tapes, I will convert them to DVD....keep in mind the quality will only be as good as the original tape.
Send me the tapes, I will convert them to DVD....keep in mind the quality will only be as good as the original tape.
How long would it take to convert? I would be happy to help the members. Also, what is your address to send the tapes?
I would probably buy a copy as well. I think I have the first season on tape as well, but the quality isn't that great. How many seasons was the show on? Didn't they have a blue GTS in the later seasons?
the car left such a good taste in my mouth I like everything with that name.
I almost bought one of those 70 cc quads because its a viper LMAO
so i can understand the thought
This can be protected by "copy rights". Just be careful. If you make monies out of this "someone" might chase you. Just my .02 cents
This can be protected by "copy rights". Just be careful. If you make monies out of this "someone" might chase you. Just my .02 cents
I didn't think about that.So I will repeat and correct what I had said earlier.To whom ever has the dvd i would love a copy.
Thank you for the gift.Since it is close to xmas I would like to give you a gift also ,a check in your name for a ammount you will need to help through the holidays.
I read online that it aired for 3 seasons.