Need to make ramps. ( steep driveway)Any suggestions width, length ect. Should I make steps or use long boards. Less obtrusive the better (neighbors). Any experience out there?
To get onto our driveway we use the little green things that you put under gutters to disperse rain water. Tried them once as a joke and noticed that they work fine, very light weight. Neighbors may laugh, but it was a cheap fix (no $ spent cause they came with the house)
I have a steep drive, I come at my driveway at an extreme angle.
I'm not worried about driving on a little grass with the big boots these things have.
Of coarse this works only if you have room!
i have a plastic warning devise on my Vipers as soon as i get to a low driveway or something it makes a loud scraping noise inside the car,only bad thing about this devise is every couple of years you have to have it repainted
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bigfoot: I have a steep drive, I come at my driveway at an extreme angle.
I'm not worried about driving on a little grass with the big boots these things have.
Of coarse this works only if you have room!
Both of my drives are steep......the angle works if you have room. Run over the grass.
If I try the grass, I will get a nose full of palm tree!
I tried 2x12 3 foot section then 5 foot section ___---------- The boards shot out into the street when I tried to get up!!!
I guess I need to nail them together?
How can I attach the boards to the concrete?
Maybe you could fasten some rubber to the bottom.
It shouldn't slip then.
Sounds like a real pain in the @ss having to mess around like that.
Damm Maui, it must **** to be you!
Just kidding of coarse, it's just that it's snowing here and I've been to Maui and the only place you might get snow there is at the top of the volcano.
Enjoy the car on the island, eat your heart out Magnum PI.
Cear out a section at the end of the driveway for a retaining wall, and 1 car garage. That'll solve the problem. If the neighbors complain, put some shrubs around it and paint a big smile face on the side of the garage.
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