There is saying in cyberspace for a frequent re-post-
This video has been posted here about a dozen times, and its also floating around other car sites, novelty video sites, etc.
Here we are talking about it a year ago.
One of the posters mentioned that it looks slightly different every time around. I noticed that too, this time, especially at a point that had an obvious "stitch" between two clips, where they tried to make it look like a continuous sequential clip from the same camera angle. But the lack of continuity in the billowing dust gave it away, and showed that it was pieced together for effect. Poor editing.
So now, at the same point, the video goes from a wide but short rectangular screen to hide the obvious error, but after the billowing dust subsides a bit, they go back to a full, high screen. Someone went over this video clip and tried to smooth it out, and make it look seamless at that spot. Which now makes it look all the more suspicious.