Viperdays Question


Aug 30, 2006
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Viperdays is having an event in July at VIR, which is close enough to me to get my interest.

I'm looking for someone who's been etc., to get info on what I should do to the car if I go, how dangerous it is - I really really don't want to smack my car.

I'm looking at it from totally & only fun, getting onto a real track and run at 70% level for grins. And it sounds like they provide instruction and such. Could be very fun if it's non-competitive and fairly safe for me & the car. I checked out the viperdays site & it gives some info but ... any personal exp you can share would be great.

Anyone from VA/MD club looking to go?

It says family friendly, if I go I'd love to take my nephew (20 yrs old) but is there really enough for him to do or take part in, etc.?

- maybe this should be in another area, but I wasn't sure, so I just posted where I spend 99% of my time, thanks.

03 SRT
corsa, K&N


Oct 2, 2000
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Raleigh, NC, USA
Do come - VIR is an outstanding track, a safe track, and an excellent facility. Stay AT THE TRACK and you won't miss a thing.

To get your car ready, you'll need to either a) have a hardtop and b) reserve a free rental hardtop early with Courtney. You'll need to change your brake fluid to a high temp fluid. If you can't do this yourself or have a good mechanic, schedule time with Archer Racing Accessories to do this on Friday.

You will receive very good instruction - both in car and in classroom. You will learn to drive your car, but more importantly, you'll have a great appreciation for vehicle dynamics and you'll learn things that can save your bacon in the real world.

No one will push you past your comfort level.

VIR is a great track, and you can get to some high speeds, but the best parts of the track are the ones where smoothness counts - and going through the high speed esses is WAY more fun than barreling down the back straight. Finding the line and feeling how GOOD this car is is addictive.

Go - enjoy your self, be safe and learn at your own pace. There will be plenty for your guest to do to - esp if he's a car nut - get rides, check out the race cars, sit in on the classroom sessions.

Have fun.


Oct 2, 2000
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If your in need of an Oil Change go ahead & do it. I personally would completely go over your car. Check everything. ie (hoses, nuts, bolts & anything else you can think of ) Do your brakes as Janni suggested. Check all fluids. Most important item, if you have an ego...check it at sign in. Do not drive over your head. Listen to your instructors.


Aug 30, 2006
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No problem on the ego, I say the Viper is so fast my ego can't keep up, believe me I'm humbled by the car.

If I do the hi-temp brake fluid, is that also OK to use for street driving or would I need to do another fluid change after?

If I do an autoform roll bar would that negate the need for a hardtop or rental?


Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
VIR is very safe and very fast and very very fun. Go and enjoy.

Change your brake fluid.
Make sure you have plenty of brake pad.
Good tires.

Anything you don't have Archer will fix you up. Excellent onsite Viper support if anything goes wrong, which it wont.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
If I do the hi-temp brake fluid, is that also OK to use for street driving or would I need to do another fluid change after?

It is ok to use hi-temp brake fluid on the street.
It is not recommended to use typical street fluid on the track.


Aug 28, 2005
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Chandler AZ
totally & only fun, getting onto a real track and run at 70% level for grins. Could be very fun if it's non-competitive and fairly safe for me & the car.

There is ZERO pressure to drive beyond your comfort level. They put you out based on your skill and speed so that traffic is minimized. Passing is highly controlled and only happens when you signal for someone to pass you. If traffic bunches up and you are uncomfortable, you are encouraged to come in for a moment, and they will wave you back out in a more vacant zone.

It is fantastic and addictive. I don't care to race anyone or be competitive, but I really enjoy the kick out of hitting a corner right, or going through some esses at speed.

I followed a Ford GT around the track for a few laps a few weeks ago, and it sure dredged up some of my fantasies from my childhood while reading Road & Track in the sixties.

Vypr Phil

Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
I'm looking for someone who's been etc., to get info on what I should do to the car if I go, how dangerous it is - I really really don't want to smack my car.

I'm looking at it from totally & only fun, getting onto a real track and run at 70% level for grins. And it sounds like they provide instruction and such. Could be very fun if it's non-competitive and fairly safe for me & the car. I checked out the viperdays site & it gives some info but ... any personal exp you can share would be great.

DMan, all I can say is go ahead, make YOUR day!!!

Here is an article I wrote a few weeks ago after attending my first viper days:

Never participated in Viper Days?

Apprehensive about really driving at the limit?

Intimidated by faster drivers?

Put all your fears to rest!

I went to Viper Days last month for the first time at Buttonwillow Raceway in California.

I must say that I had the time of my life.

I learned a lot about my Viper's limits, my own limits and can only tell you this: you are cheating yourselves by not going.

Here is a write-up I did for my local VCA quarterly publication:

Have you called Viper Days yet?

We all put our seat belts on before driving away, don’t we? Of course!

When we drive Vipers, we have another duty: Viper Days! (No, it is not in the DMV Code).

Why Me you ask, after all I am a great driver myself!

Just one of many reasons: 17% of all Vipers end up totaled (pretty much one in six). Not great odds and this is why we all pay a very high insurance rate on our cars, no matter how great our driving record. In essence we are partially subsidizing the ones who total their Vipers.

Viper Days consists of theory in a classroom setting and practice sessions on the subject of performance driving, on a real racetrack. Drivers are split into different groups, based on their skill levels so nobody will be in a mismatched learning environment.

The first day starts early, as a passenger with one of the instructors driving a few demo laps to get you familiarized with the track and the ideal driving line, demonstrating proper braking points, turn entry points, apexes and exit points, all very helpful by the time you make your first foray onto the track yourself.

Instructors are top-notch caliber, racers themselves and they really helped me hone my performance driving skills to a fine finish, all in a totally safe environment. By my last driving session, I was on the track without the instructor, had no traffic in front of me for about 5 laps; each lap, my time decreased by an average of 3 seconds over the previous lap as I applied everything I learned from the instructors and got more and more comfortable and confident going faster and faster. It was a truly exhilarating feeling, certainly one of the best moments of my entire life.

Within minutes, I morphed into an apex-inhaling ******, sporting an irrepressible face-splitting ear to ear silly grin that could not even have been surgically removed for the rest of the day.

As an added bonus, you will get front row seats and enjoy watching a couple of real races, with advanced drivers and Viper Competition Coupes screaming past you at full speed.

Skip Thomas, founder of Viper Days, runs an incredibly sophisticated organization dedicated beyond belief to the safety, well-being and appropriate instruction in the classroom and on the track of new and veteran Viper owners.

Attending Viper days will greatly put the odds in your favor of not joining the 17% mentioned earlier and you will come away a better, safer driver in full control of his awesome machine and his ability to “Master the Beast”. Chances are that you will also make many new like-minded friends during the event and meet many inspiring people trackside.

How do I prepare my car for Viper Days? Here are some recommendations:
I strongly suggest an oil pan baffle on Gen I & II cars and a Competition oil pan with swing arm pick-up on Gen III models. You may lose oil pressure on long sweeper turns and do major damage to your engine (sadly, this seems to happen regularly during Viper Days). Replace your brake lines with stainless steel units as this is much safer and will give a more consistent brake pedal feel during hard driving. My last suggestion: a short throw shifter, it will help immensely rowing through the gears (specially the tedious 2-3 upshift) with more feel, precision and crispness.

Have you called Viper Days Yet? Just do it!

First timers even get a discount.

Safe, Sane and Happy Vipering,

Phil W

Viper Days @ Buttonwillow Raceway, March 2007

DMan, going at 70 % is not only OK, believe it or not, you might learn even more if you focus on the ideal line and smoothness the first time out on the track. Learn the meaning of the flags, respect the flags, let faster cars pass you in the designated passing zone, stay relaxed and you will have a terrific time.

Do yourself a favor, call Courtney at Viper Days and tell her Vypr Phil from SoCal VCA sent you! If your experience will be anything like mine, you will have the time of your life, no matter how fast you drive. You will also be surprised by your rate of progress as well as your increasing level of self-confidence.


Jun 16, 2003
Reaction score
D man, Yes, if you install an Autoform roll bar you will not need to use a hard top.

Viper Days at VIR will be your ultimate driving experience in your SRT10. Especially the upper esses when you get them right. The instructors are first rate, believe me if you are not confortable going over 70% they will love you for that. Keep in mind these guys must be nuts, they get into your car with only an arm rest to grab and you are driving a car that is capable of 150MPH+, and you tell them you will be happy at 70%. They are liable to kiss you, because they now know they don't have an egomaniac driving that wants to "impress" them. I have been there, it's no fun for either the driver or the instructor.

Viper Days is a MUST for every Viper driver. You will learn more in two days on a race track than you could learn in an entire summer on the street. As a certified Viper Days "NUT" :) I would be happy to answer any questions personally, just give me a call. I will send you a PM with my phone number.


Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
OK, I'm seriously considering this now, wife & I are checking calendar etc., thanks for the info guys and I'll be taking you up on the discussions about it as I'll need all the help I can get to prep so I feel comfortable if I can make it.

Thanks again.

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
OK, I'm seriously considering this now, wife & I are checking calendar etc., thanks for the info guys and I'll be taking you up on the discussions about it as I'll need all the help I can get to prep so I feel comfortable if I can make it.

Thanks again.


Viper Days is the best open track event in the World IMHO! Very well managed by great people. Complete track side services(fluid changes, new brake pads and parts, tires, etc.) provided by the Archer's.

If you have not attended a Performance driving school you may want to get one under your belt. Or you could hire a private instructor for the day or weekend. I like the Skip Barber instructors because of their extensive Viper exp. Most are contarct employees and available for one on one instruction which will get you up to speed very quickely. The first time on track can be nerve racking as there is a lot to digest. The track line is the king of speed and safety - where to brake where to turn in where is the apex, where to add power and exit point.


Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Kentucky
"Dman" Not sure if your interested or not but Im going to Viper Days next month at Mid Ohio (May 21-22nd). They will provide a hard top for us ******* folk. Im a first timer to it and I want to learn as much as I can. One thing the Viper has tought me (being my first sports car) is if you don't respect the car it will scare the ever living Sh*%T out of you:D . My conversations with Courtney and skip were very reassuring that It is a Driving School first and foremost. I'm pretty excited about going!!


I was a bit nervous and I did leave the road at Viper Days at No Problem Raceway in January. But it was a blast. I didn't damage anything! And the instructor from Viper Days was awesome! Tell them you are a newbie and they will give you a conservative instructor.

I have been to other events and I have never been as comfortable as I was at Viper Days. Also VIR is like the ultimate track! We went to VIR for the SRT Track Experience and it is a great track.

I wish I was close enough for me to drive up!!!! If you are new to this and want to experience your car...the BEST way to do that is to attend Viper Days!!!!

Please sign up. I have had Vettes and now a Viper for the last 7 years and this is the best course for the dollar ever!!!! And you will respect your car and be a better driver after!!!!