Ron, Janni is right on. During the "switch" days of Friday and Saturday, when almost everyone is running, your laps or autocross sessions will be very limited. But, SUNDAY, the "optional" day, is GREAT. Cuts the participants almost in half. Last VOI at St. Louis, with the extra help from some early "wet" conditions, I was able to get right back in line and run again almost immediately...... ALL DAY LONG. Well, actually, I had run through a full tank of gas, and with the heat getting to me later on, I only lasted until around 2pm before it was time for a cold shower and nap.
This time I'm taking one of my sons, and plan on letting him have ALL of the normally scheduled track day in the car, while I socialize...... and then I'll run it all day Sunday, rain or shine. The bottom line here is that BOTH of you should be able to get enough time to make you happy, unless you're REALLY track rats!