Mopar Boy
Mopar or no car always been for me. Guess I'll be on a bike soon!

i know what you mean. Granted, I am trying to find ways to stay OFF my bike due to my latest injury.
I was born and bred around Mopars. During the 60's 70's and 80's my dad worked in Chrysler Product Development, specificaly the trans lab. Back in the days before the proving grounds he would bring test cars home, pick me up and go out on a local rual two lane road and try to do anything he could to break the trans. I remember him rocking the car between forward and reverse with his foot buried in the throttle. He would take readings from a bunch of gauges mounted in the car and take notes. You couldn't see through the smoke and all you could smell was rubber.
In 1962 he got involved with the factory drag race programs and became an original member of the Plymouth Golden Commandos, they were Plymouth's version of the Dodge Ramchargers. For being from the same "stable" they were pretty feirce competitors. Here is a picture of my sister and I standing by the 1964 car in our driveway.
I don't think I ever had anything but a Mopar, my first car was a '64 Dart convertible, '73 New Yorker, Challenger convertable, Arrow, '73 Road Runner, K-car,Laser, Conquest, Mini van, Dakotas, Durangos, Cherokees, LHS, 300, Pacificas, Ram, '69 Road Runner and best of all a 2002 Viper!
Sweet story! Even nicer pics! Love the old 60's crew cab.
