Yes, that's my car. Like it says on my website, the only reason I'm selling it is to get a Viper GTS Coupe. I love the RT/10, but it always seems like I have the hardtop on it most of the time anyway. Some of you can relate, I gotta please the wife (the wind will mess my hair up whine).
So I want a GTS Coupe (looking at 96-98's).
Tony's right about the sills, warrantied for corrosion.
I still have the factory cats (with shorter mufflers) which can be reinstalled. I can install Hi-Flow cats too, it would just affect the final price of the car(the amount of room for negotiation).
The rollbar is the one from Sean Roe's yellow RT/10. It came with rear interior panel, so i didn't have to cut the original from my car. The rollbar can be removed easily and the original panel reinstalled to make it look stock.
I've taken it to the dragstrip about 4 times and also had it at VOI6 as far as the racing goes.
I've had the car since Oct. 99.
You can reach me by email at;
Rich Detert at [email][email protected].[/email]
Or by phone at 636-942-4690
I'll be more than happy to tell you all I know about the history of the car.
Thanks for letting me know about the post Tony!