One as a daily driver ...and the Viper for the occational run, when you can focus on staying away from everyone.
Run it fast ONLY on the track.
Realize that EVERYONE will want to race you - be a man and don't. You obviouly can make the money, now you have to prove (to yourself - no one else) you can keep it.
I had a 400HP car when I was 17, and (although was wild a few times) "I" never wrecked it; however it was stolen when I was 27
. I was also hit twice (stopped both times - last guy in line at a red light, and parked on the side of the road).
I love my vipe, but I'm telling you.. you have to AVOID accidents... they look for YOU (I've had admirers almost hit me a few times 'cause they're not watching the road).
Take the motorcycle safety course as a #1 priority. They teach you safer driving through "accident avoidance", after all, you want to keep the car pretty, right?.
Find that local racetrack. Mine has Wednesday night drags for $15 and is just 30 miles away.
INSURANCE - My son will be driving soon, I asked my insurance company (I have a spotless record), and it'll be $5,600 a year to add him. HOWEVER, if he owns a daily drive, and the car's in my name (he ONLY uses it on weekends and "dates", it's just $1,000 a year. Think about it - you could by an OK daily for the insurance savings alone!
Last - In the first month, I lost it FOUR times... just a little to heavy on the gas, and that back end will break loose and come around on you.
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