If you all only knew what a longtime VIPER enthusiast Dan, aka, ASPMAN is you might well understand what it must have been like for him to part with his snake. Years ago, when I thought I was the only hotshot in the neighborhood with a "rare" green VIPER, I passed another green snake on the way home from work--I was crestfallen. I thought, "hell, I guess everyone has one".Dan thought the same thing. This was about the time that the now legendary Va-Md Viper club took off and Dan (aka "ASPMAN") became a huge part of that effort. It is so old we managed to get viperclub.com and Dan went on , to among other things, win the best Viper video award at the VOI in Vegas in 99--not bad for a little old East coast outfit competing with all them Cal high tech guys. Our site, thanks to Dan's talent has , from the beginning been one of the slickest around and served as a template for many others.Being a "Seinfeld" fan , I can still remember the first time I saw Dan's plate, "ASPMAN", and nearly doubled over in laughter (this was long before others made the plate fashionable) Being a longtime friend and having convoyed to many an event with Dan over the last few yrs, I was probably almost as sad as he was to see him sell his car. But, I look forward to his next snake, which I know is only around the corner. I'm sure that you all join me in wishing him a very quick recovery and return to the this group where he belongs. Good luck, ASPMAN