SnakeBit06, That sounds like a dream come true, the ONLY downside (the days you have to drive Anything else to work) bet it takes a little longer to get there & not nearly as enjoyable
. Stay Safe!

That sounds like a fun commute! What are the mpg's at that speed??
>I am no longer an active member of the H.H.-fan-club, the guy who crashed my RT/10 when in for service....![]()
for nice women, you need to go to Holland!!
Def. hook up when we go to the ring! Sometimes we organise a cannonballrun in Germany AND on occassion a tunnelrun in London or Paris. Would be nice if you can hook up with us!
Wow...Dragon, what a beautiful ride...where did you have the top done? Is it a removable top or permanent?
I'm getting ready to leave Afghanistan and my car is ready for one more drive before winter. I'll let you know when I get back to BK and we can get together and maybe we can hit Autobahn 63 great place to play. So far 176mph in my vette. If not we can always take a ride and visit Markus in Bavaria.
See you soon
Or for 3-4 hours...including pit stops
bring it over to the UK for a holiday and have for your next service here, we have a great guy fully trained by the Wizardhe's worked on dozens of vipers stock and modified
>>>If not we can always take a ride and visit Markus in Bavaria.<<<
I expect that to happen soon! And, if winter should start to cover us in white, come for skiing!
Viper Baz UKNeil,
Who is this Viper tech? I'm about to get some service done on the Viper and would love to have an experienced tech. Would love to throw a holiday in the mix as well.