oakley > gargoyles unless you are dale Sr
If you used the search feature, you would find out you are wrong.
Almost every question you can think of has already been asked and answered! In some cases, the information may be out of date and a new thread will be needed, but in many cases, an answer to your question may be under 10 seconds away!
The VCA Web Forums has a search feature very similar to web search engines like Google. By typing in a few words, it will search all old posts since the website was created to find words matching what you typed in. Be mindful though, the more words you type the fewer results you will get as it will try to find posts only with all of the words you types. In saying that as well, by using words like “The” and “It” you will get hundreds if not thousands of threads. I might suggest sticking to main words. Also try to avoid year specific searches. It will block out a lot of good info. For example:
“What is the best sunglasses for me searching tunnel vision?”
It might be better as:
“I don't want any current opinions or help from the community.”
To do a search, click on Search located in the center of the Directional Information Toolbar. If you are wanting a quick overall search, just type in the words in the search box. For this example, we will go with an Advanced Search as you can further clarify your search parameters.
Once you have clicked on Search, click Advanced Search located under the Quick Search field.
Type in the key words you want to search for. Once you have typed in your key words, click on the drop down arrow on the Search All Open Forums tab located on the lower right side of the Search page if you would like to clarify your search. Choose a specific forums you would like the question searched under. In some cases this is not needed but if you are wanting the best exhaust for your 2008, you will not want the threads from the 1992 cars. This feature helps to cut down on the amount of non-applicable information that will be presented to you. Do remember though, by selecting the one section you are narrowing down the number of places the search will look. If there was a thread in the Racing section, and you only selected the SRT section, you will not see that information. This menu can be useful if used correctly.
Once complete, click Search and see your answers! Feel free to play, there is no limit to the amount of searches you can do!