While the factory and manufacturers are generally mum when it comes to delivery delays, I think I can safely say this without violating a single confidence: With new suppliers there might sometimes be a minor hiccup, even with "common" items. Things that are
not "critical components" related to the drivetrain, braking system, fuel system, electrical, etc. But even the most minor (and easily corrected) issues have certain specs that must be met. In some cases it might call for a minor "tweak" to a component by the supplier and then "retrofitted" (noninvasively) to built cars. I suspect you will see the 2008's shipping very shortly.
Who knew fuzzy dice had to be less than 6" x 6"?
(and yes, that part is a joke - the rest is not).
PS. Be glad that Chrysler and CAAP have such excellent quality controls: Bet some of the Z06 owners wondered about theirs when their roofs flew off on the highway...