You were probably dealing with a person with something to hide. They were probably the one that talked about you when your back was turned, always started rumors, and generally your workplace is better off without them.
As well, politics is PERCEPTION. It has nothing to do, usually, with what is REALLY going on, only what someone THINKS or is being TOLD is going on. I do not drive my viper to work much for this reason. People will judge you and what they feel to be facts, whether correct or not. I have had MANY customers come to me from one of my competitors stating " I used to go there but I know they are overcharging me." I ask "why do you feel that is happening", their reply " Every time I go in there he has another brand new fancy pickup. He must be charging me too much to afford that, because I can't." Now I know that that has nothing to do with his pricing. He is just a good businessman that spends his money wisely and prefers to drive a new truck and write it off. But this is a classic example of how many in the general public come to conclusions. That is why 95% of the time ( we can't kill ALL the fun),my Viper and all the other toys I have stay at home. I drive a 1995 Buick Park Avenue to work most days that I bought from a customer when HE got a new car. So I think I am fairly safe from this unfair method of judging.
Just my 2 cents....OK matbe $1.98 worth (since it is a long post)