So I brought up the suggestion that the VCA consider option for ex-VCA members and ex-Viper owners to still join VCA. I started a thread to discuss, it was moved to members section and then I was denied ability to even see it as my membership ran out shortly afterwards. Provided a good bye as far as a member thread where the ex-member discussion came up, after a little bit of time it was actually closed by forum master. Then I received a time to join packet in the mail a month later with the "you need to own a Viper Vin to join" in bold lettering. Did it come up in the Directors Meeting as was explained to me it was going to be. I have to admit, not feeling very wanted here. Venom memberships, etc I paid my dues when I had my car. It was elitist attitude which kept me away from other brands. Seems like lately, the Viper has gone down that lane. As I explained above, sure seems like a very cold shoulder.Would be nice to know what came of this suggestion? If it was blatantly shot down, the future does not look good.