Who are the youngest people here to own a viper


Feb 18, 2009
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Don't worry what others think you should have done with your money . it always makes me laugh when people say you should or shouldn't be doing this or that with your money. You should own a home before you purchase this . You should have X amount of money put away before by this age .....Do what makes you happy.

I bought a Z06 when I was 21 , before I made a purchase of a house . At the time I had a daily driver paid for and didn't mind having a payment for a sports car before I purchased a home . I got the same grief from old men about my finances lol. Do I regret making the purchase at the time ? Not one bit ...

A few years ago I got in an accident shattered my hip, was in the hospital for 6 months at the time they weren't sure if I would walk again. I am very lucky to be alive let alone walking and ok. Point is if I had died or been put in a wheel chair for life . At least I would have had the memories of all the fun I have had up until the accident . The enjoyment I got out of my Z06.

Now I am on my second Viper at 28. My house is paid for and I have lost close to 40% ona few small investments since this economic dive. You could pretty much say I am unemployed at the moment . When the industry picks up I will have work but until then I am sitting on my hands . I was able to pay my house off just before this recession. I dont regret any financial decisions I have made . Maybe I would have invested less if I knew the way the market was gonna turn.

I want to have money put away for when I retire . But I want to enjoy the road before retirement . I know for a fact that I would regret later on in life not living along the way. Sacrificing all that I enjoy . To make my bank account bigger . Each to there own , Congrats on your Viper enjoy it no matter what anyone says . Just my 2 cents :2tu:

I agree with you 110%. People honestly have to stop worrying about others financial situations.


Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
We know what's important. We're not shallow like women.

:lmao:yeh and we don't create 5 bizzion pages of 'chicks with vipers' pics either

but you are right...I know a few shallow women, several I work with that I am like, you GOT to be kidding, he's CUTE~!


Viper Owner
Oct 29, 2008
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I always wanted a corvette before 30 because I didn't want to be just another old guy in gray hair driving a sport car. I got a 03 Viper instead of a 06+ z06 when i was 29 last year. Now I am 30.


Viper Owner
Feb 19, 2006
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Most times this question is asked, it seems to be by someone who is young and thinks they are the coolest for buying a Viper the youngest...

No kidding, so annoying! Bought my first one at 23 w/my own hard earned money. But seriously, how many of these threads can be started in a 1 year time frame...who cares how young.


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
My kids are 21 and 19 and they claim 2 of my 3--does that count?? I was 38 when I bought my first and I won't say what year--but it has been awhile.

Hmmm, let's see, you've owned each edition, so that would be 38 (age then) + 2009 (current year) - 1989 (concept car year, you bought one, right?) = 58! :D


Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
Concord, MA
I know this is kind of late, but I had to say it :)
I bought my first viper, an 04 white mamba edition less than two months ago. I am still 21. I paid up front, in cash for the car, but I had to borrow a few thousand from a family member to finish the deal.

The reason I posted this was because I just read someone's comment about financial responsibility and owning a viper at a young age. I would like to point out that for many people, owning an expensive car at any age is financially irresponsible. I see alot of people that drive $100k + cars, and are still paying them off while either renting a property, or living in a house thats less expensive than the combned value of the cars they own. This kind of spending behavior is largely the reason for our economys state IMO.


Oct 21, 2008
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Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
It could be that these guys are loooking for a pat on the back, but it could also be that some of the other threads "How old are Viper owners" could be curiousity about if they joined the Grecian Formula club, like if they bought a Corvette. Around here at least, most Viper guys are in their 30's, and most Vette guys are late 40's eatly 50's. Oh ya, and women in their 40's.;)


Viper Owner
May 19, 2009
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Okay, I'll go the other way. I bought mine at 68. My only thought is how many years will I be able to drive it.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
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Houston, TX
This thread is another successfest. How about a failurefest.

LOL! I consider myself to be a huge failure...by my own standards. When I can afford to salvage a fleet of new exotic cars because the fuel tanks went empty, I might be satisfied then. :rolaugh:


Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
Why does worrying about what someone else thinks about your financial decisions even remotely enter into your thought process when thinking about buying something. It doesn't even have to be a car. I'm a financial advisor for one of the largest companies in the world and when I have hear to heart conversations with my clients, one of the first things I tell them is to do whatever makes them the happiest...it's their money. If your goals are to have the big expensive exotic car before you buy a house then more power to you. To some people, having the thrill of a great car is more important than having the huge house and I applaud those people because they do what makes them happy and damn the people that think it's silly.

I don't plan on compromising my happiness, how about you? Especially not for some stranger that thinks they know my finances better than I do.

Just my $0.02 on this one.


Viper ACR

Mar 26, 2004
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Alberta Canada
Why does worrying about what someone else thinks about your financial decisions even remotely enter into your thought process when thinking about buying something. It doesn't even have to be a car. I'm a financial advisor for one of the largest companies in the world and when I have hear to heart conversations with my clients, one of the first things I tell them is to do whatever makes them the happiest...it's their money. If your goals are to have the big expensive exotic car before you buy a house then more power to you. To some people, having the thrill of a great car is more important than having the huge house and I applaud those people because they do what makes them happy and damn the people that think it's silly.

I don't plan on compromising my happiness, how about you? Especially not for some stranger that thinks they know my finances better than I do.

Just my $0.02 on this one.


Well said ... I agree 100%


Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Why does worrying about what someone else thinks about your financial decisions even remotely enter into your thought process when thinking about buying something. It doesn't even have to be a car. I'm a financial advisor for one of the largest companies in the world and when I have hear to heart conversations with my clients, one of the first things I tell them is to do whatever makes them the happiest...it's their money. If your goals are to have the big expensive exotic car before you buy a house then more power to you. To some people, having the thrill of a great car is more important than having the huge house and I applaud those people because they do what makes them happy and damn the people that think it's silly.

I don't plan on compromising my happiness, how about you? Especially not for some stranger that thinks they know my finances better than I do.

Just my $0.02 on this one.


100% agree. Having a big fancy house is the least of my concerns. A home is what you make it. If I was a single dude I would be living in a 60x100 metal building with a small apartment built into it, and many exotics sitting inside.


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Poconos Pennsylvania
Why does worrying about what someone else thinks about your financial decisions even remotely enter into your thought process when thinking about buying something. It doesn't even have to be a car. I'm a financial advisor for one of the largest companies in the world and when I have hear to heart conversations with my clients, one of the first things I tell them is to do whatever makes them the happiest...it's their money. If your goals are to have the big expensive exotic car before you buy a house then more power to you. To some people, having the thrill of a great car is more important than having the huge house and I applaud those people because they do what makes them happy and damn the people that think it's silly.

I don't plan on compromising my happiness, how about you? Especially not for some stranger that thinks they know my finances better than I do.

Just my $0.02 on this one.


Thank you very much im happy to see there are plenty of people who see it my way. Thanks for all the responses everyone.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Why does worrying about what someone else thinks about your financial decisions even remotely enter into your thought process when thinking about buying something. It doesn't even have to be a car. I'm a financial advisor for one of the largest companies in the world and when I have hear to heart conversations with my clients, one of the first things I tell them is to do whatever makes them the happiest...it's their money. If your goals are to have the big expensive exotic car before you buy a house then more power to you. To some people, having the thrill of a great car is more important than having the huge house and I applaud those people because they do what makes them happy and damn the people that think it's silly.

I don't plan on compromising my happiness, how about you? Especially not for some stranger that thinks they know my finances better than I do.

Just my $0.02 on this one.


Agreed. My house is an average middle income 3/2 home. If I had the choice to trade the fun of the past 10 years of tracking for a nicer home I wouldn't do it. It may have been a better financial decision to put everything into a house but it wouldn't have given me the fun and memories I have. My biggest regret is that I didn't buy a place with a huge garage.


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Ok im curious as too how young some viper owners are or are the majority of viper owners in a older age bracket. Share your ages and be proud to own a viper at a young age. Its quite the accomplishment. Hope to get some responses.

Be proud to own a Viper while young?

Let's examine this statement.

You can get a Gen I Viper now for $25,000 which is approximately the same price as a new Honda Accord, averagely equipped.

So in terms of capital expenditure, you're paying about what you would for a family sedan. Would you be proud to own a Camry?

Assuming you meant an expensive Viper, say an '09 ACR, and you were very young, 22 or younger, it would mean in 99.99% of all cases that you had rich parents. WHOOPTIE-DOO!!!!!!! Congrats on being the lucky *****.

The other 0.01% of people able to afford a new Viper on their own at that age due to some gift they had, such as being a child prodigy actor, singer, gambler, whatever, then yes, good for them! But they should, and probably would, be proud of their accomplishments that gave them the financial ability to afford a $100K sports car before getting out of college, as opposed to being proud of the car itself.

OK so now let's look at the post-college kids. You're 22 with a Bachelor's, 24 with a Master's, 26 with a Doctorate (varying on field) and are a lawyer, stockbroker, engineer, architect or some other high income earning employee. Assuming you didn't get a full ride scholarship (the vast majority of people didn't) and don't have rich parents (again, most people don't) you are now MASSIVELY in debt.

You have a well-paying job, but are $100K+ in the hole... and you buy a car that costs as much as a house? Ballsy, yes, and I would understand such a purchase, but I wouldn't label it wise, nor would it be a decision to be proud of.

Point is, being proud to own a car is a silly emotion. You didn't design it, engineer it, or build it. Those people can be proud of the car. For them, it was an accomplishment. For you, it was a purchase.

Be happy about owning a Viper. I am. But proud? Misplaced emotion. Go do something worthwhile and be proud of that.


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Agreed. My house is an average middle income 3/2 home. If I had the choice to trade the fun of the past 10 years of tracking for a nicer home I wouldn't do it. It may have been a better financial decision to put everything into a house but it wouldn't have given me the fun and memories I have. My biggest regret is that I didn't buy a place with a huge garage.

Look at it this way, Chuck. The first 3 of those last ten years, it would have been wiser to put the money in real estate. For the last 7 of those 10 years, you would have been wasting the money assuming you rode the housing boom to its bitter end, and everything you put in over the last 7 years would now be worth less than your original investment.

In our currently very odd economic scenario, you made the right choice by tracking over investing in real estate :2tu:


Viper Owner
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
Wildwood, MO
Wow. When I posted my "under age 30" comments several days ago I expected to receive some highly opinionated replies. It seems that everyone has remained civil, which is a pleasant surprise.

Also, I did not stereotype all under 30 Viper owners into the same group, if you'll re-read my entire original post. ;)


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Poconos Pennsylvania
Be proud to own a Viper while young?

Let's examine this statement.

You can get a Gen I Viper now for $25,000 which is approximately the same price as a new Honda Accord, averagely equipped.

So in terms of capital expenditure, you're paying about what you would for a family sedan. Would you be proud to own a Camry?

Assuming you meant an expensive Viper, say an '09 ACR, and you were very young, 22 or younger, it would mean in 99.99% of all cases that you had rich parents. WHOOPTIE-DOO!!!!!!! Congrats on being the lucky *****.

The other 0.01% of people able to afford a new Viper on their own at that age due to some gift they had, such as being a child prodigy actor, singer, gambler, whatever, then yes, good for them! But they should, and probably would, be proud of their accomplishments that gave them the financial ability to afford a $100K sports car before getting out of college, as opposed to being proud of the car itself.

OK so now let's look at the post-college kids. You're 22 with a Bachelor's, 24 with a Master's, 26 with a Doctorate (varying on field) and are a lawyer, stockbroker, engineer, architect or some other high income earning employee. Assuming you didn't get a full ride scholarship (the vast majority of people didn't) and don't have rich parents (again, most people don't) you are now MASSIVELY in debt.

You have a well-paying job, but are $100K+ in the hole... and you buy a car that costs as much as a house? Ballsy, yes, and I would understand such a purchase, but I wouldn't label it wise, nor would it be a decision to be proud of.

Point is, being proud to own a car is a silly emotion. You didn't design it, engineer it, or build it. Those people can be proud of the car. For them, it was an accomplishment. For you, it was a purchase.

Be happy about owning a Viper. I am. But proud? Misplaced emotion. Go do something worthwhile and be proud of that.

UNRATLD now that you have had your say the ill try to keep it short and to the point. The funny part is, is that you coulndt be more wrong. I drive heavy machinery for a big company. Never once went to collage i started my job at the low end of the totem pole a few years ago. I make more money then my parents do. I feel that owning my viper is something for me to be prouud of considering everything i went through to get one. I have been in and out of jail a few times due to some mistakes i have made in the past. For a few years i bounced around from job to job and house to house living in friends basements. All because of my own stupidity. Ive gone from being dirt poor and having nothing. To getting my head on straight and changing my life. For a long time even my own family gave up on me and did not talk to me. So because of all that and then some im proud of the 4 cars i own, the roof i have over my head, and the job that pays me big bucks. So sorry if it seems like a have silly emotions but maybe you and a few others are the silly ones for judging other people and worrying about others finances. :lmao:


Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Agreed. My house is an average middle income 3/2 home. If I had the choice to trade the fun of the past 10 years of tracking for a nicer home I wouldn't do it. It may have been a better financial decision to put everything into a house but it wouldn't have given me the fun and memories I have. My biggest regret is that I didn't buy a place with a huge garage.

Same here, a lot of people who know me, when they first see my modest middle income house, comment that they expected something different. My response usually is "I have 4 empty bedrooms as it is, how many do you think I need?" To me, a big house is more silly than nice cars. You can at least drive a car. In my experience, more people buy a nice big house to impress other people, than people who buy nice cars.


My dreamhome is a 4000 square foot garage with an attached bedroom.:D

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Look at it this way, Chuck. The first 3 of those last ten years, it would have been wiser to put the money in real estate. For the last 7 of those 10 years, you would have been wasting the money assuming you rode the housing boom to its bitter end, and everything you put in over the last 7 years would now be worth less than your original investment.

In our currently very odd economic scenario, you made the right choice by tracking over investing in real estate :2tu:

I hear ya. I'm having difficult financial times like so many others but I told my brother last night, "If the man upstairs pulled my ticket tomorrow I still had a lot of fun."


Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
I just turned 30 and I live in a Condo, and have 3 cars including a Viper. I guess I got my priorities straight. :headbang:

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