I am sorry if I got carried away, with the induendoes . The facts are, I have no idea what Gary A runs with his supercharger set-up if he runs anything extra at all.
I was frustrated after driving over 2,800 miles (including trip to Orlando) to an all Mod 2 National Viper Event. The Ohio VCA rolled out the red carpet, for an outstanding event. This event had all the other players signed up and said they were comming that is why I drove across the United States to go to this event.
There is a differnce between the real world and the text book world. The real world is MPH and ET's. The textbook world or lab conditions are dyno sheets. Dyno sheets are a nice thing to have, to see what kind of HP your car is making. The real world is driving your car down the track and producing MPH and ET's.
David Boggs backes up DLM dynos numbers by going to the track and producing low ET's and high MPH's. He also does this by having the whole viper community inspect his car prior to runs as well as after.
I have proven just one of Larry Macedo motor building capabilities... of having the fastest and quickest Roe supercharger.
I run at a slight disadvantage because I have no intercooler. I tried to narrow the gap, by installing a carbon dioxide - cryogenic intercooler (this was not Larry Macedo's idea). This was a real peice of craap, it didnt work. My car dyno has 689 RWHP, then we dynoed the car at Dynotec in Ohio. The car dynoed with 50 RWHP less.
Paolo Castellano backs Heffners #'s by running 1 mile races. When we are running mod 2 there is restrictions within our class, without veracation no one knows whether your running within our class rules... supercharger only or nitrous only. I have always at every event had my car out in the open with hood open and windows down for anyone to see or take pictures of my set up.
I am into drag racing people not a video tape as well as many others. I have spent thousands of dallars, drove thousands of miles, and taken time away from my family and from my business to race cars within my class. If I insulted anyone or implied any inaccurute information ...... I was wrong. Let us post and run times that leave no doubt in the Viper comminities eyes as to the authenticity of our imformation.
I was frustrated after driving over 2,800 miles (including trip to Orlando) to an all Mod 2 National Viper Event. The Ohio VCA rolled out the red carpet, for an outstanding event. This event had all the other players signed up and said they were comming that is why I drove across the United States to go to this event.
There is a differnce between the real world and the text book world. The real world is MPH and ET's. The textbook world or lab conditions are dyno sheets. Dyno sheets are a nice thing to have, to see what kind of HP your car is making. The real world is driving your car down the track and producing MPH and ET's.
David Boggs backes up DLM dynos numbers by going to the track and producing low ET's and high MPH's. He also does this by having the whole viper community inspect his car prior to runs as well as after.
I have proven just one of Larry Macedo motor building capabilities... of having the fastest and quickest Roe supercharger.
I run at a slight disadvantage because I have no intercooler. I tried to narrow the gap, by installing a carbon dioxide - cryogenic intercooler (this was not Larry Macedo's idea). This was a real peice of craap, it didnt work. My car dyno has 689 RWHP, then we dynoed the car at Dynotec in Ohio. The car dynoed with 50 RWHP less.
Paolo Castellano backs Heffners #'s by running 1 mile races. When we are running mod 2 there is restrictions within our class, without veracation no one knows whether your running within our class rules... supercharger only or nitrous only. I have always at every event had my car out in the open with hood open and windows down for anyone to see or take pictures of my set up.
I am into drag racing people not a video tape as well as many others. I have spent thousands of dallars, drove thousands of miles, and taken time away from my family and from my business to race cars within my class. If I insulted anyone or implied any inaccurute information ...... I was wrong. Let us post and run times that leave no doubt in the Viper comminities eyes as to the authenticity of our imformation.