Why so many enthusiasts who own Vipers and not VCA members ?

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Feb 15, 2008
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dave, buddy :eater:

i've read this entire thread :eater:

and now know for sure that :eater:

being a member keeps one from stupidity is all things viper :omg:


Jul 29, 2010
Reaction score
And that's how the fight started...lol!

Dave - let's both try to keep things positive from now on... :fingersx:

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend. :usa:
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Viper Owner
Sep 5, 2008
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Been a pet peeve of mine since I joined. In reality, other than the magazine, there's really not much else a member gets that a non-member doesn't have access. Yes I know members can post classifieds....haven't done a one since I've joined as I am sure most members haven't. No limits for non members on posting anything and almost full access. They don't see a real reason to join.


Oct 2, 2004
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I really don't see a big deal here at all. Join if you want too, and don't if it's not in your budget or just don't see the benefit. I totally get it, and just because a guy or gal doesn't join really doesn't mean anything to me. It's all good, enjoy your weekend and honor those that have given their lives for us this weekend.:usa:


Nov 4, 2007
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Near Peoria, IL
I really don't see a big deal here at all. Join if you want too, and don't if it's not in your budget or just don't see the benefit. I totally get it, and just because a guy or gal doesn't join really doesn't mean anything to me. It's all good, enjoy your weekend and honor those that have given their lives for us this weekend.:usa:

And that, my friends, says it all. This thread should now be over and done with.


Aug 8, 2009
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Northern Virginia
Not only can I post in the forum but I also met Ralph and got him to sign my GTS. Oh, and I got to see the 2013 in person.

Can you believe they let an ENTHUSIAST do all that? What has the club come to??

<--- Venom member (which Mr. Exclusivity didn't step up to) from the time I got my Viper until I forgot to renew.

Gotvenom 08

Might get bombarded by enthusiasts on this one but, I shouldnt have to as I am a member and can voice my opinion as I have payed my way in to do so...
I've noticed alot of people on here with enthusiast titles and own Vipers. Some even have more than one.

Why are you people not joining the club? It is spelled YOUSE PEOPLE from my part of the country.:smirk:That being said,I think it all started when a certain woman bit an apple many many many years ago! I could be wrong but that is my thoughts on that. The dynamics all changed from that day for sure!!

I also noticed that the VCA members only forum has less chatt and threads there than the open forums to all (including enthusiasts). The form now should be the members only section and there should be a section that titles itself for enthusiasts only. Not memebers only.

IMO, I think the VCA should only allow non members to read threads but not be able to post or respond to them.

If you want to put your .02 cents in then you should have to put your money where your mouth is no ?!! :headbang:

If this is a club site, should you not have to pay to play ? Sounds like the casino concept ??:rolleyes:


Oct 3, 2009
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Yes, as if there wasn't enough Viper tax already, make us pay to post on a Viper forum... great idea... :rolleyes:


Nov 21, 2010
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I echo a lot of what my fellow Viper-owning "enthusiast" brethren have already said. I let my Venom membership expire, but in that time I've noticed a disturbing trend which the OP quite nicely proved. As an "enthusiast" I've been the victim of a lot of assumptions from members that I frankly didn't expect. I absolutely love the VCA and had a long talk with AbsolutHank (Ryan) about it over the weekend...that is, how much we love the Viper club and the community. Sadly though, the one element I am not so proud of is this weird pushing and strong-arming I've been seeing to get people to join. I mean come on guys. I know you might not be marketing executives, but these tactics don't really work in a social media world (which is what a forum is). I think having restrictions on the local forum postings make sense. But in practice it just means that the local people miss out on stuff. Instead I just email them all. :)

People will pay for the membership if they see value in it. Weirdly though all of the efforts to FORCE me into paying actually have the opposite effect. If you made the VCA a member-only forum then you'd just have a lot less participation. And quickly an open use forum would be created (to fill the gap between the VCA and VA). Again, I love the VCA. I love the participation. But you can't beg or strong arm for money. You have to have a product of value. If you aren't making enough money, then you need to change your approach and making the forum member-only won't get you there.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
I also didn't agree with some site policies

Site policies are also what keeps me questioning renewing every year. Foremost is the site approval of a flamboyant social-political agenda blatantly displayed on one particular VCA president's avatar.

GTS Dean

Jul 22, 2000
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New Braunfels, Texas
Thats fine...but, that still does not justy why they should be allowed to join in on our members privilages. If they love this forum so much and they love to chatt up Viper style, then they should have to pay for it like we do.
Support your VCA members and Car by "donating " the money more than expecting it to make you money back. That is not what joining a club is about, Its about being part of a brotherhood. Outsiders need not apply thanks

IMO anyway
How could a person who has owned a Viper for 19 years possibly argue with that logic?


Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Near Peoria, IL
Just for kicks I typed "drivel" on a Word document and then right clicked to get synonyms, and "idiocy" was listed, so I guess we are on the same page! :)


Jul 18, 2011
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I was surprised by the response I got from the "track" crowd as well. "Treesnake" on this forum gave me holy hell because I posted a thread asking if there was a video section on this forum, and if there wasn't, I thought it would be a good addition to the site for those of us who like to share video's of our Vipers. He proceeded to tell me how I had no right to offer my opinion about the website since I am an "enthusiast". I was a Venom member my first year and didn't get much out of it (to no ones fault but my own as SteveIndy and the other guys in my region are extremely active). I just didn't feel like spending my money on a membership this year. 95% of the members on this forum are exceptional people, there are the 5% like "Treesnake" that seem to do everything in their power to push "enthusiasts" away.


Viper Owner
Jan 4, 2008
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I agree with the OP. All of you should sign up and be proud members and wear your badges everywhere you go so you can feel more important about yourself. After all, you are Viper owners. You deserve all the accolades and attention that comes with a membership. Ego stroking does wonders for your sex life. It's like a year long blue pill. Wake up folks! It's time to get a *******.


Viper Owner
Jul 23, 2008
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First of all, I have no idea why this thread is in the RT/10 section. This clearly belongs in Board and Site Suggestions/Questions.

Secondly.. I really want to participate in the viper online communities. I'm a younger, more tech-savvy person and know that online communities and social networking ARE the present, and future.

This community just seems so completely ass backwards. I'd like to try and offer my suggestions but am so completely out numbered by those that appreciate the archaic format of this club, I feel there's no point.

It's a real shame that this club is so exclusive instead of trying to be more inclusive. There are so few viper owners, and even fewer viper owners that actually wish to participate in an online community. This forum is a clear example of how small this community is:
Threads : 130,493, Posts : 1,476,929, Members : 12,747, Active Members : 1,844

You'd think with such a small member base, they'd be more open to getting those that simply love vipers to those that own and do not wish to be a part of the VCA to participate in this forum.

If this forum is to be a VCA Member only club, then you can certainly count me out.

The corvette guys really have it made.
- Huge online community
- Unrestricted forum access on corvetteforum.com
- Insanely huge aftermarket
- Widely available mod/build/setup information available to the public

As a track rat, one of the most difficult things I have is finding proven setup information for my Viper. What I learned at the recent NARRA event is that most viper track rats simply do not participate in the online forum. They're older folks that have already established their group of racers that can share info with each other outside of this forum.

Yet, here I am, again a younger tech-savvy individual that tracks his Viper regularly, willing to share information, and I am pushed away because I have no interest in becoming a VCA member.

Oh well.


Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
.....Yet, here I am, again a younger tech-savvy individual that tracks his Viper regularly, willing to share information, and I am pushed away because I have no interest in becoming a VCA member.

Oh well.

hey magnus, op is the minority view (i hope)

hang around at least until we find out if it is the authoritative view


and btw, i learned from your post



Viper Owner
Apr 3, 2011
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I am fairly new here so i won't ruffle anyone's feathers. I agree with the choice to pay and be a member or not to pay, but still be active on here. I am a car guy and own a viper, but i also own other vehicles. I am on other forums as well, Truck/bike etc and never have to pay to chat. But i do understand the cost of running a site like this so i understand a member ship fee. But to MAKE people pay is ridiculous and you would do more harm then good if you ever tried to enforce this. You would loose so many good people that contribute on here that it would really hurt this great forum.
On the other hand I wouldn't have a problem paying the $125 a year if I was going to get my moneys worth. Or if it was a bit cheaper i would have already paid just to help this great forum out. I have got lots of great info from here and this info helped me when I bought my car.
I don't go to events although I would like to but i can't seem to find any close enough (with in 4 hours) to me. I guess I could cross the boarder and go the Motor City Club.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you make it worth it more people would join I think. That's why some people don't renew there membership, it's because they feel they are not getting anything back in return.
This is just my 2 cents. And I hope nothing here changes as far as us not being able to post on here. I am on here regularly and really enjoy this forum and its members. I would love to get the chance to meet some of you. And then maybe be a member one day.

And to the OP, :nono: I can't believe you actually started this post. But good for you for having the balls to write what's on your mind. Not that I agree with you, but I can respect your honesty. And now we see here you stand.


Jan 23, 2012
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I have to say....this has so far been a laugh. I have been reading all of the posts and, if all of you have as well, you will notice most, I repeat, most of the comments made that have been ****** and disruptive have been by "Enthusiasts". Douchiest..lol...lol..:lmao: you made me laugh so hard I nearly spilled my coffee reading your short thoughful answer to this. You must have thought it through very careful as I did mispelling member. It looks like it must have taken you alot to figure that out. Also some of the other posts with, "I must have owned a vette before" and "I don't know what i am talking about" and Blah blah blah!! Lol:lmao:

First off,
You all answered my question by making sense of the fact that you all would love to stay and share information on here and chatt and experience all the fun things that go along with being part of this "quote"let me say "quote" VCA site, Yes VCA site. Do you know how the VCA site stays active?. With sponsors,yes, as one comment was made, but, also with your paid memberships that contribute to keeping the VCA alive and active on this site. Otherwise there would be no site. No track days, no events, no nothing. I have always truly believed Clubs were as they are called and defined.......here is one definition.....

An organization composed of people who voluntarily meet on a regular basis for a mutual purpose other than educational, religious, charitable, or financial pursuits. A club is any kind of group that has members who meet for a social, literary, or political purpose, such as health clubs, country clubs, book clubs, and women's associations. The term club is not a legal term per se, but a group that organizes itself as a club must comply with any laws governing its organization and otherwise be cognizant of the legal ramifications in undertaking to organize itself in this manner.

Various types of clubs exist. An incorporated members' club is composed of a group of individuals who each contribute to the club's funds, which are used to pay the expenses of conducting the society. An unincorporated proprietary club is one whose proprietor owns the property and funds and conducts the club to attempt to make a profit. The members are entitled to use the premises and property in exchange for the payment of entrance fees and subscriptions to the proprietor as well as any additional rights and privileges provided in their contractual agreement.

So, that might answer some of your questions and "******" type answers that were given. If you choose not to follow the defines of a club, as I have highlighted above,and unincorporated club, then you wish to use it's premises and events to better facilitate your selfish needs and wants for free. All you negative fed posters, come on out to the VCA events and have fun with all of us payed members that made those events possible. Use the forum to benefit your DIY projects and use us members to pay for items or equipment as "freinds" that we are right, to help one another.

I understand the concept of a forum and its entirety. I understand there are free Viper websites that we can all frequent instead of this one if it is a paid site. Those sites, as I have seen and heard , are in no way, shape or form, as inclusive in information or attendance as is the VCA site. I didnt say for it to become a paid only site. I said for there to be separate sections for non paid members and paid members. Memebership does have its privilages no? Read the posts carefully and don't just answer by reading the last posted comments or your favourite buddies commments and join in on the bashing without consulting with the guy upstairs in your head. Think things through and have an open mind before making comments. I also appreciate chatt with Enthusiasts as we are all Viper owners and have alot to share with each other. Its just not right IMO, I said IMO, that you have all the total rights to everything we have without the cost. You enthusiasts thinks thats fair? Do you !!? Comon. Thats a joke. You want us members to pay for and support the VCA while you guys reap the same benifits year after year. You think that is how the VCA will stay afloat and be one of the best clubs around. You need to rethink it through. It's like we all say every now and then. AHHH, if I dont give in to support the unfortunate, someone else will and so it will live on. Its like those adds we see on TV of the animals that suffer and we just trun the channel so as to not watch it as it hurts so to do so. But, we dont support, because we think , Oh well, someone will and does. If we all thought like that, there would be nothing.
Again, I repeat that its too funny most of the negative, and, mostly, disruptive comments came from the enthusiasts as I had percieved on my first line of my post. The bait was lured and bitten. Too funny. The member commments had negative feedback as well but with structure and constructive criticism. No destructive criticism.

Support your local VCA chapter and support the VCA and all it has to offer. As most have said. Some joined for the discounts and some joined for the chatt and events . Either way those are made possible by the VCA and the paid members and sponsors. Not by non paying individuals. The club you frequent and enjoy but don't choose to support because, oh well, someone else is.

Now that, " Georgethedog", is and should be the end of this post! Not where you left off. I like the comment about following every thread I open and commenting on all of them by another member, was that you Austin..lol..too funny dude. ******?!! Ya ok. I would take that as an insult but since your not a member, oh well, ill take it with a grain of salt. As I will for the rest of the Enthusiasts comments that were ****** and self centered. This was a IMO post and by no means was meant to be negative in proportion. I guess you cant get through to everyone and everyone sees it in different aspects. No worries mates. I am a paid member and can commment and add my opinion in any way or form I wish . Its just unfortunate that non members should even have a say in what I think of the VCA. Post your opinions on the free sites and I will check there.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
There are a few reasons i see people not wanting to join as a new Viper owner, but joining has a lot more benefits than not being a member. A membership can pay for itself with one purchase from a VCA vendor or event that is VCA sponsored.

reasons i see for not joining(again just my opinion):

1. Too far removed from local events
2. New to VCA and first want to view the site
3. Bad experieince with a member, thread or vendor
4. Just not a club person
5. Enjoy the perks of non-membership

I however encourage membership it makes our organization stronger, financially sound and well rounded.


Notable comment thanks

2. New to VCA and first want to view the site ( im talking about the year after year enthusiasts that have had no reason to join)
4. Just not a club person (their on here are they not,this is a club site)
5. Enjoy the perks of non-membership ( thats the problem why #4 is true)


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Arrogance at it's finest.

Im arrogant ?...lol..coming from an enthusiast with 14,000 posts and reaping the benefits and information that goes along wtih being part of the VCA.....its just that,,,,A VCA site,,C stand for club....are you part of the club?...if you say yes...how?...how are you part of it..oh.
I see, a free part of it, just reap the benefits that we paid members provide for you. And Im arrogant....lol...too funny pal
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