PCM strategy for optimum driveability, WOT A/C cut out. All cars do this. Typically TPS at greater than 80%, PCM disables compressor clutch to reduce parasitic load on the engine.------Assumes your trying to pass a truck or something, so to allow all engine power available to drive the wheels instead of the compressor also. (to help you get around that truck safely) I don't think that Vipers really need this to happen, probably something mandated by 'big brother' I guess. (little 4-cyl cars need this) ---in a big way, the a/c uses half the power in a honda
Again, PCM strategy, so those of us with aftermarket tune may not have this issue? It would depend on if that is one of the parameters selected to be changed by the programming guy or not. If it can even be over-ridden. I have SCT (roe), never paid attention to WOT a/c function, as I'm kinda busy whem my foot's in the kitchen! --hope that explains it well enough. -Allan