WILBER SHOCKS- Anyone use them?


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I can second the new MCS "street" design. Put a set on my 04 several months back when I got the impression my stockers were not up to par. The car would get really darty after hitting a bump and dance all over the place. Stock shocks didn't appear to be damaged that I could tell (they were all pretty dirty, but didn't necessarily look like they were leaking). The MCS single adjustable setup definitely makes the car feel more stable. I wouldn't exactly call it a "comfortable" ride in all scenarios, but it's a sports car, so I never really expected that. Real sharp bumps, like where two pieces of pavement meet up at a bridge and aren't level, give me a pretty good jar from time to time, but the car doesn't get upset by them. It handles them very well, but it definitely wakes you up and makes you wish you didn't hit them. Unfortunately there's one on my way home every day I can't really avoid...