Will the \'gills\' hold paint?
I was thinking about how to improve the gill area on my SRT-10. My first thought was the fading black decal like on the silver car seen here a while back. I haven't seen this on a red car yet, so I thought about alternatives. What would the gills look like in red? That area looks great from the rear 3/4 view when the light (shadow) hits it right. It's almost invisible from the front 3/4, unlike the GTS design. I kinda like the dark idea, but was curious if the gills would hold paint. I think they are ABS plastic and would hate to paint them only to have them start chipping and cracking due to the heat in this area. Another idea was 3 Testarossa like gills (don't laugh yet!) extending out from each fin, 1/2 way up the door. Hey, I think 'outside' the cubicle!
I was thinking about how to improve the gill area on my SRT-10. My first thought was the fading black decal like on the silver car seen here a while back. I haven't seen this on a red car yet, so I thought about alternatives. What would the gills look like in red? That area looks great from the rear 3/4 view when the light (shadow) hits it right. It's almost invisible from the front 3/4, unlike the GTS design. I kinda like the dark idea, but was curious if the gills would hold paint. I think they are ABS plastic and would hate to paint them only to have them start chipping and cracking due to the heat in this area. Another idea was 3 Testarossa like gills (don't laugh yet!) extending out from each fin, 1/2 way up the door. Hey, I think 'outside' the cubicle!