It's not going to be canceled. the point is to not have the attendance be significantly LOWER than previous years as that signals lack of interest by the customer base. ......A large enthusiastic Viper loving group who interact with the new management, and there are numerous opportunites for that will impress the heck out of the new execs. I watched it happen with the Germans at the VOI mentioned above. ......
I remember Wolfgang Bernhard (COO at the time) telling the banquet audience " I used to run AMG and I thought those owners were crazy, but compared to you guys are absolutely fanatical!!. And we are, but if we don't show up............ And you do NOT need your Viper there, just fly in and ride with someone, there will be a ton of empty right seats and tons of factory Vipers and other stuff to drive as mentioned elsewhere.
1) It AINT Gonna Be cancelled.....Dodge has over $1mil in VOI and BellIsle GP. I bet the room block and conference block is another quarter-mil.
2) It AINT gonna be wimpy is looking like 75% of the BIGGEST VOI, and GROWING. It may be a bit SMALLER than the biggest, but it is gonna be as ENTHUSIASTIC.
3) Dont Miss VOI for room/car budget! Somone should post a "VOI-SHARE" thread........ like a Room-Pool. If you dont wanna pay $239/night +taxes, use this site to find a weekend roomie at MGM.. The standard double-double rooms at MGM grand are GREAT! Impressive. With a roomie, each of you saves $480+ on 4 nights ...and you get a friend who shares your (Viper) passion!
Confession: In the earliest days of VCA I let 3 different guys -once even even Jay Herbert- be my roomie at different VCA events 'cause I could stay cheap (travel biz.) Fiona turned me down you see. Twice. [.
j/k FM....]
There is no embarassment in NOT wanting to spend $ on a big bucks hotel when you have other priorties. Find a less fancy hotel close to MGM or Motor City for half, and BE THERE at VOI. Or find a MGM roomie on here, and buy earplugs for $2 (Earplugs will be free at Belle Isle!).
Attn Motor City VCA: Anyone got a spare room for a VIPER OWNER on a budget ??? Motor City guys dont relish paying VOI prices for what their local VCA sees free...but maybe you take a 'boarder-car-pooler' for $400 and fund your own VOI registration in part ! The result? TWO MORE ENTRIES...and maybe a new friend.
4) This might not be the the last of the VIPER, but it could well be Ten & Out on VOIs. Be there for the
Perfect Ten:
The Homecoming. There are still a couple $100 PartsRack Halo Bucks certifs avail.....