Advice I received for winter storage from Viper techie at dealer:
1. Pump the tires up to 40/45 (prevents flat spots later)
2. Change oil and filter
3. Fill gas tank - prevents condensation
4. Detail the car
5. Put cardboard or cloth between windshield and wiper blades
6. Cover the car (available from Dodge)
7. Uncover and start the car weekly, warming up to operating temp. Make sure you have ventilation.
8. Back it up a car length or so - run through the gears a couple of times.
9. Return, park and re-cover.
I will be storing mine (2008 SRT10) in my unheated garage so will be careful not to start the car if temp is 0 F or lower. Major warning in my Owners Manual that firing it up at those temps could result in scuffing. I'm not sure if that's an issue with the earlier V10s.