Would you trade your Viper and cash for a Ford GT?


Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
Colorado High Country
I would never pay Ferrari/Lambo money for a Ford...sorry, no. I would trade my GTS for a 360/430 or a Gallardo, as far as modern cars go in this price range, that's about it.


Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
I would never pay Ferrari/Lambo money for a Ford...sorry, no. I would trade my GTS for a 360/430 or a Gallardo, as far as modern cars go in this price range, that's about it.

You missed the point, I was trying to show a difference between products and price. I have had a Murci and would never own a Ferrari. I'm sorry if I didn't clarify my intent! I currently own a Porsche GT3 and would never trade it for a Gallardo even if you told me I could do it for even money, I love the Porsche!!


Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
On a similar note, I've had Ford and Chevy owners tell me my Viper is just a Dodge. :rolleyes:

And that's just as dumb too! Last year I had a ACR on order and an opportunity came up to buy a new 2008 Murcielago came up so I traded my Ford GT and bought the Murci, at the end of the day I should have kept the Ford and waited for the ACR. Product name means crap if the product is not good! For all the good the Murci was their was a lot of bad especially considering the price point. Now I own the GT3 and it's undoubtedly the best car I've ever owned! I will also own another Viper in the near future because I love their prowess, but the FGT is a better engineered and all around car!


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
On a similar note, I've had Ford and Chevy owners tell me my Viper is just a Dodge. :rolleyes:
VERY VERY TRUE as a buddy of mine owns a few new FERRARIS and is heavily invovled in the Ferrari Club NJ Chapter.To him and his club members a Viper was ,is and forever will be a plastic Dodge no matter how fast it goes around the Ring ect.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
And that's just as dumb too! Last year I had a ACR on order and an opportunity came up to buy a new 2008 Murcielago came up so I traded my Ford GT and bought the Murci, at the end of the day I should have kept the Ford and waited for the ACR. Product name means crap if the product is not good! For all the good the Murci was their was a lot of bad especially considering the price point. Now I own the GT3 and it's undoubtedly the best car I've ever owned! I will also own another Viper in the near future because I love their prowess, but the FGT is a better engineered and all around car!
I was lucky enough to be present when John Coletti gave the guys at Muscle Mustang And Fast Ford a protype FGT to strret and drag test at Englishtown (test how different boost levels ,air fuel spark would effect quarter mile performance )and that car was something else.


Aug 1, 2009
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NW Jersey
It seems to be pretty divided... Can you add or start a poll on this forum ?

The fact that this is a Viper forum and it's so divided seems to give the edge to the GT.

I'm not a big fan of the engine in the GT...essentially the same as the original GT500 engine and less powerful than the current GT500 I believe and not a V10 or V12.

The mid-engine design and the rarity of the GT along with world class performance and stunning good looks put this car in very exclusive company. Nobody will ever debate whether or not the GT is an exotic car.

The resale values of the GT vs the Viper speaks volumes to the GT's big edge in the General desirability category. What any one individual would trade, buy or sell is strictly personal preference factored with economics. In my cae I'll stick with a Viper and lust for a GT knowing what the difference in price would likely be.


Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
N. E., Fl.
Obviously asking this question on a Viper forum, I expected most people here wouldn't trade given the cash difference. (The cash diff on my 08 2500 mile totally loaded and pristine coupe vs the 05 FGT with 5000 miles was $75k plus tax.) I'm betting that most people would trade if it was an even trade.


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Well, Ford fans will always have blue running through the veins, Chevy fans will always have heartbeats and Dodge fans will always grab life by the horns. Brand Loyalty! In the end, I love my Viper Coupe, but have been a Ford fan and owner all my life. Still own a few and raised on them. It has a lot to do with your upbringing.

As a car guy, I love cars whether they are the right model Viper, Mustang, Corvette, FGT, Ferrari, Lambo, etc. Certain models evoke certain feelings. Having driven (not owned) a newer Ford GT (maybe with my Ford upbringing) it was the perfect car for me, but the cost, argh will keep it out of reach for a while. There is no doubting that it will be a car of value and prestige for many years, which is always a comforting thing. It is truly a special machine that deserves respect.

The Viper is also special and something I wanted for many years so the feelings it evokes for me are hard to replace with any model. Took me a while to fall in love with the Viper beyond the looks which drew me in from the beginning, but I feel very comfortable with it. The overall ride however, well pretty harsh but it is what it is.

But enough about me, if you have the money, and more so the passionate feeling the FGT gives you, than you will be crazy to not trade + cash for the deal you have on the plate. It is not like you will lose money on the FGT if you end up not liking it. Sell it for what you paid for it and buy back another new Viper. Either way you win.

The deal you have laid out is not a horrible deal, but with the present market and your cars considered (though maybe the FGT does not have the Big 4 Options), mileage, etc. it would seem as though the cash part of the deal is $5,000 to $10,000 heavy. If you have $75,000 than more than likely you can easily justify this deal on cost very easy. Your Viper will easily depreciate $10,000 more by this time next year, while the FGT will be the same at a worse case. There you go!

Comes down to whether you really want a FGT or a Viper right now. Deal seems fair, so I would do it if I had another $75K laying around. As others have said, the FGT is a totally different car and quite amazing to drive (or was when I drove one). Despite what others have said, it HAS earned the respect of the exotic car community as is evident by nothing but great reviews world-wide and a truly amazing resale value or appreciation value. It is the real thing and here to stay. Easy choice if you have the cash.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ive got to disagree....

Magazine test pitted the gen3 viper and fgt against each other and the srt10 gen3 won the race...

The doors have been a big problem....As well as recalls with ford offering band aid fixes instead of replaceing everything that needed replaceing...

The car looks great from some angles and looks pretty crappy from some others...The pic of the white with blue stripes is a great example of how the car can look...that isnt nice...At all..No offense to the owner as I am simply talking about the angle..Im sure from the profile it looks nearly as nice as the black one...

In short the car has kept it's value simply because they didnt make many...

Imagine if 2002 was the last year of the Viper and then for 2010 dodge announced that they were building 500 Vipers with 600 HP and these cars would beat everything at the ring and they had vids to prove it..

Those cars would all sell for 100K plus and then as well never really depreciate....Nonthing anymore great about them compared to what we have in real life....Other than the fact that it would be a one year oly 500 run..

My friend recently sold his 2005 nsx with 12K miles for 70K.....By todays standards their is nonthing special about a 2005 nsx....But they dont make them anymore and only made like 6000 in that newer model from 2002-2005...

So since they didnt make many and no longer make them his 2005 nsx with 290 hp and an interior desighned back in 1991 is worth just as much as a 600 hp 2008 Viper????

The ford GT is a KOOL CAR....But if they continued makeing them and you could go order a 2010 right now then youd be able to pick up a 2004 or 2005 for 90K right now


May 26, 2002
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
I wouldn't trade my Gen II but am seriously considering buying a FGT. Since it was not possible to buy extended warranties on these cars from Ford, I'm wondering how expensive are these cars to maintain? Also I would assume that not every Ford mechanic can work on these cars.


Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ive got to disagree....

Magazine test pitted the gen3 viper and fgt against each other and the srt10 gen3 won the race...

What race, 1/4 mile/0-60/road course-define race!

The doors have been a big problem....As well as recalls with ford offering band aid fixes instead of replaceing everything that needed replaceing...

I owned one for three years and the doors were never a problem nor to my knowledge are they! The only warranty issue I had was a axle seal bolt issue which was campaigned voluntarily by Ford.

The car looks great from some angles and looks pretty crappy from some others...The pic of the white with blue stripes is a great example of how the car can look...that isnt nice...At all..No offense to the owner as I am simply talking about the angle..Im sure from the profile it looks nearly as nice as the black one...

Their is no angle that a GT looks crappy from, you would be in a huge minority on that one I'm sure.

In short the car has kept it's value simply because they didnt make many...

They only made about 300 1992 Vipers and they aren't worth squat, or more recently they made only 100 2006 VOI car and they can be had for 50-55% of sticker and they are only 3 years old.

Imagine if 2002 was the last year of the Viper and then for 2010 dodge announced that they were building 500 Vipers with 600 HP and these cars would beat everything at the ring and they had vids to prove it..

Those cars would all sell for 100K plus and then as well never really depreciate....Nonthing anymore great about them compared to what we have in real life....Other than the fact that it would be a one year oly 500 run..

ACR's are being given away already by dealers, why do you think their are about 25 on ebay?

My friend recently sold his 2005 nsx with 12K miles for 70K.....By todays standards their is nonthing special about a 2005 nsx....But they dont make them anymore and only made like 6000 in that newer model from 2002-2005...

He either caught someone sleeping or a collector wanted the car, I'm an Acura dealer and that car is worth in the 50's.

So since they didnt make many and no longer make them his 2005 nsx with 290 hp and an interior desighned back in 1991 is worth just as much as a 600 hp 2008 Viper????

The ford GT is a KOOL CAR....But if they continued makeing them and you could go order a 2010 right now then youd be able to pick up a 2004 or 2005 for 90K right now

Supply and demand always does play a part but the fact is they built only 4000 GT's in 2 years and most of the sold for list or over, a 2009 ACR that is 60k less is being discouted 6-8k and they only built about 300.

I'm not Viper bashing, I've owned my share of them but it's no contest in every category, the FGT wins hands down.


Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
No, I would not trade...not on an even deal. I like Fords, and I love the FGT, and I would have both...but if I had to have only one, it would be a Viper coupe. This is not an investment for me...just want the car I love and can drive every day. :drive:


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Right now depending upon color and mileage IF one was to shop the hell out of a FORD GT they probably could get a really nice car in the low 120S range .(All in all IF its kept right ect that car will probably NEVER go under 100 grand ).The above being said lows 120s plus tax is STILL a ton of MONEY TO PAY FOR A TOY IN TODAYS ECOMONY..You also have to define the kept right on resale ect (keep the mileage down ,no paintwork ect )


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Supply and demand always does play a part but the fact is they built only 4000 GT's in 2 years and most of the sold for list or over, a 2009 ACR that is 60k less is being discouted 6-8k and they only built about 300.

I'm not Viper bashing, I've owned my share of them but it's no contest in every category, the FGT wins hands down.
Great points percentage wise ABSOLUTELY no way in the world a Viper can compete with a FGT (DEPRECIATION WISE )as there are simply too many of them out there- but there is just something about laying out that kind of money on such a limited use item.A lot of my Ferrari buddys who paid 6 figure plus for their cars only a few years ago are hating life for holding up that much capital in a car (you NEVER know when you will need the money and when you do it always seems harder to sell )


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
It seems that an opinion was asked for and yet we have quite a few GT guys that refuse to accept that anyone would want a Viper over a GT.

I like the GT as second to my GTS. I have a supercharged GTS with tons of mods and built for driving. My wife wouldn't allow me to throw her suitcase outside and two it with a string, so the Ford GT would need a Hemi to tow it and carry the suitcase. Guess noe one could drive it?

Of course if someone just wanted to park it the GT might be just as nice as a GTS, unless there was no roof over the GT and it was raining.

The engineering of the Ford GT wasn't good enough to pass safety tests and that's why they quit building them. It was too expensive to re-engineer and redesign the entire car for side impact.


Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Well, Ford fans will always have blue running through the veins, Chevy fans will always have heartbeats and Dodge fans will always grab life by the horns. Brand Loyalty!

It's not always about brand loyalty. Some of us are about cubic inch loyalty. If Dodge ever downsizes the Viper motor and Ford or GM step up with some big monster I will most likely turn. That's really my only complaint about the FGT is the puny little motor.


Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
No. But I would'nt mind having one as well as a viper if I could.

If it were still in production and didn't have the rarity factor no one would even consider it. Viper way outclassed it in it's day.


Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Lee Summit Mo.
I would trade my Viper and 1/2 my extended family for a Ford GT although having both would be ideal,
there is not a Ferrari,Porsche or Lambo I would trade for the Viper or GT


Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
N. E., Fl.
The only recall I found for the FGT was for front suspension on the first 500 cars built. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
The only recall I found for the FGT was for front suspension on the first 500 cars built. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
Exactly everybody i know with one raves about the car .As a matter of fact BOB IDA is tuning many of them with the WHIPPLE BLOWERS (OVER 700 to the tire )with the stock internal engine components we wish are Vipers could handle that type of power with stock rods and pistons.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly everybody i know with one raves about the car .As a matter of fact BOB IDA is tuning many of them with the WHIPPLE BLOWERS (OVER 700 to the tire )with the stock internal engine components we wish are Vipers could handle that type of power with stock rods and pistons.

As most people know the old Viper engines make over 600rwhp easily with only basic mods. Our stock pistons, rods, CC engine blocks (Gen 2) and crankshafts are even strong enough to handle superchargers easily. Unlike the GT and Z06 and ZR1s the new Viper engines use the pistons and rods that are used in the SRT8 engines!

For gas mileage (20-26mpg) most Viper engines use higher compression than boosted engines. Blower pistons also are specially designed with thicker ring lands and different top ring positioning for protection from detonation. N/a engines don't need this and as everyone knows the KING of N/A engines is the Viper engine. While the ZR1 had it's 'moment' as hp king, that time is gone and the 640bhp of the ACR X beats the SUPERCHARGED ZR1 engine by a couple of hp putting Dodge back on top.

It's really quite amazing that a comment like the one above can be made when the stock factory produced n/a engine makes nearly 90% of the modified for RACING GT and ZR1 engines. Once the Venom controller is cracked heads, exhaust, and cam should go past the 700rwhp numbers WITHOUT needing Forced Induction!

I'd like to see a 2200rwhp or 2500rwhp ZR1 or GT ... You know a modified TT, like some many Viper are. 1100rwhp Vipers are so common that Hennesey has been selling them for decades. Most good shops will sell you "engine packages" of 1100rwhp on pump gas.

If you search the forums here you can find a $15,000 850-900rwhp on pump gas TT kit. There are quite a few on STOCK Gen 2 engines. There are quite a few 900rwhp Paxton supercharged Gen 2 cars as well. I believe that UGR builds a lot of 900+rwhp Paxtons and calls it a complete kit which includes instalation with no internal modifications.

My engine puts out well over 700rwhp without the Nitrous - and has 50,000 miles on the stock rods, block and crankshaft. Macedo Motorsports built it in 2003. Larry has built many supercharged cars and TTs. MY engine is supercharged with higher boost and being INTELLIGENT the previous owner had Larry instal BLOWER pistons into the stock engine.



Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
As most people know the old Viper engines make over 600rwhp easily with only basic mods. Our stock pistons, rods, CC engine blocks (Gen 2) and crankshafts are even strong enough to handle superchargers easily. Unlike the GT and Z06 and ZR1s the new Viper engines use the pistons and rods that are used in the SRT8 engines!

For gas mileage (20-26mpg) most Viper engines use higher compression than boosted engines. Blower pistons also are specially designed with thicker ring lands and different top ring positioning for protection from detonation. N/a engines don't need this and as everyone knows the KING of N/A engines is the Viper engine. While the ZR1 had it's 'moment' as hp king, that time is gone and the 640bhp of the ACR X beats the SUPERCHARGED ZR1 engine by a couple of hp putting Dodge back on top.

It's really quite amazing that a comment like the one above can be made when the stock factory produced n/a engine makes nearly 90% of the modified for RACING GT and ZR1 engines. Once the Venom controller is cracked heads, exhaust, and cam should go past the 700rwhp numbers WITHOUT needing Forced Induction!

I'd like to see a 2200rwhp or 2500rwhp ZR1 or GT ... You know a modified TT, like some many Viper are. 1100rwhp Vipers are so common that Hennesey has been selling them for decades. Most good shops will sell you "engine packages" of 1100rwhp on pump gas.

If you search the forums here you can find a $15,000 850-900rwhp on pump gas TT kit. There are quite a few on STOCK Gen 2 engines. There are quite a few 900rwhp Paxton supercharged Gen 2 cars as well. I believe that UGR builds a lot of 900+rwhp Paxtons and calls it a complete kit which includes instalation with no internal modifications.

My engine puts out well over 700rwhp without the Nitrous - and has 50,000 miles on the stock rods, block and crankshaft. Macedo Motorsports built it in 2003. Larry has built many supercharged cars and TTs. MY engine is supercharged with higher boost and being INTELLIGENT the previous owner had Larry instal BLOWER pistons into the stock engine.

The stock components (rods and pistons )in a GEN 3 OR GEN 4 Viper are CRAP compared to a Ford GT(MANLEY FORGED PRODUCTS ) and thats a fact .When was the last time YOU PERSONALLY inspected OR DROVE a FGT Engine or Gen 3-4 Vipers engine to justify your statement .


Apr 22, 2001
Reaction score
Lake Havasu, USA
In a Car and Driver article, Heffner said he took apart the FGT engine and couldn't find any part that would benefit from an upgrade. I remember sitting at an outdoor table at a bar. Some guy in a four door mercedes was, "but it's a dodge." But oh what a Dodge...

As for feeling fast, my 94 felt faster then my 97 GTS. Less noise and drama, but the GTS was faster. The GT is faster, but no drama at all. I did not like the looks of the 2004+ Vipers, so the 97 was the last year for me. Every comment made about the Viper being faster, or cheaper to modify, or cheaper to work on, could be made by all the Corvette guys. All a matter of taste.

I'm just glad Dodge and then Ford built the best car in the world at a time I was shopping for a car. The big question is who's next?


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
World's Fastest Road Car and production record holder is the Viper ACR.

Imagine a good run with no overreving an no missed shifts...

Ford GT was good for it's time, but it can't keep up to an 08 Viper and the 2010 will be the fastest again.

You need to realize that Ford quit after a few thousand and has NO plans to build anymore supercars. They're finished and currently build Camaro/Challenger competition.

Vettes were 220hp when the 400hp Dodge came out. Until a Ford GT has to run 40% restrictor plates like the Viper does in competition the FGT can race the Vettes because Dodge is beating them with FORTY PERCENT of the INTAKE plugged, not to mention the extra hundreds of pounds that a Viper carries when it wins those races.

Sorry guys, but wishing it won't make it true and since Ford will never buid another supercar they obviously shouldn't be driven, just parked and people can look at what Ford tried to do.

Personally the concept Shelby GT2 with it's V10 front engine rear drive was the car I wanted to see perform. Guess it was just an excercise like Caddilac's v16 1000bhp concept. Not for reality - where Dodge rules!



Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Fayetteville NC
Here's the answer. Now, what was the question again?



:2tu: Peaks GT = One of my Favorite cars of all time!!! Anytime someone mentions they don't they think look that great, I instantly show them a picture of his black car.


Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
Cairo ,Egypt
VERY VERY TRUE as a buddy of mine owns a few new FERRARIS and is heavily invovled in the Ferrari Club NJ Chapter.To him and his club members a Viper was ,is and forever will be a plastic Dodge no matter how fast it goes around the Ring ect.

well , all i know is that my 09 ACR is faster on track , on the street and better looking than any 360/430 .


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
South Florida
I really like the Ford GT except for the interior. They have really done well holding their value unless you're one of the guys who paid way over MSRP when they first came out. I have thought about getting one but I would trade my viper in on it.

jamie furman

Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
woodbridge va
World's Fastest Road Car and production record holder is the Viper ACR.

Imagine a good run with no overreving an no missed shifts...

Ford GT was good for it's time, but it can't keep up to an 08 Viper and the 2010 will be the fastest again.

You need to realize that Ford quit after a few thousand and has NO plans to build anymore supercars. They're finished and currently build Camaro/Challenger competition.

Vettes were 220hp when the 400hp Dodge came out. Until a Ford GT has to run 40% restrictor plates like the Viper does in competition the FGT can race the Vettes because Dodge is beating them with FORTY PERCENT of the INTAKE plugged, not to mention the extra hundreds of pounds that a Viper carries when it wins those races.

Sorry guys, but wishing it won't make it true and since Ford will never buid another supercar they obviously shouldn't be driven, just parked and people can look at what Ford tried to do.

Personally the concept Shelby GT2 with it's V10 front engine rear drive was the car I wanted to see perform. Guess it was just an excercise like Caddilac's v16 1000bhp concept. Not for reality - where Dodge rules!


Well Ted, when the 400 hp Viper came out in 92 there was already a 405hp ZR1 Corvette!

But I will agree with you on the GT! The GT is Ford junk, ugly, slow, low tech , and couldn't hold a candle to worlds most beautiful, fastest and well built car, the Dodge Viper! How anyone could compare an all aluminum frame, aluminum body, double overhead cam engined GT to a solid built iron frame, strong fiberglass car with a reliable ohv 10 cylinder Dodge Viper is beyond belief IMO! And that bulky Mcintosh stereo in the GT taking up all that space with its big sub woofer, who needs concert hall quality stereo, when you have that reliable Dodge Caravan stereo in your Viper? Hell just turn off the stereo and listen to that beautiful exhaust note in the Viper, nothing quite like it, Ferrari eat your heart out!
Hell I'm with Ted, once they built the Viper they might as well crushed all the other sports cars as they are all just poser junk! Now that I found out my ACR really has 640 hp and not 600 I think I am going to take it out for a ride!

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