If its on eBay I just can't stop myself from bidding......
Lol. Let me have it!
If its on eBay I just can't stop myself from bidding......
PM sent. I believe I included my number. I'm 80% sure I want to come buy this, just need some specific details. I would be local pickup as well. Let me know, the sooner the better.
I took the car off of ebay because I'm not sure what has to be done with the insurance company as far as releasing the car and I didn't want to hold anyone up. I have the title
but they haven't settled the claim yet (they say the paperwork has been sent).
Well as of now I am not sure if you sold the car but my offer is no longer good after the mess you pulled. Quick run down of events for those that don't want to read too much. I offered 11k. He replied and said no go. I offered 14k. He replied and said he would sell for 15k. I offered his 15k and to pick it up this weekend locally and asked a bunch of questions about the car. He responds to questions and tells me I have precedence on the car. I responded and assured him I want the car just call me so we can arrange payment. Another day or 2 and I asked what is going on, why is there no plan in place. He replies he has a ton of emails about the car and now someone has offered him 15750 for it and was waiting to see how that was going to pan out. I'm not sure how most people do business but if I tell someone I want 15k for the car and they offer it the car is sold in my eyes, especially if I reply to the person and tell them they have precedence on the car. On top of that leading the person on who was making financial arrangements for this to happen just ****** me off. Honesty goes a long way. If you didn't want 15k you should have said no!
From KNG to SYN: Give you 11k
From SYN to KNG: I can't go near 11k
From KNG to SYN: Your right, I can do 14k
From SYN to KNG: I need to get 15k for the car
From KNG to SYN: I can do 15k just provide me information on how to do the transfer and when I can pick it up
From Syn to KNG: Call me later
From SYN to KNG: Answered all of my questions I asked, still no phone contact.
From KNG to SYN: Reassured that I definitely wanted the vehicle and asked again about money transfer etc
From KNG to SYN: Called twice, once in afternoon, once evening, no answer
From SYN to KNG: Family issue, will contact you tomorrow, he tells me I have precedence since I offered what he wanted and local pickup
From KNG to SYN: Called twice this day, no answer, no phone call from you
From SYN to KNG: I have a bunch of emails on the car and a guy offered 15750 for the car so I'm waiting on him to figure out transportation.
A Deal is a Deal. I have turned down thousands more for a car because I have made a deal with someone else first.
I honestly don't see why anyone would pay that kind of money for a completely wrecked car, looks like it would easily be $25000 to fix with used parts but I guess you plan on parting out anyways, I've seen cars in better condition than this go for under 10k, anyhow good luck to all involved!!!
There's two sides to every story, let's hold judgement 'til we hear from the OP.
Very admirable KNG. I say take the Viper and make your friend happy. Seems that the OP wants to honor your offer and do the right thing. Turn this into a positive.