www.V10Nationals.com is up and running!


May 9, 2002
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www.V10Nationals.com is up and running!

Hello everyone!

V10Nationals.com (www.V10Nationals.com) is finally up and running!

I am very excited about the site and I am hoping that everyone finds it useful. Of course like any other site it will take a while until it is complete and it will certainly take YOUR participation!

I know that a lot of people have contributed to make V-10 Nationals happen. Some have contributed funds, other have donated Viper goodies and others personal time and lots of it!

This is my contribution to this exciting and growing Series. The Series will grow and it will grow faster with its presence on the Internet. My intentions are to market the site to the general public (non-Viper owners) so they can be part of V-10 Nationals also. Of course, the site will also serve as an information resource for those Viper owners that have not yet participated and also all the future Viper owners.

The site currently has 11 pages and one of the most exciting one is the FORUMS. I noticed that several people have been posting to several forums about V-10 Nationals. Now, you can all exchange information and ideas on one centralized location: www.V10Nationals.com/forums. The forum is designed to be used exclusively for the V-10 Nationals Series and I am not indenting to “steal” the users from this board!

I am a Viper owner and a participant. Several of you know me but just for fun I am not going to tell you who I am…not yet. I figured a little mystery is always good.

Please visit the site and register at the Forums. Membership of course is FREE! Browse the pages and please let me hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Thank you all for your time and lets make V-10 Nationals a huge success!



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