A lot of posts that involve problems with a Viper always seem to start out with something like " I had one of my guys take the Viper .... " or " I left my car with the valet parking guy ...." or " I dropped my car off at the dealership and when I went back to get it .... " Hey guys, WAKE UP !! These are fantasy cars, not Rent A Wrecks that you can let anyone drive. Anyone who gets the chance to drive one is going to want to see how it goes. I let my best friend drive the car when I was in it, he floored it, I let my brother drive the car when I was in it, he floored it. Can you imagine what happens to our cars when we're not in them ??? I wouldn't let the Pope take my car out for a ride !! Fat chance of a valet parking lot attendant or other getting my keys. If you want to keep your Viper safe and in one piece don't trust it to anyone ! If it needs to go somewhere take it yourself and stay with it. If it needs to go inside a garage you drive it in and take your keys. When it's done you move it out. At valet parking you park it and take your keys. If it needs to be moved have them come in and get you. All this is a small price to pay to keep your Viper in one piece!! I don't mean to sound cruel but all you guys who have had your Vipers damaged after you gave your keys to someone else and left it in their care won't get any sympathy from me!! I know some of you guys here make a lot more money than me and perhaps you really don't care about your car that much, but I'm just a poor slob who works 5 days a week from 7 to 5 and a part time job also to be able to afford the car. Perhaps I treasure mine a little more than some of you. I hope I haven't offended anyone here, just putting in my hard earned 2 cents for whatever its worth !!
Bo knows