LOL, 15 years owning multiple vipers, literally over 100k of miles on these things, and I treat them like normal cars, leave them in the lot, no big deal, never once have I come out to an open hood with an alarm going off, never once.
To say someone dropped the ball on this is a tad strange, it's more like Viper heritage than anything else, it probably takes more weight to put a linkage into the cabin, and it's no big deal. I'd say 10 extra HP is more critical than a cabin hood release...
Heck not only can the general public not open the hood, the dealers can't and heck there are probably some owners that can't... Interesting insight from a new owner, something I never thought about, and it's good getting another opinion, as I bet none of us oldsters ever even thought about this. Heck I can open the gas cap without a cabin release, uhoh...