You want to see a VOI.10?


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
I may suggest you post some positive statements about the fun you had and stop complaining about what may not have gone just right. In my opinion The staff at JRT did a great job. Did everything go the way we have been use to... maybe not. But the main reasons we come to VOI's are to enjoy our Vipers, meet with friends we have made over the years and to make new ones, and the track events. I say they did a great job and I for one appreciate what they do.

They don't owe us anything.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
I may suggest you post some positive statements about the fun you had and stop complaining about what may not have gone just right. In my opinion The staff at JRT did a great job. Did everything go the way we have been use to... maybe not. But the main reasons we come to VOI's are to enjoy our Vipers, meet with friends we have made over the years and to make new ones, and the track events. I say they did a great job and I for one appreciate what they do.

They don't owe us anything.

For the amount of money... they owe an attendee quite a bit, especially all the things you've listed. But you left out the part where you get treated with respect for that kind of money. What they did constitutes either an absolute ignorance of public relations, or a complete disregard for the people in the Viper community just so they can make a quick buck.

The respectable thing would have been to announce day one that there won't be any discussion on future products at this event (but look out for us in the near future, blah blah blah).

But what did they do? Hoped no one would notice the deafening silence and that no one would complain to their face. To top it off, some genius puts a Vette behind a screen to tease the attendees, only to do some lame @$$ magic trick... then wave and goodnite!? No one at JRT thought that was a bad idea considering there was no heads up on the lack of announcements? Sorry, but that's just inexcusable for people that think they know anything about marketing, public relations and conference/event planning.


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Queens, New York
i totally agree with warfang. they spent hours the first day explaining about dodge cars that one one really cares about. explain about the viper. it is a viper event isnt it? the the second night the food totally sucked. buffet style pastas? third night "the big dinner" totally sucked. for hours we were thinking that there was a new viper or some modded future viper and wait around for them to show us a vette? you know what? to me it felt like they were saying the future of the viper is the vette. the track, and viper owners were the BEST part of this whole trip! so if there is no future VOI's i really dont care. im sure ill attend the vette owners invitational next time around. that zo6 is starting to look better and better


Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I enjoyed it, first time to a VOI, and at first I thought no way am I staying around when I could be home working. But the event turned out great. It is what you make of it. If you want to sit around and complain that no one kissed you enough and let you see the "08 Vipers", then I guess you can complain. I for one, don't dine at big events, I paid the money but I went to the Wynn hotel Country Club grill, had an awesome meal, and then met my fellow So Cal Viper friends later. They all seemed to be having a great time. I don't recall hearing anyone complain about the event. Wednesday night, Pinot Brasserie and Phantom, no pizza. So if you sit around and complain about eating pizza, and you don't have the initiative to do something exciting, your life is a drag.

A Life's Lesson is you make you own happiness, don't depend on an organization to make sure your butt is well positioned on a soft seat cushion. When you are around other excited viper owners, it is your choice to complain or have a good time. I suspect several of these owners would be hard to please under the best of circumstances. Nothing is 100% satisfaction, except perhaps smoking a vette owner,

Bring VOI 10 on, maybe I'll sell my 01 GTS and buy a new 08 viper or bring my Ford GT to the event. Now that would piss these grumpy viper owners off, eh?

:nana: :2tu: :usa:


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
DelaWhere? USA
From most of what I've been reading everyone paid $850
($1700+ for families) to be part of a dodge ad campaign.

I'm really no knocking it, I plan to attend VOIX, it just
that at least when the timeshare people want me to come buy
their stuff they're willing to pay my travel and admission
into disneyworld. I would have been sorely upset to take
two weeks off and about $4,000 in secondary expenses to not
even get to see the new challenger.


May 27, 2005
Reaction score
From most of what I've been reading everyone paid $850
($1700+ for families) to be part of a dodge ad campaign.

I'm really no knocking it, I plan to attend VOIX, it just
that at least when the timeshare people want me to come buy
their stuff they're willing to pay my travel and admission
into disneyworld. I would have been sorely upset to take
two weeks off and about $4,000 in secondary expenses to not
even get to see the new challenger.

What does it cost to rent the Las Vegas speed way for 3 days with all the staff and all the other stuff like dinners etc.. Please don't get me wrong,I just wanted to point out that I think this event cost Dodge a lot $$. I also did not like the selling of trucks and cars. :usa:


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
I say... if you don't think you got your money's worth, it may not be the event for you to attend next time. Everyone from our region had a great time... and all of them said they would return for a VOI.10!

By the way... before you post that they made a killing, it would be nice to have all the facts on what was made or lost putting this event on. I'm guessing you are guessing on what was spent and/or made on this event.


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Queens, New York
for $850 you are getting a deal and dodge still pays millions out of their pocket. you get to use a world class track, ok food and all you can drink at the bar every night. dont forget the $200-300 goody bad. so ya 850 is a bargain but please dont kill us with advertising on other dodge products other than viper related stuff, then showing us a corvette instead of a viper when you know 90% of the people in that room were expecting to hear about the future of the viper


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
From most of what I've been reading everyone paid $850
($1700+ for families) to be part of a dodge ad campaign.

I'm really no knocking it, I plan to attend VOIX, it just
that at least when the timeshare people want me to come buy
their stuff they're willing to pay my travel and admission
into disneyworld. I would have been sorely upset to take
two weeks off and about $4,000 in secondary expenses to not
even get to see the new challenger.

What does it cost to rent the Las Vegas speed way for 3 days with all the staff and all the other stuff like dinners etc.. Please don't get me wrong,I just wanted to point out that I think this event cost Dodge a lot $$. I also did not like the selling of trucks and cars. :usa:

Someone did the math for me and looks like the take was a bit over $1 million dollar. In the events and conference game, a 25% markup is standard, so we can assume the costs came out to about $750,000.00. You can buy a couple days at the track and rent convention halls with food AND the people running it for that amount... and get change back! The 25% is EXTRA money, because the people running it have already paid themselves as part of the costs. I invite anyone to prove me wrong and show me the actual spreadsheets.

If this was a money-losing event, there wouldn't have been a VOI2. You think they mailed you those expensive die-cut invitations 3-4 times over the year because VOI couldnt go on without any one of us? No. They wanted your money.

$850 is fair, but not the steal of the century.


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
My only complaint was the sales pitch of every vehicle BUT the Viper. I was there for Viper talk, not Sprinters and Ram 3500s. Everything else was first class...the drag strip would have been better if it had been prepped, but it was great getting all the passes we wanted. The roval was awesome too - a very rare opportunity.

Hey, Dodge: want to sell some more gen 3's? Why not give VOI attendees some sort of incentive on the purchase of a new '05 or '06 Viper?


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
We had a great time! The best money ever spent period. Ya they did the whole advertising thing, ok that was a little annoying. Otherwise the event was well planned and yes I loved beating the snot out of all the SRT vehicles. Those that are complaining, have you ever tracked your cars? Do you realize what that much fun would cost you anywhere else. Thanks Dodge for providing such a great event. Where else could you meet up with a bunch of like minded great people and make new friends.

In our case group B, if you went to the first "Viper Legacy" sales pitch, we were clearly informed on Tuesday that there would be no news about future products! Yes it was a bummer, but anyone here should have the business savy to realize they aren't going to disclose anything when product isn't moving.

What I also noticed was that many did not take full advantage of all the driving events. We tore up the track all day yesterday with no waitng! Most left early Thursday morning.

Meeting Herb Helbig was a treat, as well as Jeff Morys of JM Cylinder Heads and many other vendors that I had spoken to before.

Thanks again VCA and Dodge, it was an AWESOME week.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
From most of what I've been reading everyone paid $850
($1700+ for families) to be part of a dodge ad campaign.

I'm really no knocking it, I plan to attend VOIX, it just
that at least when the timeshare people want me to come buy
their stuff they're willing to pay my travel and admission
into disneyworld. I would have been sorely upset to take
two weeks off and about $4,000 in secondary expenses to not
even get to see the new challenger.

HAHA... join Ponch at California Pines! Free trip and all! Not VOI, but it's free. :D
You must be registered for see images

btw- I've seen the Challenger... it's awesome. :2tu:


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
NJ, USA sure ill attend the vette owners invitational next time around. that zo6 is starting to look better and better....

HA HA .. good luck! GM still hasn't had one in over 50 years!


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS

This was the first VOI I didn't register for (as a Viper owner) because:

A. My car is still at Doug Levin's, which knocks down the "fun factor" considerably for me as I wouldn't have a Viper to drive.

B. It was scheduled during a work week and I simply can't take a week off when I save those vacation days for family trips.

C. As it was also a school week, my wife had to stay home with our son. I enjoy sharing the Viper ownership and Club experience with her.

Regardless, several of our second-time attendees (Dallas was their first), said it was even BETTER in Vegas. The parking was better, the track events were better, the cruises were better (despite some gravel), and everything seemed to flow smoothly. People got to meet and hang out with hundreds of fellow Viper owners and that is what truly makes these things special.

VOI's are NOT about big announcements nor have they ever been. People got spoiled in Dallas when they unveiled the SRT Coupe. And guess what? That was a disaster. What? It was GREAT - or wasn't it? As an owner, sure, it was fantastic getting the early "inside scoop" on the new car. But for DC it was a mistake and they apparently learned from it. But I will get to that in a minute.

First off, how many manufacturers underwrite a huge party for their ownership group? Let's see, counting Ferrari, Lamborghini, AMG, Porsche, Chevy, and every other marquee out there: NONE. Does anybody besides Warfang (who I am not sure even attended) honestly think that their $850 covered the actual cost of this event? Try renting a full NASCAR facility for four days (or more). Then throw in 20-30 factory cars to drive. Bring in just about every Skip Barber instructor they have (paying them, their transportation, plus room & food). Hire security for your garage 24/7 - not to mention the cost and logistics of clearing out two full floors of parking well in advance of the event. Transport buses for those without cars. Food for everybody. Open bars (where many can easily drink half of their entry fee). Goody bags with lots of customized stuff. Viper hoods to sign (and transport). SRT & JRT personnel all over the place. Meeting rooms, giant ballrooms, stages, lighting, professional comedians (Jon Reep will set you back $10K alone for an appearance), expensive centerpieces, concept cars on display, etc, etc, etc. The $850 didn't begin to cover the cost, of that I guarantee you.

So who paid the difference? It wasn't the VCA and it wasn't JRT, so it must have been those folks at DC and SRT. And what did they get out of their generosity besides some disgruntled attendees? The opportunity to push some other product and keep the division alive. Make no mistake, with over a 1.5 billion dollar loss in the last quarter alone things like VOI have probably come under scrutiny. Do you think the bean counters are saying, "Hey, let's go throw a huge party for a bunch of people that aren't necessarily even buying our cars right now!"? Probably not.

Was the lack of a new product announcement a disappointment to many? You betcha! Does DC or SRT "owe" it to us? Don't be absurd. No other manufacturer does this for their buyers. And they sure don't cater to folks that didn't even buy them new - never spending a dime with the actual company. Hell, if I were Bonkers I would be sending SRT a thank you note once a week for the rest of my life: They created a one-off Competition Coupe that he won in a VCA raffle. I wouldn't be telling them that they owe me because I bought a salvaged Viper long after it was out of DC's hands - and profits.

So that brings us full circle to the "announcements" and that thing called "profits". Neither DaimlerChrysler or SRT is a charity. They have to be profitable to stay in business. Have they made a few missteps with the Viper? Sure. The design has been questioned by some (mostly a handful of "purists") while over-production has undoubtedly caused other problems. The Z06 didn't help matters. But what really slowed down Viper sales was their generosity: Unveiling the Viper Coupe at VOI 9 in 2004. Don't believe me? Then consider this:

Besides the 1994 RT/10, the SRT-10 outsold every single model year of each model Viper ever made. That's right, more 2003 Vipers sold than any '96 or '97 GTS, etc. Even 2004, with a much-publicized recall history (and probably more than a few buybacks) was a decent seller - until the Coupe was announced at VOI 9. Oh, the factory kept producing the roadsters, but speculation about a Coupe was slowing down sales considerably. By announcing the Coupe at VOI 9 - a full 16 months before they started shipping - it slowed those new orders to a crawl. And it wasn't just the "new" bodystyle, but more speculation on the horsepower, weight, etc. As a direct result, remaining 2004 units were unsold and 2005 sales were far below expectations.

So why weren't people knocking down the door to buy the new Coupes? Well, some people started floating rumors of a 550-750 HP Viper for 2008 - about the same time the Coupes started coming off the line. "Inside information" from SEMA, unnamed moles within the DC or SRT organizations (depending on the rumor), or local dealers from Nowhere, USA that supposedly had the inside scoop. All indirectly told potential buyers to wait for a better mousetrap. One that may not even exist and was NEVER officially confirmed by the manufacturer.

So with an unknown number of unsold Vipers out there currently, why would a company that is losing BILLIONS of dollars tell a group of potential buyers that they may (or may not) be changing the formula? And more importantly, why would a group of owners, many of which haven't bought a new DC/SRT product ever, feel that they are entitled to the inside scoop from a manufacturer when no other marquee does it for ANYBODY?

Bottom line: Even though I didn't attend this year's VOI I am grateful that our manufacturer takes the time and money to offer an event like this to Viper owners. That they send their staff and engineers to personally meet and greet us. If we happen to get a hint of things to come that is just a dollop of icing on a very large cake. To diss the entire thing because that little icing rosette wasn't on there seems pretty ungrateful. Is that really the message we want to send?
Mar 25, 2000
Reaction score
Quantico, VA
Everyone from our region had a great time... and all of them said they would return for a VOI.10!

I wanted to quote this...just for posterity.

Funny how people who could make a day trip out of it thought it was the bee-knees.

When VOIX (or whatever the heck they call it) is all the way in Orlando....and your wallet is MUCH lighter, I hope you feel the same way.

For those of us who DIDN'T spend a *** of cash (since we don't live one state over)....I don't feel like I missed much.

Karma! :)


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
I have been to 8 VOI's. The hugh majority were east half of the US. Our region's members enjoyed them as much or more than the 2 or 3 out of 9 that have been close to us.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland

This was the first VOI I didn't register for (as a Viper owner) because:

A. My car is still at Doug Levin's, which knocks down the "fun factor" considerably for me as I wouldn't have a Viper to drive.

B. It was scheduled during a work week and I simply can't take a week off when I save those vacation days for family trips.

C. As it was also a school week, my wife had to stay home with our son. I enjoy sharing the Viper ownership and Club experience with her.

Regardless, several of our second-time attendees (Dallas was their first), said it was even BETTER in Vegas. The parking was better, the track events were better, the cruises were better (despite some gravel), and everything seemed to flow smoothly. People got to meet and hang out with hundreds of fellow Viper owners and that is what truly makes these things special.

VOI's are NOT about big announcements nor have they ever been. People got spoiled in Dallas when they unveiled the SRT Coupe. And guess what? That was a disaster. What? It was GREAT - or wasn't it? As an owner, sure, it was fantastic getting the early "inside scoop" on the new car. But for DC it was a mistake and they apparently learned from it. But I will get to that in a minute.

First off, how many manufacturers underwrite a huge party for their ownership group? Let's see, counting Ferrari, Lamborghini, AMG, Porsche, Chevy, and every other marquee out there: NONE. Does anybody besides Warfang (who I am not sure even attended) honestly think that their $850 covered the actual cost of this event? Try renting a full NASCAR facility for four days (or more). Then throw in 20-30 factory cars to drive. Bring in just about every Skip Barber instructor they have (paying them, their transportation, plus room & food). Hire security for your garage 24/7 - not to mention the cost and logistics of clearing out two full floors of parking well in advance of the event. Transport buses for those without cars. Food for everybody. Open bars (where many can easily drink half of their entry fee). Goody bags with lots of customized stuff. Viper hoods to sign (and transport). SRT & JRT personnel all over the place. Meeting rooms, giant ballrooms, stages, lighting, professional comedians (Jon Reep will set you back $10K alone for an appearance), expensive centerpieces, concept cars on display, etc, etc, etc. The $850 didn't begin to cover the cost, of that I guarantee you.

So who paid the difference? It wasn't the VCA and it wasn't JRT, so it must have been those folks at DC and SRT. And what did they get out of their generosity besides some disgruntled attendees? The opportunity to push some other product and keep the division alive. Make no mistake, with over a 1.5 billion dollar loss in the last quarter alone things like VOI have probably come under scrutiny. Do you think the bean counters are saying, "Hey, let's go throw a huge party for a bunch of people that aren't necessarily even buying our cars right now!"? Probably not.

Was the lack of a new product announcement a disappointment to many? You betcha! Does DC or SRT "owe" it to us? Don't be absurd. No other manufacturer does this for their buyers. And they sure don't cater to folks that didn't even buy them new - never spending a dime with the actual company. Hell, if I were Bonkers I would be sending SRT a thank you note once a week for the rest of my life: They created a one-off Competition Coupe that he won in a VCA raffle. I wouldn't be telling them that they owe me because I bought a salvaged Viper long after it was out of DC's hands - and profits.

So that brings us full circle to the "announcements" and that thing called "profits". Neither DaimlerChrysler or SRT is a charity. They have to be profitable to stay in business. Have they made a few missteps with the Viper? Sure. The design has been questioned by some (mostly a handful of "purists") while over-production has undoubtedly caused other problems. The Z06 didn't help matters. But what really slowed down Viper sales was their generosity: Unveiling the Viper Coupe at VOI 9 in 2004. Don't believe me? Then consider this:

Besides the 1994 RT/10, the SRT-10 outsold every single model year of each model Viper ever made. That's right, more 2003 Vipers sold than any '96 or '97 GTS, etc. Even 2004, with a much-publicized recall history (and probably more than a few buybacks) was a decent seller - until the Coupe was announced at VOI 9. Oh, the factory kept producing the roadsters, but speculation about a Coupe was slowing down sales considerably. By announcing the Coupe at VOI 9 - a full 16 months before they started shipping - it slowed those new orders to a crawl. And it wasn't just the "new" bodystyle, but more speculation on the horsepower, weight, etc. As a direct result, remaining 2004 units were unsold and 2005 sales were far below expectations.

So why weren't people knocking down the door to buy the new Coupes? Well, some people started floating rumors of a 550-750 HP Viper for 2008 - about the same time the Coupes started coming off the line. "Inside information" from SEMA, unnamed moles within the DC or SRT organizations (depending on the rumor), or local dealers from Nowhere, USA that supposedly had the inside scoop. All indirectly told potential buyers to wait for a better mousetrap. One that may not even exist and was NEVER officially confirmed by the manufacturer.

So with an unknown number of unsold Vipers out there currently, why would a company that is losing BILLIONS of dollars tell a group of potential buyers that they may (or may not) be changing the formula? And more importantly, why would a group of owners, many of which haven't bought a new DC/SRT product ever, feel that they are entitled to the inside scoop from a manufacturer when no other marquee does it for ANYBODY?

Bottom line: Even though I didn't attend this year's VOI I am grateful that our manufacturer takes the time and money to offer an event like this to Viper owners. That they send their staff and engineers to personally meet and greet us. If we happen to get a hint of things to come that is just a dollop of icing on a very large cake. To diss the entire thing because that little icing rosette wasn't on there seems pretty ungrateful. Is that really the message we want to send?

Chris, thank you for that. I'm sure many of us had the same thoughts but as usual you expressed them better than any of us could have. I agree with what you said 100%.


Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Dyess AFB, TX
If you're snot-bubblin' about the price of VOI here's a little food for thought: I attended an SRT Experience, it was $300.00 and now I believe it's up to $500.00 for just 1 day (and we got 2). Two days with Skip Barber instructors would run a couple hundred, and a day of unlimited runs around the roval and drag strip probably wouldn't be cheap either. The goodie bag alone was $150.00, and you cannot get it anywhere else. The centerpieces were $95.00 for the one with the Viper, and $50.00 for the one that looked like a stack of poker chips. The food was 1,000 times better than any MRE I got in Afghanistan, and better than any chow hall. The rooms at the Venetian were about half the usual price, and they are the largest of any hotal on the strip.

I got to see Herb Helbig, the Hemi guy, Roy Sjoberg and JonB. A group of guys that design, acquire materials and produce the car sat in the row in front of me at the tech talk. I met and got a picture with Cindi Lux. I signed 3 Viper hoods that will forever be a part of the VOI history, and I was in awe of the amount of people that showed up from all over the world to celebrate a common passion for an incredible automobile. The sight of all those Vipers in one place at one time is something I will NEVER forget. I got to spend a week with a kick a$$ group of people known as the Nevada Region of the VCA, and would do it all over in a heartbeat. If you didn't have a good time, you must have gotten lost and went to the "I whine like a little girl with a skinned knee" support group in the banquet room across the hall.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
If you're snot-bubblin' about the price of VOI here's a little food for thought: I attended an SRT Experience, it was $300.00 and now I believe it's up to $500.00 for just 1 day (and we got 2). Two days with Skip Barber instructors would run a couple hundred, and a day of unlimited runs around the roval and drag strip probably wouldn't be cheap either. The goodie bag alone was $150.00, and you cannot get it anywhere else. The centerpieces were $95.00 for the one with the Viper, and $50.00 for the one that looked like a stack of poker chips. The food was 1,000 times better than any MRE I got in Afghanistan, and better than any chow hall. The rooms at the Venetian were about half the usual price, and they are the largest of any hotal on the strip.

I got to see Herb Helbig, the Hemi guy, Roy Sjoberg and JonB. A group of guys that design, acquire materials and produce the car sat in the row in front of me at the tech talk. I met and got a picture with Cindi Lux. I signed 3 Viper hoods that will forever be a part of the VOI history, and I was in awe of the amount of people that showed up from all over the world to celebrate a common passion for an incredible automobile. The sight of all those Vipers in one place at one time is something I will NEVER forget. I got to spend a week with a kick a$$ group of people known as the Nevada Region of the VCA, and would do it all over in a heartbeat. If you didn't have a good time, you must have gotten lost and went to the "I whine like a little girl with a skinned knee" support group in the banquet room across the hall.

The least you could have gotten was a good time. That's never been in contention. The people, the car, and the location almost guaranteed it. But to say the people that threw this together owes the attendees nothing is just wrong, and if that's their attitude, they should be proud enough to announce it...

VOI X: We owe you nothing. Put up the money and "Have a good time".

See how well that sells. :rolleyes:


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
OK... looks like you took my "they owe us nothing" the wrong way... what I meant was they don't have to throw these events... they do it because they enjoy it as do we (the Viper Nation) or should I say the vast majority of us.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
OK... looks like you took my "they owe us nothing" the wrong way... what I meant was they don't have to throw these events... they do it because they enjoy it as do we (the Viper Nation) or should I say the vast majority of us.

Point taken, but just because they enjoy it doesn't mean they don't make a good amount of money either. I mean, if they can't make money off of this, I'd be happy to take it off their hands and throw VOI X. I can use the extra cash. :)


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
......If you didn't have a good time, you must have gotten lost and went to the "I whine like a little girl with a skinned knee" support group in the banquet room across the hall.

Somehow "that" group went to the first SRT tech session and were whining thru the whole Q & A period. A great opportunity to ask some good questions to the SRT engrs went out the window. Thanks A**WIPES!


Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Y2K5SRT, certainly summarized it best. I just showed my wife, who by the way attended and drove as much and as hard as I did, these posts. She laughed and said, "Why did they attend VOI? Only for an announcement?" "Didn't they go to the track?" Hello, you got to drive your car on a super speedway, you got an autocross track, you got the SRT experience, Defensive driving course, SRT drive along, Drag racing, Kart Racing. All the food and drinks at the Track you'd like. Dinners and reception with open bar, breakfast each day, Prepped lunch with cooler and drinks for your scenic drive of choice. They even gave you cash for tolls and park entrance fees. Shuttles to the track every half hour. Hundreds of staff members who worked their butts off to make this a memorable occasion.

What part of the above was Dodge giving you nothing?


Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles

You rock. Absolutely right on! Excellent summary. It was an excellent event. Dodge does not have to do this. If your personal tally of expenses indicates Dodge made $250K from our registration fees, you need to go back to Accounting 101.

I appreciated all their efforts, looking forward to another VOI, although Florida is a long ways away if it indeed is in Orlando, and if you enjoy the viper, then consider buying a new one when it eventually comes out. That is what I am doing. Dodge, I don't believe, will just drop production of their flagship race car, because there is a ZO6 vette out there. Dodge enjoys an enthusiastic and supportive Viper Nation, a great heritage in their sports car, and we should support them and be thankful they support VCA.

Warfang, if you feel you didn't get your money's worth, don't go to another event. I felt I got more than my money's worth, as I got irreplaceable memories and great camaderie and a chance to enjoy my viper! And a great venue, excellent entertainment, probably the best in the world, and a great room rate. So those of you use to staying at Motel 6 and dining at Denny's should realize what a venue this was and it was inexpensive. Beleive me as I travel extensively and there is no way you can get a room like the ones at the VEnetian for $185 / night anywhere else in the world, period!

Y2KSRT is right, until they have a kick-ass product ready to go, why give out any information on it. Remember, there is the new vette, the Ford GT, and of course Ferrari, Lambo etc out there. Ford let no information out on the GT and actually called the production concept, "PETUNIA" to limit industry interest in their conecpt vehicle. So Dodge is being careful, keeping it secret, which on fuels interest. They are perfectly right in not giving details on the new viper until is it ready. Competition requires a remodeling of the car and its design, give them time, they will come up with a 650 BHP rocket ship that will be the hottest car out there when it arrives.

VCA rocks, my support is there. Thanks for a most excellent VOI9. Looking forward to VOIX. You can't please all the people all hte time.


Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles

You rock. Absolutely right on! Excellent summary. It was an excellent event. Dodge does not have to do this. If your personal tally of expenses indicates Dodge made $250K from our registration fees, you need to go back to Accounting 101 and make an appointment to see a shrink.

I appreciated all their efforts, looking forward to another VOI, although Florida is a long ways away if it indeed is in Orlando, and if you enjoy the viper, then consider buying a new one when it eventually comes out. That is what I am doing. Dodge, I don't believe, will just drop production of their flagship race car, because there is a ZO6 vette out there. Dodge enjoys an enthusiastic and supportive Viper Nation, a great heritage in their sports car, and we should support them and be thankful they support VCA.

Warfang, if you feel you didn't get your money's worth, don't go to another event. I felt I got more than my money's worth, as I got irreplaceable memories and great camaderie and a chance to enjoy my viper! And a great venue, excellent entertainment, probably the best in the world, and a great room rate. So those of you use to staying at Motel 6 and dining at Denny's should realize what a venue this was and it was inexpensive. Beleive me as I travel extensively and there is no way you can get a room like the ones at the Venetian for $185 / night anywhere else in the world, period!

Y2KSRT is right, until they have a kick-ass product ready to go, why give out any information on it. Remember, there is the new vette, the Ford GT, and of course Ferrari, Lambo etc out there. Ford let no information out on the GT and actually called the production concept, "PETUNIA" to limit industry interest in their concept vehicle. So Dodge is being careful, keeping it secret, which fuels interest. They are perfectly right in not giving details on the new viper until is it ready. Competition requires a remodeling of the car and its design, give them time, they will come up with a 650 BHP rocket ship that will be the hottest car out there when it arrives.

VCA rocks, my support is there. Thanks for a most excellent VOI9. Looking forward to VOIX. You can't please all the people all the time. :2tu:


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
My third VOI after Nashville and Dallas and as said:
This event was well organized and everyone could have some great fun in Las Vegas.

Minor things, like food (in the Venetian!) wasnt sooooo good, doesnt count for me since I am not going to VOI's to have first class food.

THUMBS UP to the organization team!

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Even if it would have been free I couldn't have made it. The time off work is the biggest cost, and then there is travel and hotel stays. Plus I have got to do a Viper Days event or some track event (VOI isn't really a track event) in conjunction with so much travel.

Hopefully there will be a VOIX and I can make it.

John N

Oct 14, 2000
Reaction score
Tomball, TX
My input will be short and sweet.

Was it as "grand" as prior VOI's or the last Vegas VOI? No.
Are times tough in the car business? Yes.
Will I go to the next VOI? HELL YES!!

If the VCA wants more thorough feedback, maybe they can survey us or something (because there is a reason I buy Ford company vehicles).


Viper Owner
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score

You are the hit the nail right on the head. VOI9 was a blast, it was my first one and surely not my last. Everything was great, I was a little confused about the ending of the whole event but I guess I was "expecting" some info about the new Viper, but I surely understand from a business aspect why nothing was mentioned and I commend DC for that.

Warfang - I don't have the spread sheet for the cost, but from what I have seen and done at VOI9, I can promise you that $850 is chump change for what it actually cost to run this thing. I am gonna guess that the Viper logo "stuff" (which I love) would cost at least $100.00. That leaves $750 for the remaining event. For the amount of time I spent at LVMS, the $750 would not be close.

Come to think of it, the money thing is not even an issue, because....let just say for your argument sake that the VCA made money on this event (which I know they did not and DC had to help with the cost), so what! The VCA needs the money and guess where that money is going to go...back to the members!

I had a blast...and please have VOI10!

Just a side note, please come up with something new as how to give away the center pieces. No more, oldest guy and closest birthdate, unless you do it in early I wanted one so bad because since it was my first one that I actually paid for

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