You want to see a VOI.10?



Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Y2K5SRT! Just a side note, please come up with something new as how to give away the center pieces. No more, oldest guy and closest birthdate, unless you do it in early I wanted one so bad because since it was my first one that I actually paid for

You can purchase the centerpiece if you did not win one each night. Contact Viper HQ for ordering info.


Viper Owner
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score

I wanted one so bad that I was up early on Thursday and went down to the registration area and bought one and a bunch of extra stuff...


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
This was my first VOI – so I can’t compare it to others. VOI WAS GREAT! Track day – AWESOME! People were exceptionally nice. Hotel and parking were first class. Venue was excellent. Vendor area was superior. Hemi guy – funny as all heck. Drive from Iowa - good. (Losing at the black jack table – not-so-good.)

Was it Perfect – NO! My biggest complaint was the fact that the only car up on the big stage was a vette. Whoever thought up that idea needs to vanish, just like the vette vanished! As was stated, PASSION is the difference between a Viper owner and a car owner. It is this passion that had EVERYONE in the audience stunned, silenced, and disappointed on Wednesday night. There may be many reasons why we did not see a new Viper (could have been as simple as timing) – but they could have given us something. Heck, putting one of the test mules that have been sighted around Detroit would have been better than putting the vette on stage. You know – they could have put on leather cover-ups, tape, etc, to at least let us know they are doing something to regain the King-Of-The-Hill status.

Could I tolerate the DCX sales pitch and commercials? Yes, but “time share presentation” was a perfect description for how much of the VOI9 felt. I was VERY disappointed at the “Viper Legacy” presentation. There was not one single tie in to Viper – and it was a complete and total waste of my time! Dodge could have learned a lot more by having a real Viper discussion/round table and listening to what we like, what we don’t like, and areas that they could better address. I may be alone here – but I actually would have appreciated a separate area for other DCX vehicles – namely Mercedes – as they have some vehicles that I may consider in the future.

PASSION is why we are asking for more – it is not acceptable to accept status-quo. We want better and demand perfection. We want to be left speechless because of what we see on the stage – not speechless because of the LAME ending and what we did not see or hear! THAT ENDING AND THE LACK OF VIPER SPECIFIC PRESENTATIONS IS WHY MANY ARE ASKING WILL THERE BE A VOI 10 OR IF THE VIPER HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED – NOT THE FACT THAT WE ARE UNGRATEFUL AS “8 OF 200” IMPLIES.

THANK YOU Dodge and everyone that was involved in putting VOI together!


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Warfang, if you feel you didn't get your money's worth, don't go to another event. I felt I got more than my money's worth, as I got irreplaceable memories and great camaderie and a chance to enjoy my viper! And a great venue, excellent entertainment, probably the best in the world, and a great room rate. So those of you use to staying at Motel 6 and dining at Denny's should realize what a venue this was and it was inexpensive. Beleive me as I travel extensively and there is no way you can get a room like the ones at the Venetian for $185 / night anywhere else in the world, period!
VCA rocks, my support is there. Thanks for a most excellent VOI9. Looking forward to VOIX. You can't please all the people all the time. :2tu:

When did I ever say it wasn't worth the money? All I said was that VOI is a money making opportunity and not a charity event... that the orginal statement of "They owe us nothing" was wrong and the orginal poster has since clarified himself. DC isn't eating the cost for VOI considering they get an affluent and captive audience to pitch all their other cars to. The dumb stunt they pulled with the vette and their deafening silence on anything Viper... at a Viper event... shows a contempt for their customer base. They didn't have to reveal one bit about the new Viper, but to not address the desire for everyone to hear something was insensitive at best. If you don't understand that, then there's nothing that can help you further the discussion.

The rooms at the Venetian were discounted because of expected volume, not because DC paid the difference, and for your information, you CAN get rooms there at that price without DC's help... you just have to know HOW and WHEN. There should have been less than a dozen key players putting this together... every one else involved are contractors and vendors. Trust me... DC did not bring hundreds of their loyal employees to tend to you at VOI. :rolleyes:
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I love VOI's for the comradery, Tech sessions with Viper engineers and management, track experience as well as other driving events (Skid Pad, auotocross, karts, etc., depending on the VOI), the dinners are great opportunity to meet friends and make new friends. No other car company comes close to offering anything like a VOI. They Dodge/DC have earned my brand loyalty my making the Viper and VOI's which are a relationship building expereince/opportunity for owners and Dodge/DC.

I have missed the last two and will continue to not attend as long as they are scheduled when School is in session. I know a VOI is not a kid event but responsible families will make arrangements as needed or required for their kids. And our kids are future potential customers. DC should look at the opportunity to build a future base of loyal customers. My son is seven and a Viper/SRT enthusiast. With his school peers he talks cars with the best and makes very positive claims and general comments about Viper's and our RAM SRT10 QC.

I hope there is a VOI 10 and that it is NOT during our school session.


Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Maybe a better way to put it would be ...

Positive feedback and constructive criticism are good...

It's my opinion that mean spirited feedback that most people construe as whining does more harm than good.

Bill Pemberton Woodhouse

VCA Member
Supporting Vendor
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score

I am very confused where you ever got the idea that DC makes money off this event, and please take time to read Chris Marshall's excellent take on what DC , as a Manufacturer is doing in a somewhat difficult time in their Industry. The fact of the matter, from someone who works for a company that supports the event as a vendor and a sponsor, is that DC has spent ( note I use that word as opposed to lost ) between 2 to 5 million dollars to host this party for Viper Owners. Though these are funds an audit will show as money gone from the coffers , they feel it is well spent to show their enthusiasm and passion for our fellow owners. It would only be lost if they did not see value in hosting an evert for what they feel are the most influential customers for Dodge,Chrysler, Jeep - hence this is advertising at it's most intimate. If everyone feels like you, then, both the money spent and the future Invitationals would be a lost cause. Common sense may suggest that with the industry in a downturn cycle, one could have even cancelled this shindig, yet the powers that be see value in hosting our small group of gearheads. I firmly believe there will be a VOI 10, it just may be delayed under current conditions, as it would be with any business with a shaky climate.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay

I am very confused where you ever got the idea that DC makes money off this event, and please take time to read Chris Marshall's excellent take on what DC , as a Manufacturer is doing in a somewhat difficult time in their Industry. The fact of the matter, from someone who works for a company that supports the event as a vendor and a sponsor, is that DC has spent ( note I use that word as opposed to lost ) between 2 to 5 million dollars to host this party for Viper Owners. Though these are funds an audit will show as money gone from the coffers , they feel it is well spent to show their enthusiasm and passion for our fellow owners. It would only be lost if they did not see value in hosting an evert for what they feel are the most influential customers for Dodge,Chrysler, Jeep - hence this is advertising at it's most intimate. If everyone feels like you, then, both the money spent and the future Invitationals would be a lost cause. Common sense may suggest that with the industry in a downturn cycle, one could have even cancelled this shindig, yet the powers that be see value in hosting our small group of gearheads. I firmly believe there will be a VOI 10, it just may be delayed under current conditions, as it would be with any business with a shaky climate.


There are two parties here. DC and whoever planned the event (JRT I believe?). This is chump change to DC, bad financial times or not. This is technically a conference, and DC had to spend money to advertise to the captive audiences. 2-5 million is not all that much for an event like this, and I'll stick my neck out to say that money was to promote their products (chotchkies, transporting Dodge cars, signage, video, security, insurance, etc.) and NOT to subsidize the Viper owners' good time, which they all had... that's never been in contention, and the $850 was well worth it for what they got.

JRT made money on this I guarantee it. Nothing wrong with that, especially if they're doing what they love. Therefore, I took umbrage at the original post (which has since been clarified) saying that "They owe us nothing." Just imagine the conversation that happened:

Guy 1: What do the Viper owners really want out of this event?
Guy 2: See the NEW Viper and have a good time
Guy 1: We can't show them new Viper... not yet done, too much inventory, blah blah blah
Guy 2: Well what should we do then?
Guy 1: Let's just make a Vette disappear and everybody will be happy
Guy 2: So then we'll just keep mum about any future plan and nobody will notice?
Guy 1: Exactly!
Guy 2: But what if people complain?
Guy 1: They'll have no time to... as soon the Vette disappears, so will we...

So I took a little literary license there, but my point is, the discussion HAD to have come up, and they didn't respect the attendees enough to address it properly. If the discussion of what we want never happened, then they're guilty of stupidity and neglect.


May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Dang. I guess I'm the only simp in the group who can say I had a good time and really didn't have anything to complain about.

The closest complaint I guess I'd have is that there was no announcement about the new Viper. But I didn't really figure there would be (considering dealers still need to liquidate existing inventory and announcing a brand new Viper the same day people were picking up their VOI9 white/blue cars would be a slap in the face). So not hearing about the new Viper didn't really bother me all that much. That's not why I was there.

I look at it like this. I had an absolute blast and did tons of stuff I could never do here at home.

I thought the food was pretty darn good. Maybe I'm not as picky as some of you guys. I didn't eat one meal out after the event started. I thought every single meal was pretty good. There wasn't anything inedible. There was always plenty of different stuff on buffet nights. The food was fresh. The wait staff was really nice. And there was an open bar for those that wanted a cocktail or 10. I guess I must just be the easiest guy to please. I thought the meals ranged from pretty good to darn good.

I thought the track days were awesome. The day of scheduled events was fun. For those of us that didn't bring our cars, DC supplied a pretty healthy supply of brand new SRT-10s for use to use at no charge. We autocrossed, drove the road course/oval, and drag raced all with brand new Vipers. We went go-karting and we "road raced" virtually every SRT platform available. I was a little bored with the 1 hour "tech session" which was little more than a commercial for SRT, but that boredom faded very very quickly once they let us behind the wheel of the best SRT products they have to offer and let us push them to the limits. Heck, the SRT Track Experience was $500 by itself a couple months ago. Here, it was all part of the package and the road course for testing was MUCH nicer than what it was in our city.

The instructors were great. FREE Skip Barber instructors? Are you kidding me? I know it's not the exact same as a 3-day track school (for $4000), but I learned a TON about what these cars can do. The "open day" was incredible. I spent all morning on the roval. I had 3 different instructors. During the course of one afternoon, I had picked up more than 30 mph on my exit speeds on the oval and was getting faster, smoother and safer with every trip around the road course. I learned a LOT about car geometry, trail braking, trailing throttle oversteer, inertia, rotation, etc, etc. For a guy that has spent the last 10 years trying to stand cars on the rear bumper going as fast as humanly possible in a straight line, I had a blast and learned a boatload. I even grabbed a Skip Barber instructor when I went back to the autocross. Just having that guy with me shaved 4 seconds off my lap time in only 3 laps. I managed a 47.2 in the factory supplied car with a passenger. I know that doesn't make me Mario Andretti, but the point is, I got FREE instruction from some of the best guys in the industry and I got the FREE use of DC's cars.

Finally, I met some of the coolest people from all over the country. In 4 full days and nights, I didn't meet one ****, one rude person, one *******. Everyone was having fun, they were social and they were very enthusiastic. I felt like I made at least 20 new best friends.

Maybe I'm not as die hard about this stuff as some of you, and maybe it's just because it's my first VOI, but I had the time of my life. Not one complaint here. Loved the food, loved the cars, loved the track time, loved the karts, loved the instruction, and loved the people. I missed a full week of work for the event and I wouldn't trade it back for anything. Hell, if they had a VOI next month, I'd find a way to go again, regardless of the cost.

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Hell, if I were Bonkers I would be sending SRT a thank you note once a
week for the rest of my life: They created a one-off Competition Coupe that he
won in a VCA raffle. I wouldn't be telling them that they owe me because I
bought a salvaged Viper long after it was out of DC's hands - and profits.

Don't be telling me who I need to be thanking for and for what, you're not man
enough for that game.

Right. You should be thanking me for not buying more tickets.

I need to see a psychiatrist.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Hell, if I were Bonkers I would be sending SRT a thank you note once a
week for the rest of my life: They created a one-off Competition Coupe that he
won in a VCA raffle. I wouldn't be telling them that they owe me because I
bought a salvaged Viper long after it was out of DC's hands - and profits.


Let's address your lack of math skills... at LEAST 2000 tickets @ $100 a pop= minimum $200,000. What's a comp coupe going for nowadays? Who's doing who a favor here?

Bonk is one lucky bast@rd, and I hate him for winning my car, but he doesn't owe anybody anything for winning it... except for the IRS. :rolleyes:


Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I just re looked at the printed program and Tuesday evening was listed as a "rolling reception" and not a dinner, so you guys who thought you were going to experience fine dining that evening, need to wake up. Fine dining was on you nickel!


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Let me review some facts that I have heard here.

Bonkers is a major complainer regarding VOI9. Telling everyone what the finances were and who made what, who should have said what, etc.

Bonkers did not attend VOI9.

Bonkers did not pay any money toward VOI9

Bonkers has never purchased a new Viper

Bonkers does not have any real knowledge of finances, only assumptions

Why do we care what Bonkers thinks. He does not appear to be a future NEW Viper customer. He does not appear to be a future VOI attendee. And if you read through his posts of late you could conclude he is a few cards short of a full deck.

So I ask, why should anyone care what he thinks about VOI9 and/or what DCX's responsibility was to attendees?


Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Roosevelt, Utah USA
I'm not nearly as articulate as all you car-guys, but I had a ball at VOI9 and truly hope there will be a VOI X. I live in a town with four traffic lights, three Vipers (all mine), one McDonald's, one Taco Time, one Subway, one Arby's, and one "real restaurant." To go to Las Vegas, or some other big city with special attractions, and to get all that TRACK TIME is just great, as far as I'm concerned. This was my seventh VOI and I felt like a darned movie star, when people from other clubs kept coming up to me and saying, "I'm so glad to see you! We hoped you would be here!" It would never occur to me to gripe about anything, and I do thank Dodge for starting all this in the first place. Yes, I'm the one who took the Charger into the gravel and got it all dirty. Wednesday I'll be going to Salt Lake City to buy a replacement for the Dodge Intrepid I had a wreck in this summer. (IT WASN'T MY FAULT!) I've narrowed it down to a Chrysler 300 or a Dodge Charger, thanks to the chance to try out both of them at VOI9. Hmmmm.... And I have great respect for race car drivers: Driving a hundred miles at 125 mph plus really made me feel I had "done something!" Something pretty darned terrific. So there.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
I'm not nearly as articulate as all you car-guys, but I had a ball at VOI9 and truly hope there will be a VOI X. I live in a town with four traffic lights, three Vipers (all mine), one McDonald's, one Taco Time, one Subway, one Arby's, and one "real restaurant." To go to Las Vegas, or some other big city with special attractions, and to get all that TRACK TIME is just great, as far as I'm concerned. This was my seventh VOI and I felt like a darned movie star, when people from other clubs kept coming up to me and saying, "I'm so glad to see you! We hoped you would be here!" It would never occur to me to gripe about anything, and I do thank Dodge for starting all this in the first place. Yes, I'm the one who took the Charger into the gravel and got it all dirty. Wednesday I'll be going to Salt Lake City to buy a replacement for the Dodge Intrepid I had a wreck in this summer. (IT WASN'T MY FAULT!) I've narrowed it down to a Chrysler 300 or a Dodge Charger, thanks to the chance to try out both of them at VOI9. Hmmmm.... And I have great respect for race car drivers: Driving a hundred miles at 125 mph plus really made me feel I had "done something!" Something pretty darned terrific. So there.
If we were all real car-guys, we'd be out driving instead of keyboard armwrestling here. :D

6 years and 90 posts? Don't be such a stranger. We need to even out the testosterone here. I can probably count the women that post here on one hand.
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Great Post Barbara!

Sorry we were not able to see at VOI you this year.

We(Wife and I) met Barbara and Don in 1998 on the VCA/ORECA Le Mans trip and became friends. We always look forward to seeing Barbara at VOI's or Skip Barber Driving schools. And thank you very much for your card wishing me well after my surgery.

VOI's are fantastic events for Viper owners. The best part is the wonderful friendships that are made.

As far as JRT making money of course they are not a charity organization. It is a for profit company, that is paid by DC. Anyone that thinks this event was cash positive from the attendees portion is simply out of touch with reality.

Having attended four VOI's, I certainly feel Dodge/DC's goal is to provide a venue for us to maximize the Viper ownership experience. VOI is also a perfect opportunity for DC to meet with owners to get their feed back on what we want from the in the next generation(more power, less weight, better handling, better brakes, and King of the Hill bragging rights). And for DC to use VOI's to show case their product line makes common sense.
Personally I thought VOI 4 was the best(and a very hard act to follow) and from VCA members, I know, who have been to all nine they agree.


Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
This is getting to be horse feathers. I had a great time and I think the majority of viper owners had the same impression. There are a few, just like in everything, who have opposite views. And then the either the far right or far left conspiracy groups comes up with amazing financials that make no sense.

Bottom line, is VCA did a great job that most of us really appreciated, and we hope you do it again next year.

2001 GTS Yellow/black stripes low but very enjoyable mileage!


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Let's address your lack of math skills... at LEAST 2000 tickets @ $100 a pop= minimum $200,000. What's a comp coupe going for nowadays? Who's doing who a favor here?
Like the VOI's, DC/SRT has ZERO obligation to create a "one off" for the VCA raffles. How many other manufacturers do this? Zero. You don't need to be a math major to figure out what "zero" is. :2tu:


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
DelaWhere? USA
DC "allowing" the raffle car to remain is almost no cost or
effort on their part. My CC, and apparently the 2006 car
seem to be factory cars with an extra line on the window
sticker. That ran maybe $.09 total effort? The only car DC
went through any trouble to make was the RT/ACR and that
was built from stock parts.

I apprectiate that DC acknowledges the raffle cars as
production vehicles - that makes them more valuable to have
then any other vipers, but don't make it sound like it took
an act of congress to make them happen. VCA does the work,
VCA designs the car, VCA pays for everything, and the VCA
makes its profit from it.

And as for me thanking dodge - get bent. I paid for my car
in cash after saving for almost ten years. I rebuilt my car
by myself, with my own money, blood, and time. I paid for
my membership in the club since 2002. I paid $250 into
every single raffle from 2002 on, even though I didn't like
any of the other raffles. And I lost the one car I wanted
because a the IRS doesn't allow gifts on gambling winnings.

Where exactly did SRT or DC contribute anything to amy of

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Jeezus Bonk, a little humility goes a long way.

All Dodge ever did for me was produce the car of my dreams, something no other manufacturer has had the balls to do for 30 years. I'm grateful for that and I still had to fork over a chunk of change to get it...twice.

I know if I ever won a CC I'd be saying "thank you VCA and Dodge" any time somebody requested it.


Apr 7, 2001
Reaction score
....And as for me thanking dodge - get bent. I paid for my car
in cash after saving for almost ten years. I rebuilt my car
by myself, with my own money, blood, and time. I paid for
my membership in the club since 2002. I paid $250 into
every single raffle from 2002 on, even though I didn't like
any of the other raffles.....

You must be registered for see images
Is this guy serious ???!!
You must be registered for see images

Bonkers you are
You must be registered for see images

Mopar Steve

Oct 27, 2000
Reaction score
Newark DE
Bonkers, I thought for a long time you were just pushing peoples buttons, but you are honestly in need of some help. The whole world is gainst you, from DC, religion, the government, the IRS, the medical community, Viper board members, your employer...

All you do is *****. Give it a rest, buy a chevy, get some prozak, something. Just cheer up.


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
Jeezus Bonk, a little humility goes a long way.

All Dodge ever did for me was produce the car of my dreams, something no other manufacturer has had the balls to do for 30 years. I'm grateful for that and I still had to fork over a chunk of change to get it...twice.

I know if I ever won a CC I'd be saying "thank you VCA and Dodge" any time somebody requested it.

Sorry for yelling, but CHUCK SAID IT PERFECT! Lighten up bonks!

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