i have 2 kids, son who's 2 and my girl who's now 4, time sure does fly by. my son is soooo addicted to cars i love it!!! cant wait to take him to all the drag race events and car shows. he sits in my viper everytime it is out of the garage. it makes me smile to see how happy the car makes him. trust takes a long time to instill in your kids, example, would i allow my son at his current age to play near the viper with his bike NO WAY, would i let him take it to his prom, YOU BET! by then he will have been trained, in a way, the respect both a father and a car like this deserves. the same way i respected my father at 1-18 and would never do anything to upset the trust he gives me. you know your son, if he is a good kid, give it a shot, if he's a wild child who has some accidents and tickets under his heavy foot belt, then explain why not. i know if i had an accident or 2 and maybe a speeding ticket or 2 prior to prom day and asked my dad to take his viper, he would have said no for these reasons and me being a logical person wouldnt be happy, but totally understanding why i coulnt take it. what ever you do i wouldnt rent one or another exotic alike, think about the message your giving your son, hey bud, no problem you want a fast sweet prom ride, ok, dad is going to rent you a z06, 0r ferrari, or viper... your just not good enough to take mine.