How harsh is Einszett on the paint?
The product I am using is a carnuba based polish. You can't feel the grit in the polish, so it is very, very mild.
How fair is the test... did you Zaino first then Einszett or did you clean between the two?
Fair...I don't work for either company. I love the feel of the Zaino, especially after a fresh coat of z-6. The pictures on the passenger side are of the car Zainoed (5 z-5 coats and 5 z-2 coats) about 3 months ago, the car is kept the garage (only driven about 500 miles since it was waxed), it has been washed a few times, and after every wash I reapplied z-6.
I never meant this to be a comparison...I was just extremely unimpressed with results of my hours and hours of labor with the Zaino. I just really wanted to share the result with everyone.