Anyone heading I 84 West to OCC, join up with us if you want. Viewing the available options for meeting/driving, I'm staying with original plan. I'll be at Blue Colony Diner, exit 10 off I84 West in Newtown CT, take a right at the end of the off ramp, go straight at the next light, and it's on your left. I'll be there at 7:30 Am and leaving for Tators Dodge by 8:15 which should get us to Tators by 8:45 for their meeting time of 9:00 Am. For me, it's not just the destination, but the fun and joy of driving the Viper. The more Vipers together, the better it is. Although meeting at Sloatsburg would put us with more Vipers, it's a little too far out of the way. There's estimated to be 12 to 14 Vipers leaving from Tators Dodge, and if anyone coming I84 West were to meet there, it will only increase the number, I bet we could have 25 or more Vipers there. The time spent driving in the Viper is not an issue for me, as I bought it to enjoy driving it, not just to look at and say I have one. Just this year, I drove to the Long Island brunch cruise and came back a lobster, to Saratoga NY for the auto show with a detour to PA

on the way, to the New England chapters brunch and run to Ben and Jerry's in VT which puts me 4 hours away from home, and to VOI X which was 12 hrs each way with stops for food, gas, and bathroom breaks. I have even drivin to the Cheshire meeting spot only to come back the opposite way to have more driving time with fellow Vipers. IMO, everyone plans accordingly to leave at the time necessary to reach their destination on time, and more time in the Viper is a plus, especially when I can be cruising with other Vipers.

See you there or at OCC!