If anyone can get any info on this guy to make sure of identity I know plenty of well lets say.....Vegas "family"

guys that owe me a favor or two. And I mean that. I won't go into details but I have had guys mess with me, and after one phone call they were "dealt with". I have no tolerance for theft. There are some crimes out there that can be passed off as "mistakes made" like drugs or such, but theft is an unforgivable offense. I perfer the philosophy of the old days when it was eye for an eye and pound of flesh punishments for crimes that harm others. Forget this crap that goes on in the courts now where someone like this ***** can not only get off with only a few weeks or months and probation but could even file a lawsuite against you for him breaking his hand while stealing your car. Not only that but if he does end up in prison he will have cable, good meals, medical attention (other than bandaids and salt tablets), full gym access, and even in many cases internet access all paid for by the same people he violated. I work in an industry that employs a great deal of ex-cons, amny of them more than once and I have heard many stories of what these guys get away with. They often jokingly refer to it as "vacation" There is very little to make them want to stay out of jail, why work and be productive if you can live for free and let someone else pay for it. The environment in prison might seem aweful to people like us but to criminals its not all that different from what they are used to. Its all those damned hippies and PETA types that complian about unfair conditions and poor treatment of criminals, but WHAT THE HELL????? THESE GUYS ARE CRIMINALS!!!! they knew what they were getting into when they comitted the crimes. If there was actually something to fear from going to prison maybe less people would commit crimes.

OK sorry for the rediculus rant but I feel strongly about this and haven't got anything better to do right now. its 3am and I can't sleep. which might explain some of the spelling. At any rate, I am sorry for what happened and I know what your dealing with I have had similar happen to me. Best of luck on resolution to the matter.