"Obsi-Poo" LOL!!!
Goofy post, I can't believe I wasted my time reading this one.......you are married, don't worry about it and have fun and also don't worry about what others think as it will drive you crazy....now onto more meaningful posts....
I would say that the women with low self esteem would feel threatened by a car like the Viper, thinking that the man is trying to gain the upper hand with a car like that. This reaction is typical american female, who has been in a tug-o-war with men over the last 40 years for power and independance. A more traditional woman (asian, latina) would have no such negative "knee ****" reaction. The younger and older american women are less jaded. It's the middle ones in particular who have the chip on their shoulder. A 19 year old would flip out over your car. A 28 year old might think you are showing off and feel threatened. Then again, she is over the hill anyway. Stick with the 19 year old. After all, personality fades fast.
Girls, for the most part, are not attracted to all the same aspects of a car that a guy is.
Your Viper, a GTS with racing stripes, has less appeal to a woman than say, a red RT/10 would, while gearheads and 12-year-old boys would prefer the race car appeal of the coupe.
Take the examples to the extreme. If a black Charger with a roots blower sticking out of the hood rumbled into a gas station, every guy in a 300-yard radius would come running, but girls would barely look, and if they did, it would probably be in scorn of your obnoxious vehicle.
Try again in a convertible red Ferrari Daytona, and you'd have girls flocking, as well as guys.
Girls are less interested in the mechanical, **** aspect of cars, and far more intrigued by the style.
Also, any girl who would give a guy a piece based solely on the car he drove is a ***** of such proportions you wouldn't want her, anyway.
What these cars are great for is being conversation starters. Pull up to a club, a crowded restaurant, wherever, and it gives the girl a reason to talk to you. After that, you're on your own. Your car won't get you laid, but it can get you several introductions.
For what it's worth from a 'research' standpoint, I get 3x - 4x more attention from girls in my RT/10 when the top is off than I do with the top on. Convertible sports cars seem to trigger their 'fun' detector.
Obsi, can you post an enlarged pic of your avatar? Now that looks like a great pic from what I can tell.
LOL! This has to be one of the funniest posts I have read. Sorry to break the news to you but you are either ugly as a wildebeest or a quasi-nerd of unconcionable proportions.
Although I got my Vipers after I got married (**** luck I guess), I have had more females offer themselves with reckless abandon when i am with my Viper(s) than I ever thought possible because of a car. God forbid I had these cars before I was married.
Two things people are missing here. One yellow cars rock!
Two, ladies always seem to preffer verts over hardtops. Dont know why, but they just do.
Pull this thread. Please PULL IT! I can hear all the other car boards coming over here and having a field day with penis jokes.
I would move from where you are there... Morris County, NJ. Because it must be something in the water or then again, the color of your car. Now granted, yes, not always are the women that look at my car what I would call super attractive, but it is always getting checked out by the gals. ALWAYS. From 16 year old hotties to fat grandmothers and everything in between.
The '66 Mustang... Did someone say red and white...?![]()
Alexarz - are you freakin' kiddin' me?!? I appreciate that I could be a super-nerd, elephant man that is turning away any possible glance. But just bear with me. I will park the car in a small town like Clinton, NJ (here is the link to the town page - Welcome to Historic Clinton NJ ), and I will sit for a cup a coffee with my wife.
With the car parked (and me not near it) I watch the car, and watch who stops and checks it out. So, I am trying to judge the merits of the Viper as a standalone, and - before you get your undies in a bunch - all I am saying is that I observe very few women getting fired up over the car. That's all I am sayin'.
But I do have to say, the mega SUPERNERD comment is kinda funny. LOL!
Hey Dom426h... now that just hurts. I have to say it ain't my looks. I'm pretty darn sure I am OK on that front.
Maybe it is my age (I am 37), and I am not looking for women (I am happily married) besides to get the nice window shopping and winks from an attractive woman. That's all I am saying.
And, if you read my last comment in detail, I am saying if you simply put the car on the street and parked it and observed from afar you would notice that the VAST majority of looks, stares and drools will be from other guys with cars, and adolescents. Very few beautiful women will RARELY independently seek it out, check it out and drool.
I had a 20 year old girl offer to "lick my car all over" when I stopped at a Motel. Went to get a windshield for the wife's Escape and the OLD FAT woman doing the paperwork offered to leave with me (yuck). Both the 40+ women and a couple of the younger ones would go with me. I've had offers from young women walking down the road, gas stations, etc. Stopping at the Pioneer Auto Museum in Murdo the gorgeous girl there asked me for a ride and when I refused to unload all the stuff from the passenger seat she stomped off in a 'huff' (rag time?).
Now that I think about it more, my 440 Duster attracts younger (often pretty) women and car guys.
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My GTS attracts everybody. Vette guys (except 1badgt) all give me thumbs up as do women of all ages. Small children seem to really enjoy the Viper. I'm not sure, but that might be because Chad, JonB and various other VCA members like myself & Dave give little kids Viper dinky toys?
LOL! This has to be one of the funniest posts I have read. Sorry to break the news to you but you are either ugly as a wildebeest or a quasi-nerd of unconcionable proportions.
Although I got my Vipers after I got married (**** luck I guess), I have had more females offer themselves with reckless abandon when i am with my Viper(s) than I ever thought possible because of a car. God forbid I had these cars before I was married.
If your sole purpose is to have women walk up, Get a 66 red and white Mustang convertible (my wife s car) I remember to this day when I would drive you could park ANYWHERE ,Winn Dixie,etc and they would start "Stepford wifing" up to the car. VERY boring car to drive however, when she died with cancer, I never drove it, traded it for a 70 440 Challenger,now that is a car. MORAL, be careful what you wish for...