The dealer over here are being really annoying because they wont open up a warrenty book for my car but I did buy it with warrenty in the USA, althought I thought that this warrenty was worlwide which is suppost to be and I always thought that Dodge would warrenty their cars where ever you got it from. Do I need some kind of other type of warrenty like for the middle east or something?
We only have one dealer over here and they said we cant provide you any warrenty
because of two reasons, one its because I never bought the car from them!! and two its because they dont sell the Vipers here with warrenty. Yes they do sell vipers and they've sold a few but none of them have warrenty..
I was surprised to hear that from them but now I know why they dont sell so many vipers!
So I was wondering who do I talk to about this and where else can I get warrenty, Im willing to open up a warrenty book for my car in UAE dubai or Abu Dhabi or even anywhere else in the Gulf but isnt there a guy incharge in the main warrenty office for this whole issue.
Im saying that because I bought a Z06 from USA and the dealer here had no problems opening up a warrenty book..even thought i never bought it from the dealers here because they told me where ever you buy a chevy you get the warrenty world wide..isnt it like that with dodge?
Sorry everyone Im not really familiar with this situation.
We only have one dealer over here and they said we cant provide you any warrenty

So I was wondering who do I talk to about this and where else can I get warrenty, Im willing to open up a warrenty book for my car in UAE dubai or Abu Dhabi or even anywhere else in the Gulf but isnt there a guy incharge in the main warrenty office for this whole issue.
Im saying that because I bought a Z06 from USA and the dealer here had no problems opening up a warrenty book..even thought i never bought it from the dealers here because they told me where ever you buy a chevy you get the warrenty world wide..isnt it like that with dodge?
Sorry everyone Im not really familiar with this situation.