I saw that! One word, Chad - karma. Remember that. Because you just never know......4 girls...pretty impressive. Its a shame it takes 2 yellow Vipers to do what ONE red Viper can doGame, set, match...RED

I saw that! One word, Chad - karma. Remember that. Because you just never know......4 girls...pretty impressive. Its a shame it takes 2 yellow Vipers to do what ONE red Viper can doGame, set, match...RED
I saw that! One word, Chad - karma. Remember that. Because you just never know......![]()
Well does it now????You yellow guys sure are a bunch!!!!:
Wishing you were part of our bunch eh? Thought so.
Me no protest enough!!!!The yellow brethren sends mean hurtful items to non yellow owners.That in it's self speaks volumes about how insecure they are with the color choice of their vipers.I get boat loads of young girls asking me to pose with my car.And I'm sure all the other non yellow car owners get such requests also.It's just we don't have to rub it in!Just a normal day for us driving the viper.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
Now how do I change that smiley to violet????
It is yellow for a reason Taco!
Thanks Marko,and who ever did this,doesn't realize it will go on their PERMANANT RECORD!!!!!
Yeah, call in the mods. You do that. Who you want me to call for you? Kcobean? Chris?
Sure all the yellow guys laugh at my expense.
Yeaaaaaaaah. Whats your point?
Nicely done Chad,but violet would be a wee bit better than red.But we will let it slide this time!
Taking anyone you can get on your side now eh?
Oh look who showed up for the party!!!!!
Its me! Thank you for the warm welcome!
I figured you would stick up for whom ever sent this to me,the return addy was from a 235 Igloo way,North Canada.So I am thinking some eskimo that lives there who has a yellow viper sent this to me.Hey isn't your addy or house or what ever have an igloo in it????
Hey man! Dont make fun of my igloo! It was a warm summer and it was not my fault my addition melted!
And I know you have a yellow car.(Don't know what possessed you to buy a yellow one either.)There is therapy you can go to to cure you of this affliction.
I wanted the best Viper that was available. So I got a yellow. Like duh!
Mopar Boy, Your in a state of delusion, Sending something like that through the post could ruin a guys Christmas You Yellow owners should be ashamed of your selves
Yup, so ashamed. So VERY ashamed of the purple/red crowd!
Yes Mopar Boy is always in a state.The question is????What state is he in now?
Ummm, dude. I will say this in the nicest way I can. Umm, here in Igloo land we have provinces, not states.
Chuck is the Wizard.He knows way more than those pesky yellow viper owners for sure!
Pesky! That hurts!
Which brings me to my conclusion.Who is the Yeller Feller that is going to fess up to this evil deed??????I bet he is to yellow to admit it!!!!( no pun intended)![]()
Who said it was a feller number one.
Two, who said there was only one
I saw that! One word, Chad - karma. Remember that. Because you just never know......![]()
So karma would be that I end up in all 4 of their cars? :
I saw that! One word, Chad - karma. Remember that. Because you just never know......![]()
Hmmm. I think someone knows something!![]()
I am always "up to no good"; it's what I do.I think Wild is up to no good..............
Juli who's side are you on????????
I'll bet it's the awesome yellow side.
Today has been a great day
That is all.
Why, TIM's side of course~!!! This after all IS his thread~~you YELLOW hijacker, you!
I'm pretty sure that is the wrong choice Ms. Juli. You need to be on the awesome yellow side!
Tsk, tsk. Juli, I am disappointed in you! I treat you like a queen, I flirt with you shamelessly in the chat room, I provide you with your amusement for today (by your own admission, yet!) and this is my recompense? You side with this PURPLE misfit? Yes, I know the SLOW RED faction has now adopted him (they are so desperate these days they will take in anything that isn't YELLOW!) but really, I expected better from you! Your Snake isn't even remotely RED; how can you do this? How can you betray me? What's he got that I haven't got? Who stays up talking with you on the chat when Mike's away, huh? Who takes care of your boredom? Who tickles your funnybone (and whatever else we can get to)? Me and my YELLOW Brothers, that's who! Oh how fickle is the nature of women! How easily they forget! Some loyalty! And to think you consider us men shallow!Why, TIM's side of course~!!! This after all IS his thread~~you YELLOW hijacker, you!
I think Wild is up to no good..............
I am always "up to no good"; it's what I do.However, that has nothing to do with what Chad has brought upon himself. You see, had he shown up here to defend one of his RED brethren, well, THAT would have been only to be expected; but as we can see, he's not content with that; oh, nooooo; he takes any opportunity to attack YELLOW! Totally gratuitous, if you ask me, and THAT is bad karma! A real b*tch, karma is, and he is setting himself up for her to bite him right in his McViper-driving, skirt-chasing, *******-dwelling, photo-snapping (or is it photo-shopping??), Kellie Pickler-fantasizing backside, just when he least expects it!
I won't have to do a thing, not one thing, except sit back and watch; all that negative energy he has put into her has made his karma into an evil genie of untold power, and one day, she is going to pop out, wave her hand, and who knows what will happen, not only to Chad, but maybe his RED Viper allies, too! I have visions of all sorts of calamities, including turned-off chicks, Kellie Pickler getting married, and dare I say it, SLOW RED Vipers suddenly and inexplicably changing color.........things far beyond my modest capabilities, but that's what bad karma can do!
Oh, and one more thing; as for a certain ungrateful PURPLE Viper owner who started this, karma is going to get him too - I predict that he is going to meet the most beautiful woman he has ever seen; wealthy, available, and inexplicably, actually attracted to him (for some unknown reason)......however, she will be highly allergic to anything PURPLE; and the mere sight of a PURPLE Viper will cause her to develop uncontrollable retching, a most unattractive rash all over her body, and a month-long aversion to sex. His anguish at this development should be.......well, delicious, frankly!![]()
Juli who's side are you on????????
I'll bet it's the awesome yellow side.
Today has been a great day
That is all.
I'm pretty sure that is the wrong choice Ms. Juli. You need to be on the awesome yellow side!
Timbo, remember in spring, there's gonna be a yellow car in your garage and there will be evidence of it too!![]()
Yes, I know the SLOW RED faction has now adopted him (they are so desperate these days they will take in anything that isn't YELLOW!)
Timbo, remember in spring, there's gonna be a yellow car in your garage and there will be evidence of it too!![]()
We await pics of this.![]()
Yup Juli is neutral alright!Every thing she types is in purple.And did you notice no yellow!!!!!!!!Always a good sign.
Spoken like a true girlie man!
And poor STRETCH still believes in Yellow.I don't think we can reach him any more.
It is you we need to reach. To see the truth. The light if you will in this Christmas season.
A lost cause.See what yellow does to a person.Just look at Mopar Boy.Living a life of illusion.So sad for sure.And these 2 guys HAD potential too!
Potential? You are right! And we still have it! Potential is WAAAY better than being failures like the "Chumpy and the Red/Purple/Anything that is not Yellow" Clan.
Get him in a real color and he would be on top of the world.Fit right in and not be THE out cast that he experiences( as well as Mopar Boy)when they drive that awful colored viper.
I guess when you don't fit in,ya just don't!
Just remember this Timbofish: Doing anything just to be part of a group is not speaking whats in your heart like marching to the beat of your own drum. Take us yellow owners. We are free thinkers. We are not blinded by lies that red is best. We are not sheep that follow the red pied piper.
So I am glad I dont fit in.
Timbo (the red team) kinda![]()