Which Cylinder heads are the best?


Jan 28, 2012
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Ned, I have zero dog in this fight, zero. Futher I am not sure where you were raised or how you were raised but if somebody calls me a liar and a thief I will take issue with that IMMEDIATELY as any integrity question. After that everything else is pretty much irrelevent. You chose to ignore that charge and instead talk about the flow of the heads or lack of flow whatever. Did you or did you not take something that does not belong to you and not reimburse the party in question? In short did you steal a set of heads from a VCA member and not pay him back?

PS: I don't care how good your heads flow if you can't answer this simple question directly and back it up with facts I don't think anybody is going to care how knowledgeable you are.

Ned Erkman

Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
nobody would read his novel. and not for nothing, jack has been here a long time and has been nothing but help and dead honest, my money is on jack

I respect your opinion. I actually don’t have a personal problem with Jack, so to put it in more simple terms it’s not personal it’s just business.

Now the business of what is going on here needs some clarification before people start to get the wrong ideas. What happened here is that two guys were playing in their playground and a question was asked about who had the best heads? The answer to this question is quite simple; people are entitled to provide their opinion of who they think has the best heads. However, what they do not have the right to do is slander other peoples businesses with no justifiable cause or foundation in fact.

So when I arrived on seen in their playground to counter their remarks and to prove that there comments are inaccurate, they were quite surprised since they did not expect me to hear their comments about my business. They also did not expect to learn the hard lessons about how good we really are in our business, which completely contradicts what they were trying to project. So in order to justify their actions they are desperately trying to find some reason to make me and my business look bad.

This process has now developed into a competition, to see who will beat who in this debate. Now in any form of professional competition there are rules in place and players need to play by the rules. Unfortunately, in this playground there are no rules regarding any cheating during competition, so if you are having a war of words, anybody can say anything to try and beat the other guy. The comments that I directed at Jack are simply meant to stop him from cheating in our competition, so any words that he speaks that are intended to beat me will be challenged and as I stated previously he has cheated by stating words that are not true and since he has stated that he will not make any further comments, he has actually retired from competition. I have also stopped competing with him since he cheated. We are finished playing.

On a personal note I actually like Jack and do respect his creative mechanical and electronics endeavors to improve the performance of the Dodge Viper, he is a smart guy and I do very much appreciate the fact that he was one of the first to attend my American Supercar Challenge race with his Viper when I started that race series, so I owe Jack some respect for helping make it happen. Jack also has a legitimate concern that the work we did to his heads was not 100%. We just have a simple difference of opinion about of our level of competency, so we can agree to disagree. I look forward to another debate on that subject with no cheating.

Now the other guy in the playground, who was throwing sand at my business, has made some effort to apologize, but these actions are not sincere since he has not retracted his statements. He has edited just about every other post that he made but no effort has been made to edit the comments that he made about my business. So I do not believe that his apology is sincere and in effect I am not finished with Final GTS. My problem with Final GTS is more personal and very professional as be has conducting a malicious political campaign against my business. He also needs to understand that when you are in the O.K. Coral shooting away, you really do not need to make comments about another shooter that will soon be arriving to take shots at me; it actually ruins the element of surprise and makes it clear that he is working with people in the background in a continuing effort to damage my business. So until I get a sincere apology from Final GTS with a retraction of his comments, we will remain in competition.

That ladies and gentlemen is what is going on here along with some Viper cylinder head tech that ties all this in to what this thread is actually based on.


Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
Now the other guy in the playground, who was throwing sand at my business, has made some effort to apologize, but these actions are not sincere since he has not retracted his statements. He has edited just about every other post that he made but no effort has been made to edit the comments that he made about my business. So I do not believe that his apology is sincere and in effect I am not finished with Final GTS. My problem with Final GTS is more personal and very professional as be has conducting a malicious political campaign against my business. He also needs to understand that when you are in the O.K. Coral shooting away, you really do not need to make comments about another shooter that will soon be arriving to take shots at me; it actually ruins the element of surprise and makes it clear that he is working with people in the background in a continuing effort to damage my business. So until I get a sincere apology from Final GTS with a retraction of his comments, we will remain in competition.

Don't forget to hold your breath on that one Ned.

You act like Chris and I planned this. That's laughable. He doesn't have time to hunt you down for money any more, so do you really think he has time to play internet games? He stumbled on this thread, and when I saw him post, I called HIM to find out any missing parts of this story. Guess what? He agreed with everything I had said- up to and including the fact that we will probably never know whether those heads were ever ported, stolen at your shop, or stolen after the fact. But we do agree, that it would have been pretty damn tough for someone to steal those heads off the car anywhere else the car may have been.

The goose is cooked in plenty of other ways, I don't need the flamethrower on the "allegedly stolen heads" fiasco. Anyone reading this can see you are selectively doing circles around these topics, and omitting some rather important ones.

This thread turned into a competition because rather than gathering information, and explaining things calmly, you chose to brag-sell your way into the spotlight in this thread, and then decided it was easier to try and discredit than to explain or, God forbid, actually take some blame.

I have nothing against you to be honest. I have never met you, and don't care to. But it is ******* me off that you keep acting like you can do no wrong, and know everything about everything and have the best of everything, while being the epitome of moral integrity. Sorry to inform you, but you can, you don't, and you aren't- and the experiences in this thread sure seem to confirm that fact. I am not going to pretend that I don't have a big ego myself; but I don't screw people, I hold myself to a high moral standard and don't tolerate less than what I feel is perfection on whatever I touch, and I will own up to a mistake if I know that I made one.

My suggestion is that you stop posting, and use that time to write a check and mail it to Chris. Perhaps even mail one to Jack for the work he had to have done elsewhere that you were supposed to do. Maybe then you might get an apology.
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Viper Owner
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
id like to see ned answer a question or make a point in 5 sentences or less.

Ned Erkman

Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Ned, I have zero dog in this fight, zero. Futher I am not sure where you were raised or how you were raised but if somebody calls me a liar and a thief I will take issue with that IMMEDIATELY as any integrity question. After that everything else is pretty much irrelevent. You chose to ignore that charge and instead talk about the flow of the heads or lack of flow whatever. Did you or did you not take something that does not belong to you and not reimburse the party in question? In short did you steal a set of heads from a VCA member and not pay him back?

PS: I don't care how good your heads flow if you can't answer this simple question directly and back it up with facts I don't think anybody is going to care how knowledgeable you are.

This is no dog fight, just a lame blame game with lots of bark and no bite.

I am not at all concerned about these statements that are directed at me since we are governed by laws that determine innocence and guilt which makes it very important to understand that this forum is not a judge and jury.

What I see here is a game being played that has much to do with defamation, slander and liable and since you asked how I was raised it was with an educational background in civil law, crimimal law and torts along with very successful experiences in the development of racing engines, which means I specialize in understanding why a lot of hot foul air is blowing out of 2 exhaust pipes.

So please be advised that I am not ignoring anything, I am preparing my case in the order that I choose. What you do not seem to understand is that when somebody chooses to make an inqaccurate statement about how a set of heads flows lower than the previous set, on a thread about who has the best heads, then that person is wilfully attempting to do damage. Therefore, I have the right to question this statement since it is not accurate.

It is also important to look at the timing of these comments, which is directly after I am having some constructive dialogue about a set of our heads that made 725 hp on our stroker motor. The pattern is simple, I generate a positive statement and directly after another fictisious statements surfaces to counter my positive facts.

The only problem with this game is that I already gave a simple answer and it was not understood, so I have to write another novel about what is really going on here and the first chapter will be directed at the incorrect comment about the flow data issue for the two sets of heads. Unfortunately, the first chapter must be read in order to understand the whole story and when the whole story is finally over it will prove once again that you should not judge a book by the cover.

Ned Erkman

Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Let me clarify the issues with the "stolen cylinder heads", they were mine. sure would like to know when Ned is going to pay me back the money he owes me for the Gen 3 and AEM that I "sold" to him? He has owed me the money for over a year and when I go to collect he BS's me around.
I id get another set of heads made, but never installed them. Flow numbers were lower than the previous heads and other issues.

In reference to your statement that your new heads have lower flow numbers than your old heads, since you decided to bring this matter up on this forum in a manner that has a negative connotation directed at me, I would like to remind you that the original statement you made to me about this matter was that your heads did not flow as much as another set of Viper heads that I also ported for another customer. This is why I have the right to question the integrity of this comment since there is a misrepresentation of facts, your original statement to me was that your Viper heads do not flow as much as another set of Viper heads that I modified for another customer and NOT that your new heads do not flow what your old heads flowed. In fact, I did not provide you with flow data for your old “stolen” heads, so there is no foundation in fact for you to make such a comment about the two sets of heads that you owned. Once again I am dealing with baseless comments on this forum which I am continuing to prove redundant. So my next question is what your motive is for making this false statement and who encouraged you to do this? The timing is also rather strategic, right after I am having constructive dialogue about our stoker motor making 725 hp with our modified Viper Street Performance head this new false statement appears on stage with a negative slant about our heads. Interesting tactic and a good political attack!

It is also important to mention that you did not acquire any cylinder head flow data from me. This cylinder head flow information regarding the two set of Viper cylinder heads that I ported for you and your friend was given to you by another shop that you and your friend are attending to service your Viper engines. What you also stated to me was that your friends Viper engine blew up and broke after the Viper engine was rebuilt at this other shop and you also stated that you were still waiting to have your engine built at this other shop after some determination had been made as to why the other Viper engine failed. So I want to clarify that when you state “the heads have not been installed” and “other problems” this has nothing to do with our business since you are now dealing with another business to service your Viper engine. Let me make it clear that you had your Rolling Thunderz cylinder heads and cam originally installed back in 2006 and you reported no problems with our engine modifications until the stolen cylinder heads issue surfaced, several years later. It is also important to mention that Rolling Thunderz has not serviced your Viper since 2006.

Next point, you and your friend delivered several Viper engine assemblies to RT two years ago to have Viper engines built and it was determined by us that the Viper engine components that you delivered for a rebuild consisted of worn out engine components and damaged engine parts, which in our opinion were not suitable for a professional engine assembly. We highly recommended that aftermarket pistons and connecting rods be used for your Viper engine assemblies and our recommendations were not accepted and we were instructed to use the best components from the used production engine assemblies to reassemble one engine. Then we received communication that the rest of the engine components that belonged to you would be picked up by the other shop that you had decided to service your engines and this never happened. You stated to me that both you and your friend have elected to have your Viper engines built at another shop and the reason you gave me is that this other shop had built a Viper road race engine that had success in regional competition. What makes no sense to me is that you know that Rolling Thunderz builds Viper race engines that compete in GT3 race competition that win races in international race competition. Since you advised that your Viper is still not ready, which is now 17 month after we prepared your new heads; this convinces me even more that what we do at Rolling Thunderz is very special.

On that note, since you stated to me that your actual concern is your heads do not flow the same as your friends heads, let me address this issues. Allow me to remind you that when you and your friend came to me and requested that I modify both your Gen 2 Vipers; your specific requirement was that both of your Vipers have the same level of performance. I would also like to remind you that your friend has made numerous compliments to me about how I developed repeatability with these engine programs where both Vipers perform the same during race competition. You yourself have mentioned that you are equal in competition so in my opinion we delivered exactly what you both wanted us to deliver and the performance of these Vipers was highly successful by all accounts, including your own. At least your friend actually appreciated how difficult it is to develop two engine programs that deliver the same level of Viper vehicle performance. What you do not fully comprehend is how complicated it actually is to make both your Vipers perform equally during race competition, so allow me to explain. Technically, it is important to mention that an ACR Viper, which is what you have, is lighter than a regular GTS model, which is what your friend races. It is also important to understand that the weight of the owners/drivers must be taken into to account in order to determine the right power to weight ratio for both Vipers. What this all means is that since you and your ACR Viper were close to 200 lbs lighter than your friend and his GTS Viper, his engine needs to develop more performance in order for both vehicles to deliver the same race track performance. I hope you now understand that this was a much more complicated development project than what you actually think, since the two Vipers had a significant variation in full race weight, which is why the engine performance had to be developed differently for both Vipers to deliver the same on track performance. The obvious part of this equation is that an ACR was developed to be lighter so that it can perform better and since you are significantly lighter as a driver, these dynamics must be considered in order to fulfill your request that both Vipers perform the same on the track. If you review the Mustang chassis dyno data that you were originally provided back in 2006 you will note that your friends Viper produces approximately 25 more RWHP. So when I am requested to develop the same vehicle performance for two different vehicle weights, I do not conduct the same modifications to both engines. This is another one of our great success stories and not a problem as you have projected as a variation in cylinder head airflow. It is actually an even greater success story when you consider that our Rolling Thunderz Gen 2 Vipers were actually outperforming the new Generation 4 Viper ACR, which is clearly documented in correspondences that you and I both received from your friend and fellow racer of events that unfolded at the race track where he was running just a little bit faster than the Gen 4 Viper ACR on the straight away. So not only did we modify two Generation 2 Vipers, to perform equally with different vehicle race weights, these Gen 2 Viper engines that Rolling Thunderz developed were able to out perform the new Gen 4 Viper ACR when it arrived on seen, as documented in correspondences that you have received. It is also important to emphasis that these Gen 2 engines still had stock cranks, rods, and pistons and that this remarkable performance was achieved with only our Phase 4 heads and custom V10 Viper cams, along with a complete Belanger exhaust system.

To conclude this chapter, more modifications were performed for your friends Viper GTS heads in order for his heavier vehicle weight to perform at an equal level of performance with your significantly lighter ACR race weight and thank you for confirming that your request and our target objective was reached with both Vipers performing equally in race competition. In fact, this matter is actually another very significant Rolling Thunderz success story. What I was requested to provide was equal Viper vehicle performance and not equal cylinder head flow numbers, which is why you never received any flow data for either set of heads from me and why there should be no concern about two sets of heads performing equally. Furthermore, I also stated to you that if you want me to do more work to develop more performance for your new Viper heads that I would be willing to do so and you declined this offer. So why make a post that has this negative connotation about our Viper cylinder heads, on this thread about “who has the best heads”, and why is there a misreprentation of facts?


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
ned likes to hear himself talk/type....if he builds heads half as good as he rambles, he is the best of the best


Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Orlando, Fl
Ned, I find it interesting that you can type forever defending your business but haven't typed anything defending your integrity. If someone called me a thief and a liar on a public forum I would certainly address that first. Nobody cares what you can do if they think you will lie and steal from them. The fact that your typing out these long posts and NOT addressing it doesn't look good.

lol @ Plum

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Ned, I find it interesting that you can type forever defending your business but haven't typed anything defending your integrity. If someone called me a thief and a liar on a public forum I would certainly address that first. Nobody cares what you can do if they think you will lie and steal from them. The fact that your typing out these long posts and NOT addressing it doesn't look good.

I guess it is hard to defend the indefensible........................


Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
The long replies remind me of the Shadowman's replies after he destroyed that FGT.


Viper Owner
Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Yea he just got his Greg Good heads on and car should be getting tuned by A&C soon.

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