Bleed brakes-motul 600 or 660, 2 containers
Front race pads if you can swing it (brakeman 3's?)
Check susp.components, wheel hub, etc. while changing pads
Tires..PS 2's huh? 3 yrs old? Wellllll....if you're gonna do NARRA also, you might consider changing them out after your first HPDE.
check other fluids, refresh if needed. Recommend mobile 1 -15/50 oil.
30% coolant, 70% water and 2 bottles of water GenII gets hot!
Check and DOUBLE check power steering cap! I take a little out, then just out some back in before you drive it home
borrow or buy a SA2005 or better helmet
wear long sleeves, long pants, driving shoes or something close
Bring tire pressure guage, torque wrench, extra oil, windshield cleaner and a cooler of water, a folding chair and sunscreen.

Tape front of car, there's also an inexpensive spray-on clear protection sheet too. Email me if you want more info, and on where I buy my track supplies