MCVO Separates from National VCA

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Jun 24, 2009
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Vacaville, California
We are in support of our club's decision to no longer be affiliated with the VCA. I do not believe it is a choice anyone wanted to make. MCVO was here before VCA, it will be fine on it's own.
For my part I stopped posting on this forum a while back; concerned that I'd say something and get us banned. Pretty sad to avoid the national club site because your worried that you could lose your regional club membership.
I am uncomfortable with the nepotism, for lack of a better word. Specifically husband/wife Marshall and more recently their son/magazine editor. It doesn't pass the sniff test.
While VPA is not VCA, it's in the club's best interest to go above and beyond any expectations Chrysler had with respects to each being transparent. Was the club's best interests not important enough or were those making decisions not capable of understanding this? How could anyone think poking a stick in Chrysler's eye was would go unnoticed?
Lastly, VCA is late with our magazine, the only directly recognizable membership benefit. In the years we've been members this never happened, the previous publisher handled it in a professional manner. No excuses, instead a great publication that you looked forward too getting.
All of this begs the question why does any viper owner need the VCA?
It would be great if none of this happened, great if the club could return to being an open honest organization, but that does not seem to be where this is headed.


I'd like to join the MCVO just to show support. Are dues payable the first of the year? Even though I'm in NorCal, I want to support the MCVO's choice to go out on its own.

It would be cool to have T-shirts made up for Viper owners that want to support your region....maybe something like "I support the MCVO" or something along those lines.



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
MCVO made a bold move. With the ties you guys have to Chrysler and SRT National likely provided few benefits and certainly didn't provide you with anything you couldn't get locally - so can understand - and of course - you wouldn't want to associate with anyone that degraded the relationship....

I suspect you will not be alone unless MAJOR changes are forthcoming.


Jan 26, 2011
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West Michigan
This should answer some questions. To be honest I was a bit hesitant to post this but since Bill started it lol. Nothing in here that hasn't been discussed already anyways. Page 2 was just contact info and a very brief wrap up that I feel doesn't need to be posted.


You must be registered for see images attach

No idea why that picture is so small. Here is what it says:

A New Club Direction

The MCVO board of directors has unanimously voted to separate from the national Viper Club of America. MCVO no longer requires the administrative services provided by the national office. This decision was made in an effort to sustain MCVO and continue to provide quality Viper events for the more than 170 MCVO members. A new process will be available shortly for renewing your 2014 membership online via the MCVO web site ( and Chrysler. Many of you have heard about the stressed/failing relationship between Chrysler and the National Viper Club of America. The circumstance surrounding the problems at the VCA make it difficult for us to align with a national club that does not share our common club values. The Motor City Viper Owners Club has enjoyed a unique relationship with Dodge and Chrysler dating back to the early days of the club’s formation prior to the existence of the national VCA itself. MCVO was one of the original independent viper clubs formed and has remained strong with passionate people volunteering their time to ensure that regional member/owners can enjoy the very car that has brought them together. Our club is made up of a wide variety of people from those with social interests to motorsports enthusiasts and gear heads....All Viper minded of course. Many of the members of MCVO are employees/ retirees of Chrysler or suppliers to the manufacturer in some manner. MCVO and VCA Over the last 12 months+, VCA has drawn out the payment of your dues to our region. MCVO relies on those dues to operate. Club events are subsidized from those monies which allow individual event organizers to plan in advance.
In many cases deposits are made to venues so that our event dates can be secured.
It has taken months to collect your dues from the VCA. This practice is not conducive to MCVO funding needs. Membership monies paid by you in January were not received until July which is not in the best interest of the club. We have drafted a series of FAQ’s that we hope will answer some of the questions that you may have
1. What is the difference between MCVO and VCA membership? MCVO is focused on local/Michigan Viper themed events. Your membership status will not effectively change except that it will not have any affiliation to the Viper Club of America.
2. Is MCVO the only region separating from VCA? We cannot speak for other regional clubs; however others may be contemplating or may have elected to take the same position.
3. Will anything change in the way MCVO is run? The club will continue to operate in the same manner. Elections will be held for board member positions.

4. Will my membership dues increase? 2014 dues have been established at $85.00 per household (member/spouse) which is a reduction over current national VCA dues.
5. Will I receive Viper Magazine? You will no longer receive Viper magazine through MCVO. Snake Bites will continue to be our publication as an MCVO member benefit.
6. Can I still go to VOI’s? In the past the only qualification to attend a VOI was to own a Viper.
7. Can I still attend other regional club events? That will be up to each regional club as it has always been with MCVO
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Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Interesting. So the secession was done pursuant to a vote of the MCVO Board without a vote of your 170+ members. I wish you all well. After all, it is all about the car. You might want to amend the MCVO Bylaw section below for obvious reasons:5. EXPULSION OF MEMBERSHIP
The National or Regional Board, upon its own initiative or upon the resolution of the current legal governing body
of any Zone, may bring expulsion charges against any member for conduct detrimental to the welfare of the Club.
The affected member shall be notified in writing with a full statement of the reasons by first class mail sent to their
last known address. Within thirty days of mailing the charges, the member may request a hearing before the Board
by mailing such request to the National Business Office. If a request for hearing is not received within 30 days, the
Board may decide whether to terminate the membership. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held at a place to be
determined by the National/Regional President. The hearing shall be informal and the rules of evidence shall not
apply. Following a hearing, the Board shall decide whether to terminate the membership. The Board may, with or
without a hearing, take action less than expulsion, including reject the charges, reassign the member, reprimand the
member or such other action as may be appropriate. The decision of the Board is final and cannot be appealed. If
membership is terminated, all membership rights, including prepaid dues, shall be forfeited. Any member expelled, or
who resigns after expulsion charges have been brought, is barred from any class of membership for life.

This should answer some questions. To be honest I was a bit hesitant to post this but since Bill started it lol. Nothing in here that hasn't been discussed already anyways. Page 2 was just contact info and a very brief wrap up that I feel doesn't need to be posted.

You must be registered for see images attach

No idea why that picture is so small. Here is what it says:

A New Club Direction

The MCVO board of directors has unanimously voted to separate from the national Viper Club of America. MCVO no longer requires the administrative services provided by the national office. This decision was made in an effort to sustain MCVO and continue to provide quality Viper events for the more than 170 MCVO members. A new process will be available shortly for renewing your 2014 membership online via the MCVO web site ( and Chrysler. Many of you have heard about the stressed/failing relationship between Chrysler and the National Viper Club of America. The circumstance surrounding the problems at the VCA make it difficult for us to align with a national club that does not share our common club values. The Motor City Viper Owners Club has enjoyed a unique relationship with Dodge and Chrysler dating back to the early days of the club’s formation prior to the existence of the national VCA itself. MCVO was one of the original independent viper clubs formed and has remained strong with passionate people volunteering their time to ensure that regional member/owners can enjoy the very car that has brought them together. Our club is made up of a wide variety of people from those with social interests to motorsports enthusiasts and gear heads....All Viper minded of course. Many of the members of MCVO are employees/ retirees of Chrysler or suppliers to the manufacturer in some manner. MCVO and VCA Over the last 12 months+, VCA has drawn out the payment of your dues to our region. MCVO relies on those dues to operate. Club events are subsidized from those monies which allow individual event organizers to plan in advance.
In many cases deposits are made to venues so that our event dates can be secured.
It has taken months to collect your dues from the VCA. This practice is not conducive to MCVO funding needs. Membership monies paid by you in January were not received until July which is not in the best interest of the club. We have drafted a series of FAQ’s that we hope will answer some of the questions that you may have
1. What is the difference between MCVO and VCA membership? MCVO is focused on local/Michigan Viper themed events. Your membership status will not effectively change except that it will not have any affiliation to the Viper Club of America.
2. Is MCVO the only region separating from VCA? We cannot speak for other regional clubs; however others may be contemplating or may have elected to take the same position.
3. Will anything change in the way MCVO is run? The club will continue to operate in the same manner. Elections will be held for board member positions.

4. Will my membership dues increase? 2014 dues have been established at $85.00 per household (member/spouse) which is a reduction over current national VCA dues.
5. Will I receive Viper Magazine? You will no longer receive Viper magazine through MCVO. Snake Bites will continue to be our publication as an MCVO member benefit.
6. Can I still go to VOI’s? In the past the only qualification to attend a VOI was to own a Viper.
7. Can I still attend other regional club events? That will be up to each regional club as it has always been with MCVO
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Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Just like the VCA members get any say in anything with the VCA? Here's the real difference though. I can guarantee you this though. If anyone of the members has an issue with it, there will be open and honest discussion about it with that *** and the officers. THAT is the difference.

sun diego

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Bob, they expelled the National club. :) They had the balls to do something about this mess. It contravened ..gasp..the rules of a car club. Do they get hard time for that? The American Revolution was people breaking laws to do what they knew was right. They were risking a lot more than lifetime expulsion from the Viper Club. King George probably had a much higher approval rating the Viper Club ***.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
Wow. Very sad to see this news for the sake of what this great club once was. Maybe many of thse issues were always there and it was just my not seeing them but...

Regions out on their own are a loss to the people of the club as a whole. I can see where and why MCVO has ended up where it is (my opinion of the separation is neither good or bad at this point....have to see how it turns out), but its sad it has come to that. I do see it as unfortunate from the side of meeting people. I can't tell you have many friends I have in other regions that I would never have met if the club was not "a whole", including many in the MCVO. Pretty sure all VCA folks have friends in other regions they met through the club.

it's sponsored, it's a track rental etc. and it's pretty cheap at about 150$ I believe. why besides a way to organize are dues really needed?

Don't forget a VOI is not that cut and dry. I have never seen a costing for VOI things, but having planned events before, things like insurance, goody bags, busses to haul those who did not bring their Viper out, banquet hall rentals, MULTIPLE catered dinners, paid for lunches, normally more than one track rented, etc all add up. I agree VOIs are not cheap and it takes me a bit to save up for one, but I also can't argue that they provide a fair bit of content for the money.

I applaud them for making the move however this is not going to unify the membership. Bruce

Curious as to what the outcome would be if all 170 MCVO members were to vote....

sun diego

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Mopar Boy;3212113 Curious as to what the outcome would be if all 170 MCVO members were to vote....[/QUOTE said:
...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A fair guess is very much like the vote of confidence is going on this website, except removing the votes of the national ***. We can only hope the MC Viper club will invite the rest of us to cool events as they haven't screwed their relationship with Chrysler.


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I'm not seeing a connection between the MCVO by-laws Bob posted and the MCVO withdrawing from the VCA. The MCVO did not expel any members.


Viper Owner
Apr 16, 2011
Reaction score
Sterling Heights,MI
I would have voted for it. VCA has provided what for me in the couple of years i have been here? with all of the other ways to connect today i am sure if every region did the same there is another way without the politics and such to keeps everyone together.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
You guys are Awsome. Way to go....Please send email when joining can begin.


Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Vacaville, California
I see the bylaws as a form of contract.

-National broke the contract when they would not pay the MCVO their rightful collected monies in the time frame of the bylaws.

-National is not sending out the magazine as promised

-National is not publishing financials timely per the bylaws

-I'm sure there is a lot of other contractual items that were broken.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm not seeing National holding up their end of the contract (bylaws). I'm sure the legals minds will argue that the bylaws are not a contract :rolleyes:



Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
There is no causal connection other than the Bylaws reference the National Board and officers and need to be revised since by seceding, the MCVO does not intend to be subject to the VCA or its National Board any longer. I do not see any secession procedure in the Bylaws so if I were the Board of the MCVO, I would have the MCVO members vote on their action just as a belt and suspenders procedure since it is a non profit entity. But I do not know Michigan non profit law so perhaps such an action is permitted without any Bylaw procedure and without any vote of the MCVO membership. Of course then there is the issue of whether the pre secession relationship between the MCVO and the VCA, whereby national funds were disbursed to the MCVO, requires that any of the funds be returned to the VCA since the full year relationship was not completed. After all the VCA funds involved in payments to the various regional clubs are out of a *** of money contributed by all members nationwide and assumes some level of cooperation among the Regions,etc. There are other provisions in the MCVO Bylaws that reference National and/or are out of date like the reference to the former third pary, external entity that used to handle alot of club operations. So basically, the MCVO needs to redo their Bylaws and submit them to a vote pursuant to tthe following provision of their existing Bylaws: These by-laws may be altered, amended or replaced by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at any regular
meeting provided however, that such alteration, amendment or replacement shall be read at a regular meeting prior to the
meeting at which such is to be considered and a copy of such matter shall be sent to the membership as a part to the
notice prior to the meeting at which action is taken on such alteration, amendment or replacement.
I'm not seeing a connection between the MCVO by-laws Bob posted and the MCVO withdrawing from the VCA. The MCVO did not expel any members.
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Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
I just sent a message to our chapter representative asking him if he was going to poll our chapter.

I applaud the MCVO board for taking decisive action. I am sure they didn't take this lightly.

I have also asked the MCVO club if others can join. I would do that just to show support to their board and club.

What is surprising at this point is the lack of any communication from the VCA *** or Officers except for Lee's post six days ago which seemed more directed at pointing out
the "unauthorized release" of the Chrysler letter.

And from what we are told by one person the 12 are prohibited from communicating with the members at least as to giving
us their opinions or saying anything that could be construed as revealing "confidential information."

What is also surprising is that none of the *** or Officers have resigned. Does this mean they all agree with everything that is going on and how it is being

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A fair guess is very much like the vote of confidence is going on this website, except removing the votes of the national ***. We can only hope the MC Viper club will invite the rest of us to cool events as they haven't screwed their relationship with Chrysler.

I don't know. I see two separate things here. Just because someone does not support the Nation *** officers, does NOT mean they want the region split.

Smog Dog

Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Massillon, Ohio
There is no causal connection other than the Bylaws reference the National Board and officers and need to be revised since by seceding, the MCVO does not intend to be subject to the VCA or its National Board any longer. I do not see any secession procedure in the Bylaws so if I were the Board of the MCVO, I would have the MCVO members vote on their action just as a belt and suspenders procedure since it is a non profit entity. But I do not know Michigan non profit law so perhaps such an action is permitted without any Bylaw procedure and without any vote of the MCVO membership. Of course then there is the issue of whether the pre secession relationship between the MCVO and the VCA, whereby national funds were disbursed to the MCVO, requires that any of the funds be returned to the VCA since the full year relationship was not completed. After all the VCA funds involved in payments to the various regional clubs are out of a *** of money contributed by all members nationwide and assumes some level of cooperation among the Regions,etc. There are other provisions in the MCVO Bylaws that reference National and/or are out of date like the reference to the former third pary, external entity that used to handle alot of club operations. So basically, the MCVO needs to redo their Bylaws and submit them to a vote pursuant to tthe following provision of their existing Bylaws: These by-laws may be altered, amended or replaced by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at any regular
meeting provided however, that such alteration, amendment or replacement shall be read at a regular meeting prior to the
meeting at which such is to be considered and a copy of such matter shall be sent to the membership as a part to the
notice prior to the meeting at which action is taken on such alteration, amendment or replacement.

The talk of MCVO returning funds to National VCA is silly. MCVO members are paid in full through the end of the year. Maybe National should be refunding monies to MCVO members....good luck with that. LOL Remember, National VCA sent our portion of dues paid in January to the club in July. The whole problem of National VCA is that it is all about the and power. Even as the region departs, the Iron Hand of the National VCA will struggle to keep power. Most MCVO members think National should now just "butt out" of our business. As far as elections go, MCVO holds elections in December. I highly doubt if candidates will emerge and run on a platform of returning to National VCA, but the opportunity is there.



Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Don't forget a VOI is not that cut and dry. I have never seen a costing for VOI things, but having planned events before, things like insurance, goody bags, busses to haul those who did not bring their Viper out, banquet hall rentals, MULTIPLE catered dinners, paid for lunches, normally more than one track rented, etc all add up. I agree VOIs are not cheap and it takes me a bit to save up for one, but I also can't argue that they provide a fair bit of content for the money.

Banquet halls....seriously? so many stuck up rich F***s and trophy brides that they require banquet halls. I may not speak for everyone, but I would imagine most of us would be good with a ******* or a hell of a tail gate party at the track....I have no interest in the self absorbed rich all. and how many people grace more than one or the other track with their viper.....I'll bet 60% or better don't.
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Jul 13, 2009
Reaction score
Bob has to be getting paid. no one is that thick. or he has you on video doing something you fear could get out into the public.


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Bob, the money that local clubs get from nationals is not from a "*** of money contributed by all members". Each region gets a certain (I thought it was $55, but maybe it's $65) amount of the dues paid by each of their regional members. If all of the money was put into a *** and then distributed equally between all regional clubs, you would have a point (although TrackAire pointed out plenty of breaches of contract from the national side). However, since it doesn't work that way, I would almost say that nationals owes money back to the MCVO, not the other way around. Isn't the magazine supposed to be the main thing you get by being a VCA member?
Basically nationals got an interest free loan for 7 months and from what I've heard, the magazine is WAAAAYYYYY behind on deliveries.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Just to make it clear, the MCVO Bylaws require a specific procedure for amending the Bylaws as shown above. The current Bylaws reference the National Board and National Officers in a number of places. If MCVO wishes to secede and do it properly, they need to amend their Bylaws in accordance with the procedure contained in their Bylaws. Here is that procedure again for ease of reference. I think that it is an excellent procedure that ensures thoughtful action by the MCVO membership. These by-laws may be altered, amended or replaced by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at any regular
meeting provided however, that such alteration, amendment or replacement shall be read at a regular meeting prior to the
meeting at which such is to be considered and a copy of such matter shall be sent to the membership as a part to the
notice prior to the meeting at which action is taken on such alteration, amendment or replacement


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I suggest that you read the MCVO Bylaws. I am trying to help them do what they wish to do correctly. No one is paying me.
Bob has to be getting paid. no one is that thick. or he has you on video doing something you fear could get out into the public.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
And I am pretty sure that you have nothing of any value to post. So back on ignore you go.

Brian GTS

Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Banquet halls....seriously? so many stuck up rich F***s and trophy brides that they require banquet halls. I may not speak for everyone, but I would imagine most of us would be good with a ******* or a hell of a tail gate party at the track....I have no interest in the self absorbed rich all. and how many people grace more than one or the other track with their viper.....I'll bet 60% or better don't.

No offense, but you're definitely don't speak for everyone. VOI is not so much geared toward stuck up rich dudes with trophy brides as you say. In fact, it's quite the opposite with the Viper owners that I know.

Have you attended a VOI to witness the magnitude of the event? I'm guessing not based on your opinion. There are approximately 1,000 people there (perhaps more) so I don't think ******* or a tail gate party would be feasible. The banquet rooms are so everyone can gather in one location to socialize, eat, meet SRT guys, announcements....etc. Multiple tracks are required.....again because of the number of cars at the event. Otherwise, you might have to wait two or three days in order to get on the track and may be lucky to get in one 10 minute run.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
So let me get this straight bob,

You harp on MCVO "violating" it's bylaws

But have all but glossed over VCA ignoring its

Hilarious double standard.


Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
Banquet halls....seriously? so many stuck up rich F***s and trophy brides that they require banquet halls. I may not speak for everyone, but I would imagine most of us would be good with a ******* or a hell of a tail gate party at the track....I have no interest in the self absorbed rich all. and how many people grace more than one or the other track with their viper.....I'll bet 60% or better don't.

Not to hijack but....your impression is totally wrong. VOI is as much about getting there and back home as it is the events. Epic road trips with groups of Vipers.
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