I don't want to bog things down with details, Bob, but you're mixing and matching. Your first reference to the MCVO bylaws dealt with removing VCA membership rights, and this is what I first addressed. You are also correct in citing the proper method for amending the bylaws in subsequent posts. The MCVO *** and membership are well aware of that method, they properly amended their bylaws on other matters within the last year. Nonetheless, the MCVO *** clearly had the ability to cede without amending the bylaws. The bylaws did not prohibit their action, some of the bylaw language merely became obsolete once the action was taken. The bylaws will be updated, but as I pointed out, the *** is not in a rush to do so because it is anticipated that there may be other policy changes that will impact the language. The MCVO *** always have and always will operate within the proper procedural guidelines of the bylaws.