Beyond The 2014 Viper?


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
Don't you guys get it yet? This isn't the fool who wrote the Allpar editorial...he is nothing but a Troll, albiet a somewhat informed one.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Nobody is calling you names - just pointing out the facts...arguably redundant since you prove yourself to be intellectually disenfranchised each time you post.

There's no need to differentiate between EVs and hybrids as both are examples of impractical, complex "solutions" to non-existent problems. The all-electric car idea was attempted and scrapped quite a while (late 1800s to early 1900s) ago much for the same reasons it fails today: electric power is great for toys; full-size vehicles - not so much.

Hybrids were some idiotic idea to improve fuel economy or reduce fuel usage and/or get around the limitations of all-electric cars by making electric cars with gasoline engines. Guess what, still a bad idea since there are better less expensive cars that are either gas or diesel powered and get better fuel economy than hybrids while also being more practical.

Your ******* idea to make an electric Viper is riddled with fail. Maybe your mom told you it was a good idea but she's lying. I highly doubt SRT gave you the time of day. If you were anyone even remotely important you wouldn't need to troll forums for "input".

Errrr......isn't "*****" "*******" a derogatory term/name, or is it in your daily lexicon that you shout everyday at other people as you "putter" along in your Viper in second gear, listening to Lawrence Welk oldies.....

So we have 2 Porsche Hybrids (918 and 913) Audi E-tron Quattro as idiotic vehicles..... Now here is some well balanced argument !

You know the same argument that you put forward, were the same arguments when someone suggested changing from leaf spring to coil springs. I bet China, Germany and India are watching your posts, hoping that opinions like this prevail....or unless you are some Chinese hacker encouraging this thinking to stay back in the antediluvian ages.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Don't you guys get it yet? This isn't the fool who wrote the Allpar editorial...he is nothing but a Troll, albiet a somewhat informed one.

Good now we are stirring some passions....rather than what color do you like, I like stripes don't you, what polish do you use....


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
With each passing day, you are sounding more like a bitter ex-girlfriend that SRT dumped. I've yet to see you bring anything constructive to this site, since you always deliver your statements in a confrontational and agitated manner. Quit assuming you are the most intelligent person in the room, and maybe more people will read your offerings. This is an automotive club forum, based on the Viper. Your hyper-vocabulary use isn't impressing anyone, since most of us can do the same thing, when settings call for such. So relax a bit, and quit attempting to take on the entire site.

Now...what constructive comments can you bring to a site, that wants very little changes, is stuck up its own "fundament", loves the new car the way it is, 600 (2/3) of cars in the dealership is just a marketing marketing mistake, and will go down in history as the social media site that drove the Viper marque into the ground....


Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Vacaville, California are very correct.


After a total of 3 presentations trying to work with the guys, to get a glimmer of enthusiasm or spark in their eyes. I was asked by RVG through one of the SRT guys who is basically a good guy, too not call or send email anymore to RVG. This was after RVG said to me....and I quote..."tell me everything you know because I am a sponge". I only have to suspect that one of his guys, the one who all three times, sucked all the air out of the room at those meetings, got too him. The team I had suggested to do this, had years, and years, of experience at Le Mans and ALMS.

e.g. example....

This was still early in the program and I think that they had already made their mind up who was going to do the ALMS program and that the production car was going to be the same.

In one of my presentations I said don't do it like Gentellozzi running the Jaguar program, but they did it like the Gentellozi program anyway.

So now the program is with Bill Riley who has a myriad other programs running as well, e.g Ford Eco boost DP's. Also I remember in discussion with someone at the time - they said don't underestimate the power of doing it down south to give the SRT guys an excuse to go travel to a warmer climate whenever they can.....not sure that is a good way to determine a program...but that was a separate observation from someone outside. I mean that is the way that corporate minds work, believe me I have seen it....everyone carving out there special interests....just like politicians.

So they bought or leased a lot of expensive trucks etc, and yes this is where ALL the marketing budget has gone. We had a much more measured approach starting out with a one car entry in the championship, with another car later as a more pure racer as a technology research vehicle not running for class honors, but getting the most press probably.

So this about taking the gloves off if anyone is thinking otherwise.....telling it like it is. I am as disappointed as anyone else over the GEN V and how the racing program has gone, given that everyone else next year will be upping their game ! Porsche entering pretty much a full works team....etc.


Do you feel that the same person at SRT who is calling the engineering shots for the consumer Gen 5 (example: the welding discussed in the article) is also the same engineer that is taking the wind out of the sail of the race program? I too was surprised when they picked Riley to do the cars/race team. I'm not sure Riley is the best connected company to deal with ALMS and getting the rules changed to favor the Viper and not handicap it so much. I've often wondered, with the way things have been going on the Gen 5 if the "head engineer" is either very stuck in his ways or actually does not feel the need for the Gen 5 to succeed?? Does this head engineer actually have that much power....can't the others in management see that this is not a good thing? Maybe when the Viper platform is finally scrapped, that engineer will open up shop servicing the race guys with parts that he knows are needed, but were not produced by SRT or sold by Mopar?

Last question, since you have ties to the UK guys, what is the story behind the locked PCM and how long is it proprietary for? Why would the old Chrysler give up control over the marketing of the PCM and its tuning? Any chance of the UK company working with somebody to make it more user friendly? Feel free to pm me if this can't be discussed in the open forum.



Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
With each passing day, you are sounding more like a bitter ex-girlfriend that SRT dumped. I've yet to see you bring anything constructive to this site, since you always deliver your statements in a confrontational and agitated manner. Quit assuming you are the most intelligent person in the room, and maybe more people will read your offerings. This is an automotive club forum, based on the Viper. Your hyper-vocabulary use isn't impressing anyone, since most of us can do the same thing, when settings call for such. So relax a bit, and quit attempting to take on the entire site.

Now what fun or even use would that be, to not have the opportunity to burst all these puffed up, inflated ego's, where this site is just a lovefest for sticking your wet tongues in each others ears.


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
Good now we are stirring some passions....rather than what color do you like, I like stripes don't you, what polish do you use....

Get a life Pops, although I'm probably older than you :) Anyway, I apologize for the imposter remark. I just recieved a pm that you are the guy you claim to be, however, based on several of your snide and condescending posts/remarks in the Gen V forum (certainly not what I would expect from a professional automotice engineer), you are still, and always will be a troll to me. You have Ignore List status...adieu.

VCA Forum Staff

Just a reminder folks. Name calling, personal attacks, and hijacking threads are not what this site is about.

We are trying to ensure no threads get closed or posts edited/removed. If we could remind you all to govern yourself accordingly so we don't need to get involved....

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Now...what constructive comments can you bring to a site, that wants very little changes, is stuck up its own "fundament", loves the new car the way it is, 600 (2/3) of cars in the dealership is just a marketing marketing mistake, and will go down in history as the social media site that drove the Viper marque into the ground....

How about some background on yourself, Ian? What Viper(s) do you currently own? If you don't currently own one, what was the last model year Viper that you owned? I'm aware you had some early involvement with the 1st generation, but I'm asking which Viper you have specifically owned yourself.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
For some crazy reason there are a whole ton of supercars going down the hybrid pathway, so I wouldn't dismiss hybrids as being ***. Not that there's anything wrong with being ***...

Porsche has their 918 hybrid coming out.
Ferrari has their LaFerrari.
McLaren has their P1.

All of them are (supposedly) easily lapping the 'ring faster than the ACR and are million dollar hybrids, which are the most expensive cars each marque will make. And people are making fun of hybrids? If that doesn't sound any alarm bells, I think people have their heads in the sand.

Like I said, I may not agree with everything that Ian has said, in many ways the Viper has long looked backwards in time with the styling and performance formula of what sports/super cars should be, but at what point does what he proposes 'break' the concept of what the Viper is?

Insults being hurled back and forth isn't productive at all...the Gen V is the greatest Viper so far, but the competition has not stood still and there's a lot more that SRT needs to do to make the Gen V+ competitive.

As far as I can see, it used to be that the greatest Ferraris were their V12s, but as of late their V8s have been much faster cars. It might be the same thing with the SRT cars. The Viper might be the most powerful car in the SRT line up but there might be faster SRTs in the line up.


Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
I don't really think the solution is to build a 2015 version of the 1992 Viper. No AC? Metal dash? While there maybe a market for it, I really am unsure who'd jump in at even his proposed $55,000 price tag. I certainly would have no interest.

I think sacking the marketing department and getting dealers on a short leash would be helpful.

+1 .


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Get a life Pops, although I'm probably older than you :) Anyway, I apologize for the imposter remark. I just recieved a pm that you are the guy you claim to be, however, based on several of your snide and condescending posts/remarks in the Gen V forum (certainly not what I would expect from a professional automotive engineer), you are still, and always will be a troll to me. You have Ignore List status...adieu.

Thank god for down more to go, don't let the door hit yer ass on the way out....!

This is what P***ed me off, I make some pretty strong editorial I will admit too that, but it was done for two reasons.

To offer some suggestions, but then everyone wants to pile on giving their own perspective of why it shouldn't be this, or that, which I expected reading the stereotypical responses of the general poster on here....and 2nd.... as is expected by the SRT group, to quietly go away and not say anything at their complete and utter balls up, conceptually failing, marketing, vision, miss reading the market and execution.

Now typically what happens in a situation like this, and I speak from experience, the "winds of concern" about the GEN V probably would have been surfacing some 6 - 9 months ago at Corporate. So the management first priority for them is to find a niche that is as far away from the problem as possible, to transfer too, and hopefully it wont reflect back on them. However IMO they should be made to stay and fix the issues, not skulk off. I don't know how many times I saw a promotion from a complete mess of a is called corporate politics. Some even left the company and have, I can quote 5 specific examples, have wrecked and shuttered other companies. There is an example in Farmington hills Michigan of a company, that produces and energy drink, (In NASCAR) that is now being advised by a couple of ex Chrysler execs, that are in it for there own personal gain and will drive the company into the ground which that have dome previously always managing to escape just in the nick of time. Luckily the owner is a billionaire so he should be left with a couple of Mil after he has been picked clean.

Now we are getting into the psychology of what went wrong. Chrysler some years ago started implementing a psycho babble test evaluation system "to see if you were a team player"....meaning a good soldier who just took orders and implemented them without question (hence my references to Mr. Pants and Mein Kampf) but I guess he didn't understand the wider context, which is my fault. By the way I would not have been let into Chrysler under this testing regime. If you see the George Carlin clip "they want obedient servants".....and the test fitted a matrix and plotted on a bell curve chart. Well what that does is clips off the out-liers on the ends of the bell curve, the contrarians, the free thinkers, who basically get things done by whatever means available to them, which of course pi**es off the middle bell curve statistically cloned ones. This is what I am afraid need to happen to a rework of Viper but wont happen I don't think and it will be left to just fade away.

Well Ralph is a nice guy, but he only had the middle curve people to work with, and listen too, so in that respect I fault his management style. Mind you this is not I suppose a particular critique of RVG but more of a problem of going through an MBA course where conformity to a certain doctrine is a requirement of a pass/fail grade.

I remember listening to a Rhodes scholar once who got his BA at a prestigious US university here, and then went to Cambridge or Oxford in the UK for post grad studies. The gist of it was, the US he was in a class of 30-40 students, and in the UK post grad studies 6-8 class, but the telling remark was that in the UK there were far more divergent set of views, than in a class of 30-40 which were all the same ? It is called critical thing....the what if "postulation"...

BTW the personality/psychological test was in response to all the postal shootings I that is why everything has consequences and an insidious knock on effect.

You can't take my guns! - then we have to do a psychological test to see that you won't brig a gun to work! - OK now are comfortable we have a workforce that is all numbed down and rational - but why are we getting cars that look the same and are not making progress in regard to our competitors ?

I bet if you looked at Kelly Johnsons "skunk works" team you would have found some pretty interesting characters in there ! !
Last edited:


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
He even got busted for street racing in a Viper, too!

What a superhero

That must be a different Kratedisease dude !!

The Kratedisease I know has a perfect flawless driving record with never anything more than a parking ticket......

P-E-R-F-E-C-T Driving record. Z-E-R-O POINTS . WOW !!!

Kratedisease is the MAN !! ...I know him personally and he is very nice.

let me know when you are in the USA for a visit. I can introduce him to you personally and you can meet and talk with him in person !!
He would love to meet with you to chat stuff VIPER.
NOW, back on topic..... I think the 2013 Gen 5 Viper is a fine automobile. Terrible what these "EX"-engineers say about it....

Personally, I think Ian is off point. Marketing is best left to people who do not do the engineering ( as Ian does)

Ian can always claim to have 20/20 marketing vision after the fact. Predicting market desire is a calculated gamble and he can talk all he wants..... without a record to compare to Gilles.
At least Ralph Gilles kept the Viper faithful happy. Possibly Harley Earl or Iacocca or even Delorean would have the right to critique Gilles. But surely someone without a record in car
launch/ development has no right to. Its easy to be an arm chair participant not playing in the field of car development/marketing, which is different than engineering. NOT that engineering is less important.....just a different variable in auto launch success.

Funny, how this Kratefellow predicted that the Gen5 would flop when it came to sales. I remember reading his posts and reading all the responses of all those who said he was wrong and nothing but a troll. I guess he got it correct after all......... the naysayers must really feel the burn.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
How about some background on yourself, Ian? What Viper(s) do you currently own? If you don't currently own one, what was the last model year Viper that you owned? I'm aware you had some early involvement with the 1st generation, but I'm asking which Viper you have specifically owned yourself.


So, do you own a Viper or not? Have you owned a Viper or not? What year? If you haven't, then how can anyone here take your opinions on what Viper owners want, or need, seriously?


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score

So, do you own a Viper or not? Have you owned a Viper or not? What year? If you haven't, then how can anyone here take your opinions on what Viper owners want, or need, seriously?

Nope never owned one, Never wanted one, for me they are too inelegant pieces of the blacksmiths art.

Being that everyone is into ownership of chattels on this site, which is the same thinking that goes toward wives/brides in some cultures, let me pose a question later !


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Thank god for down more to go, don't let the door hit yer ass on the way out....!

This is what P***ed me off, I make some pretty strong editorial I will admit too that, but it was done for two reasons.

To offer some suggestions, but then everyone wants to pile on giving their own perspective of why it shouldn't be this, or that, which I expected reading the stereotypical responses of the general poster on here....and 2nd.... as is expected by the SRT group, to quietly go away and not say anything at their complete and utter balls up, conceptually failing, marketing, vision, miss reading the market and execution.

Now typically what happens in a situation like this, and I speak from experience, the "winds of concern" about the GEN V probably would have been surfacing some 6 - 9 months ago at Corporate. So the management first priority for them is to find a niche that is as far away from the problem as possible, to transfer too, and hopefully it wont reflect back on them. However IMO they should be made to stay and fix the issues, not skulk off. I don't know how many times I saw a promotion from a complete mess of a is called corporate politics. Some even left the company and have, I can quote 5 specific examples, have wrecked and shuttered other companies. There is an example in Farmington hills Michigan of a company, that produces and energy drink, (In NASCAR) that is now being advised by a couple of ex Chrysler execs, that are in it for there own personal gain and will drive the company into the ground which that have dome previously always managing to escape just in the nick of time. Luckily the owner is a billionaire so he should be left with a couple of Mil after he has been picked clean.

Now we are getting into the psychology of what went wrong. Chrysler some years ago started implementing a psycho babble test evaluation system "to see if you were a team player"....meaning a good soldier who just took orders and implemented them without question (hence my references to Mr. Pants and Mein Kampf) but I guess he didn't understand the wider context, which is my fault. By the way I would not have been let into Chrysler under this testing regime. If you see the George Carlin clip "they want obedient servants".....and the test fitted a matrix and plotted on a bell curve chart. Well what that does is clips off the out-liers on the ends of the bell curve, the contrarians, the free thinkers, who basically get things done by whatever means available to them, which of course pi**es off the middle bell curve statistically cloned ones. This is what I am afraid need to happen to a rework of Viper but wont happen I don't think and it will be left to just fade away.

Well Ralph is a nice guy, but he only had the middle curve people to work with, and listen too, so in that respect I fault his management style. Mind you this is not I suppose a particular critique of RVG but more of a problem of going through an MBA course where conformity to a certain doctrine is a requirement of a pass/fail grade.

I remember listening to a Rhodes scholar once who got his BA at a prestigious US university here, and then went to Cambridge or Oxford in the UK for post grad studies. The gist of it was, the US he was in a class of 30-40 students, and in the UK post grad studies 6-8 class, but the telling remark was that in the UK there were far more divergent set of views, than in a class of 30-40 which were all the same ? It is called critical thing....the what if "postulation"...

BTW the personality/psychological test was in response to all the postal shootings I that is why everything has consequences and an insidious knock on effect.

You can't take my guns! - then we have to do a psychological test to see that you won't brig a gun to work! - OK now are comfortable we have a workforce that is all numbed down and rational - but why are we getting cars that look the same and are not making progress in regard to our competitors ?

I bet if you looked at Kelly Johnsons "skunk works" team you would have found some pretty interesting characters in there ! !
Generation 5 Viper amounts to refining the steak sauce while the steak itself gets pretty old and stale.

With that said, your suggestions to go back to basics and model Viper after Lotus Elise is not a realistic one either and amounts to cure being worse than the disease. If the economy improves finally, car like this should be produced concurrently with the Viper while the Viper should move into 21st century, utilizing a new lightweight unichassis, stretched wheelbase and more efficient drivetrain (torque tube and transaxle should be mandatory). Since Fiat does not want Viper to surpass Ferrari horsepower wise, new car should shed enough weight to compensate for this limitation. As it is, with no R&D money available, Viper should be laid to rest instead of becoming a laughing stock of high performance world. If Gilles had any integrity, he would can the Viper and limit SRT to hi po variants of mainstream cars.


Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Nope never owned one, Never wanted one, for me they are too inelegant pieces of the blacksmiths art.

Being that everyone is into ownership of chattels on this site, which is the same thinking that goes toward wives/brides in some cultures, let me pose a question later !

Thanks for verifying what everyone here already knew.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Nope never owned one, Never wanted one, for me they are too inelegant pieces of the blacksmiths art.

Being that everyone is into ownership of chattels on this site, which is the same thinking that goes toward wives/brides in some cultures, let me pose a question later !

Knowing that fact, and your stance on them, I'll politely toss your opinions about these cars into the rubbish bin. The Viper isn't for everyone, and we owners are okay with that fact. Some of us even purchase ~eek~ more than one vehicle, in order to satisfy the desires/needs of all genres of the automotive realm. The Viper satisfies my desire for a big-displacement, naturally aspirated, manual-shifted, USA arrogant, in-your-face type vehicle. No other new car can do that. I have other vehicles (usually around 10 of them) to cover all the other bases.

So tell us then, what do you drive? What is currently in your driveway?


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Generation 5 Viper amounts to refining the steak sauce while the steak itself gets pretty old and stale.

With that said, your suggestions to go back to basics and model Viper after Lotus Elise is not a realistic one either and amounts to cure being worse than the disease. If the economy improves finally, car like this should be produced concurrently with the Viper while the Viper should move into 21st century, utilizing a new lightweight unichassis, stretched wheelbase and more efficient drivetrain (torque tube and transaxle should be mandatory). Since Fiat does not want Viper to surpass Ferrari horsepower wise, new car should shed enough weight to compensate for this limitation. As it is, with no R&D money available, Viper should be laid to rest instead of becoming a laughing stock of high performance world. If Gilles had any integrity, he would can the Viper and limit SRT to hi po variants of mainstream cars.

Thanks for your input - and I believe this is a valid post with some good thoughts.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Knowing that fact, and your stance on them, I'll politely toss your opinions about these cars into the rubbish bin. The Viper isn't for everyone, and we owners are okay with that fact. Some of us even purchase ~eek~ more than one vehicle, in order to satisfy the desires/needs of all genres of the automotive realm. The Viper satisfies my desire for a big-displacement, naturally aspirated, manual-shifted, USA arrogant, in-your-face type vehicle. No other new car can do that. I have other vehicles (usually around 10 of them) to cover all the other bases.

So tell us then, what do you drive? What is currently in your driveway?

Seeing as you want to know all about me - I am wearing jeans at the moment with a black sports top on....does that excite you ? Want to Cam with me ? I see you can't let the control issues wanting to know everything about you have a tracking device on each one of the cars that your wife drives ?

Sorry guys - just got way to busy - line up your insults for Monday 10/21, as I will be at PLM, and have two big projects come up, one I have been putting off which is help writing my friends Phd for him. I don't know how I managed to get that assignment but I agreed as it is about the business of F1 (CVC partners etc) in the modern world. Crazy, he lives in Chicago, but commutes to the University of London monthly.

The other is a Presentation to Wall St for beginning of next week on Hybrid technology (The Patriot system) for the beginning of next week.....just being honest folks.

Have fun chasing your tails ! Be back soon....line up the vitriol !

Special thanks to the 300 who bought Vipers and help saving the brand...Did you ever buy "Beenie Babies" as an investment as well ?

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I simply asked what you drive. I would like to know what sort of vehicle stirs you enough to purchase it. If you are embarrassed or ashamed, then I suppose you won't answer. I'd like to interject into your rant, and possibly give my own critique of your vehicle(s) of choice. I'll be especially scathing if I've had zero experience driving or owning said vehicles.

It is only fair, right? LOL

Go away, Mr. Blow-hard.


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
Errrr......isn't "*****" "*******" a derogatory term/name, or is it in your daily lexicon that you shout everyday at other people as you "putter" along in your Viper in second gear, listening to Lawrence Welk oldies.....

Does the truth hurt?

So we have 2 Porsche Hybrids (918 and 913) Audi E-tron Quattro as idiotic vehicles..... Now here is some well balanced argument !

You do realize that Audi an Porsche are both brands of VW, and that they're trying to sell hybrid cars at a premium to rich idiots that want to feel good about themselves yet fail to grasp the fact that their "hybrid" car does not improve upon existing gas or diesel-only powertrains.

Your "argument" is that we should have an electric Viper for no other reason than some other brand offers a car like that - none of the other brands offer a car like the Viper.

You know the same argument that you put forward, were the same arguments when someone suggested changing from leaf spring to coil springs. I bet China, Germany and India are watching your posts, hoping that opinions like this prevail....or unless you are some Chinese hacker encouraging this thinking to stay back in the antediluvian ages.

Leaf springs work, and their weight savings along with simple implementation make them suitable for rear wheel suspension. Coil springs have the potential to be better if their implementation is well engineered.

Your idea that ******* the "latest" tech simply because it's different is the hallmark of someone who doesn't know much about anything. You think hybrids and EVs are better because that's what the propaganda has been telling you, but you cannot tell us why beyond reciting whe you were told.

Now...what constructive comments can you bring to a site, that wants very little changes, is stuck up its own "fundament", loves the new car the way it is, 600 (2/3) of cars in the dealership is just a marketing marketing mistake, and will go down in history as the social media site that drove the Viper marque into the ground....

Change for the sake of change is a fundamentally flawed ideology that the ignorant love to cling to, to give themselves a sense that they're doing something even when they're not. People who subscribe to that way of thinking produce changes are rarely, if ever, improvements. Nothing you have suggested would IMPROVE the Viper, and so if it's a question of leaving it just the way it is vs implementing any of your changes or ideas, the former is the way to go.

Nope never owned one, Never wanted one, for me they are too inelegant pieces of the blacksmiths art.

Being that everyone is into ownership of chattels on this site, which is the same thinking that goes toward wives/brides in some cultures, let me pose a question later !

So you never owned a Viper, never drove one, have zero understanding of how cars work on basic levels...yet somehow you've convinced yourself that you can improve the Viper. lol isn't helping you mask the challenges you face every day, like tying your shoes, remembering to open doors before walking thru them and making a habit of breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. Maybe the change you keep touting should start with you.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
I simply asked what you drive. I would like to know what sort of vehicle stirs you enough to purchase it. If you are embarrassed or ashamed, then I suppose you won't answer. I'd like to interject into your rant, and possibly give my own critique of your vehicle(s) of choice. I'll be especially scathing if I've had zero experience driving or owning said vehicles.

It is only fair, right? LOL

Go away, Mr. Blow-hard.

My sister and I share a Trabant - I get it on the odd days of the week and she gets it on the even days, but she is too dumb to realize I get 1 day week more...So if I drive a Trabant how does that make me ineligible to comment on the the Viper, I mean the level of engineering is similar...isn't it ?


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
My sister and I share a Trabant - I get it on the odd days of the week and she gets it on the even days, but she is too dumb to realize I get 1 day week more...So if I drive a Trabant how does that make me ineligible to comment on the the Viper, I mean the level of engineering is similar...isn't it ?
LOL at Trabant-no wonder you press for clean emission technologies while keeping mouse trap makers in business:D And I wonder if anyone ever challenged Kelly Johnson regarding his evaluation of planes, making a pilot license and flying planes he criticized mandatory? Seems like same logic you have just been presented with. It is not design and engineering experience that matters, it is cars you own and drive.:drive:


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
I put this POS on my ignore list, but can't get away from it, as it keeps getting quoted. Where are the moderators???? No wonder SRT is dumping them! Can't wait for the Voice Of America


Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Yes a good friend of mine is the Director of VW motorsports, his family live 5 miles from me while he is in Germany. Please send me your email I am sure he world love hear your to Audi and Porsche are doing. They also own Lamborghini. See interview at 3.24 - AND NO I AM NOT GIVING YOU HIS CONTACT DETAILS TO A DUM***S LIKE YOU!

I am sure he is your friend:rolleyes::lmao:

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