Recent content by alpine7822

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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    Anyone headed down to this event? Just trying to get an approximate head count.
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    I know that this event was rescheduled for the same weekend as our fall crab feast, and I again apologize for that any confusion we had about the rain-out last time. However, I'm hoping that some of you can make it down to support this good cause and to helps us put up a fight against the Vettes!
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    I understand that this is the date for our second Crab Feast of the year. However, the Horsepower Challenge is part of a larger event, Christmas in September, held by the Oldies but Goodies car club here in Richmond. I had no input on the date. As such, I understand if many of you cannot...
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    This event has been scheduled for OCTOBER 22, 2011, with a bad weather date of OCTOBER 23, 2011. Same location and times as before. They are providing a bad weather line and point of contact information so if there is bad weather we can be warned ahead of time. I am also working on things to...
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    As I think this would be beneficial, I'll take the lead on the "Opt-In" Contact List in order to prevent like matters in the future. John, I'll PM with you my ideas on how to do this to get your okay before going forward.
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    First off...I apologize to those that drove from NoVa or anywhere else only to find the show had been cancelled. I didn't find out until I arrived and had no way to warn many of you. I deeply, deeply apologize for that. As for results, since Howard B and I were the only ones to "show up" for...
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    Sounds like a plan! Sunday I'll be watching the game (Lions) from 1-4 at the local wing place in the West End, you're more than welcome to join (plenty of Viper-friendly parking...I'll even bring mine).
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    Viper kills pedestrian in VA BCH

    Did anyone else watch the video and see the clueless chic walk right through the shot? And saying we should change the name of the thread is stupid...that argument is the same as saying "the gun didn't kill the guy, the bullet did." If you want to go down the same path...the driver DID NOT...
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    There's a ******* just north of the event, just off of 95...we can cruise up there for lunch after if anyone's interested.
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    We need all the help we can get!!!
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    Just be sure to get an up to date dyno sheet so you get full credit! Picked up the trophies on Monday...the KOH one is great this year!!!
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    Let's get that number as high as we can! The record, as I recall, was about 1250 at the crank a few years the bar has been set pretty high. And I'm sure we can come up with something better than last year's "award." :lmao:
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    Horsepower Challenge - September 17 - Colonial Heights, VA

    It's almost that time for the annual Horsepower Challenge between the VCA and Corvette Club of Richmond. This event is a lot of fun, as a lot of you know. We will challenge the Corvette Club to see who can get the most horsepower to show up at the event. It's based on either the published...
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    To our Williamsburg area members who value ALL of their rights...a heads up:

    As one of the uninformed masses...I'm going to side with Kelly on this one. Virginia has no sign requirements and it's up the property owner, or their agent, to set the rules. As C&C would be acting as a possible agent for the Winery (i.e. - granted the same rights as the property owner when...