Recent content by Lespauldude

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    Viper vs new Z06

  2. L

    Bought my membership finally!!!! List of things to do!!!

    Welcome!! As far as a hard top for your vert, go to Autoform and speak to Steve Dreyer. He built me a top for my GTS blue with white stripes 2009 vert which is phenomenal. Exact paint & stripes match. He truly does excellent work. Scott
  3. L

    Dealing with Dodge/SRT

    Is this what you are talking about??
  4. L

    Any owners with either Hagerty or Grundy insuring your Viper and opinions please.

    Grundy here for my 09 Vert. 75k agreed value no restrictions. 3 years and all is well.
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    Front Wheel Wobble

    It's normal. When the rubber is cold the tires don't grip well as you are turning the wheels sharply exiting your driveway. That's exactly why it goes away once you drive the car for a bit. I noticed the same thing with my 09 vert. It dawned on me (the answer) when the tires were warmed up...
  6. L

    How many you guys got Warranty?

    2009 Vert. 7/50 Max Care Warranty.
  7. L

    t/a stripes

    I thought it was a picture of a Polar Bear in a snow storm.
  8. L

    NEW TA SPoiler for SRT10 Convertibles - In the making!

    You can't go wrong with Steve from AutoForm. He does PHENOMINAL work!!
  9. L

    Viper in Pikesville MD Today

    I sure hope the driver had the top up. It's frigging COLD out there today - at least it is here on Long Island!!
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    1st nite time cruise in the Snake!

    These cars sure have a different vibe to them at night. :2tu:
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    My 99 GTS has collector status

    I have found Grundy to be the most realistic (affordable) with no restrictions.
  12. L

    New Owner In Maryland

    :2tu:Congratulations Mace!! Beautiful color and low miles to boot!! Watch out for the cold weather - the tires harden up like hockey pucks.
  13. L

    Charging question

    That's all it takes. Most use a Battery Tender Plus. Works like a charm and very dependable. :2tu:
  14. L

    Got my Viper

    Nothing like a Vert!!! Enjoy and be careful!!