Search results

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    DVD Version of "Drag Race Your Viper" Video is now in stock......

    Re: DVD Version of \"Drag Race Your Viper\" Video is now in stock...... BURNR8- You should be able to watch this in your car, with that DVD player.
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    Viper "V-sign" Hand Signal

    Re: Viper \"V-sign\" Hand Signal Hmmm. I bet you were typing that with one finger Frank. Can I guess which one?
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    Juiced. Look at the license trim ring. (NX) Quick, sell it before it blows up...
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    shorter throw with stock shift knob

    I have a short shifter that is very easy to install, and works great! Uses the stock knob. Built by Rich Detert who posts here often. Check out for details. Here's how mine looks:
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    Thanks from a new Viper owner...and a question

    Five point harnesses, helmet and driving school. Seat time, seat time, seat time...
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    Who really runs our house?

    I have taken nothing but SAG* from my wife since I bought mine. Its now for sale. Really. Sigh. *$hit Attitude and Grief
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    Court Date set for June 12th on Exhibition of Speed, any advice?

    Do not do this at home, but leave it to a professional. Attorney, attorney, attorney. Find one specializing in traffic law in your county. Worth the price of admission.
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    Electric Car vs Viper (0-60)
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    5 pt harness for 98 rt/10

    I put on my new Team Techs this weekend. Henry & Janni's instructions are right on the mark. I had a few minor problems, but none of them came from the instructions or patterns. 1. The screw holes used on the patterns for locating are in different places on my car. Use the edges to locate, and...
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    Electric Car vs Viper (0-60)

    James is partially correct. I <u>was</u> scheduled to go last summer, as I was one of few who did not go to VOI. I had to cancel out at the last minute due to sick kids. The descriptions came from JonB, and I am sure they are accurate. (Year-depending )
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    List of Street Legal 200MPH+ Production Cars?

    No Vector could ever do 200mph, the hottest 12 cyl. versions could barely do 200kph. They had all the aerodymanics of a brick- very much akin to the Countach.
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    What's your other car? (this might be fun)

    Re: What\'s your other car? (this might be fun) 1990 Acura Legend, 136k miles, NEVER a problem- it's Japanese. 1999 Viper GTS, 6100 miles, rare problems of finish & dealer. 1999 Ford F150 4x4, 7300 miles, a few problems- wiring, AC & dealer. 1996 Dodge Caravan, 47k miles, many problems- tranny...
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    Hennessey vs. Supra???

    Let's separate the men from the unix*, and do this at Silver State. This would be for the smack-talking title "King of the Street". No excuses, no whining about an unfair start or course or bad gas or ran outta spray... plenty of stop watches and witnesses to record this in a safe and legal...
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    Hey DC...really bogus if true!!!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> DRYVEM sez: it must be placed onto windshield prior to installation in car. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Waitaminutehere- that black rubber trim on the outside is coming loose from my windshield and lifting up. Are you telling me that my...
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    What I've noticed about Mileage on a viper...

    Re: What I\'ve noticed about Mileage on a viper... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by 'VIPERESS': At least that 40 number was not the age YOU were "turning" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That fourth decade transition isn't hard at all for men, at least...
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    Best excuses for missing front plate,please!

    Check the laws in your state. Here in Washington, the laws allows "exceptions" under special conditions, and the Viper does fit in the guidelines for an exception. The problem is: the law does not say how the exception is to be granted, just that it must be done by the State Patrol. Every...
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    Magic Carpet Ride remix

    I heard on the local radio that Steppenwolf was going to play some native american casino in the Seattle area. I guess that is what you do when you can't book Vegas. A group with a darn smart attorney- they negotiated a great (for them) contract with DCX for that Viper ad track.
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    Venom 800 Twin Turbo 10.1 @ 137 mpeg video

    That has a real nice sound to it. Is there a Silver State in the future?
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    Now THIS is a great article featuring the Viper!

    From Chris: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The "second gear" comment is a classic and should be in somebody's signature line. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That second gear comment: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> We threw shifts at the...
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    John B. Could it be??? The year matters!

    MY99 also saw the brushed metal interior bits: handbrake button, door releases, dash rings. Round shift knob- was that 98 or 99?
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    Tears as Goodbye RT/10

    Can you really buy a jeep with a wooden dash? I guess it aint my Daddy's jeep any more... I remember when they cam with a metal dash, and speedo only.
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    Best Trailer?

    Jason- Please do not attempt to pull your snake with a bumper hitch! A frame hitch is the only way to go. Bumper hitches are made for golf carts- not expensive sports cars. my too sense
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    Venom 800 Twin Turbo for sale

    Wow! I am looking forward to seeing that.
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    Venom 800 Twin Turbo for sale

    So John, please explain for this "girl"... Is that 0 to 60 time of 2.4 seconds real, projected or imagined? How was it measured or calculated? What tires were used for that (ETs?), and what type of road surface?
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    Viper walks away from a ZO6?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I can tell you for a fact, all of us vette guys are pretty pissed that GM always comes SOOOOO close to making a viper killer, but never goes that extra mile to do it. We are all hoping for it to come in 2003/04. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>...