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  1. C

    Post a pic!

    I missed what ever lead to this rant. But I disagree with most of what you said. While Americans are percieved as Arrogant, if you've spent time All Around the World, then you would realize Americans are NOT any more arrogant as the rest of the World. Your post is NOT surprising, you try to...
  2. C

    I know Nick posts here sometimes...

    Nasty looking wreck there. Many prayers being sent. Hopefully, they are all OK!
  3. C

    I know Nick posts here sometimes...

    That sucks! Hope everyone is OK. Doesn't sound real good though, seeing as how it closed both side of the highway.
  4. C

    Financing Question Answered

    Wow, I never would have thought that was possible! Might have to get a FGT for my wife, especially if I can get the payments down to $500 a month.:rolaugh: :lmao: :rolaugh: :lmao:
  5. C

    TT V-10 rumor?

    Not true at all. Up to this point in time there are less than a handfull of people that Slap a TT on a Viper Correctly. :D
  6. C

    Latest 2008 Viper Video . . .

    The Hood is pretty slick!
  7. C

    2008 Viper vs. 2008 C6 Z06: October Issue of Car And Driver

    Wait 'til some real numbers come out. They will be closer to 11.3 in 1/4. But we all know how that goes, pick a magazine, and all the times will be different. They sometimes fail to mention such things as Track conditions for each vehicle, driver's experience with each car, etc.
  8. C

    Moving my car...Gary Almond

    Nothing like GaryA making a deliver--A.! :D
  9. C

    Whom do i order my 08 from?

    Don't forget about John Gastman at Roanoke, in Illinois.
  10. C

    Anybody want to sell their Moper or Speed Lingerie mask/bra?

    I THINK I still have a bra, but may be missing the clips. For a GTS. I would think, you could get some clips and be good to go. Let me know!
  11. C

    Angelina Jolie Drives SRT 10

    Oh, damn, that was funny! :rolaugh: :rolaugh: :rolaugh: :rolaugh:
  12. C

    UK Gen1 TT Pics

    Directions for use: Take black DOT off hood, keep hood closed at all times, and drive the crap out of that RT! :D :D
  13. C

    Angelina Jolie Drives SRT 10

    She's a skank! :crazy2: And she doesn't deserve to be in the driver's seat of a Viper. Good to see a Viper in another movie though! :2tu:
  14. C

    Chrome ACR Wheels on Ebay (link)

    Beeeeeeee........U....tiful! :D
  15. C

    1998 Viper GTS priced to sell

    Great looking GTS. Good luck with the sale, I would think it'd move pretty quick at that price!
  16. C

    Do you keep your OEM rims or sell them?

    Damn those rims are dirty. Clean them bastards, will ya? :D I would sell your stock wheels, unless you plan on keeping your Viper for a Looong time. Then it would be worth keeping in pristine condition.
  17. C

    08 Viper faster than FGT

    No ****!!! :rolaugh:
  18. C

    WTF - Z06 still faster

    That's laughable! Thanks for the humor this morning! :lmao: Nice try though. And enjoy that Vette of yours! :2tu:
  19. C

    Weird people

    If someone comes over an talks negative. Give it back to them, tell them to STFU and if they don't watch out, you'll run them over! :D
  20. C


    When I had my GTS for sale, the calls I got from those wanting to trade my Chromed ACR wheels for their stock ones were numerous. And they all said, that there wheels would increase the value of my GTS. :D :D It's all personal preference.
  21. C

    To Paxton or not?

    Get everything you mentioned. Including the VEC, and add the paxton! You'll be very happy! In regards to the VEC, do you really need to cover it in the rain? First I've heard of that.
  22. C


    Not always. But to the right buyer who wants Chrome. They can save some cash buying a nice set of Chromed. They are NOT worse any less. That's for sure!
  23. C


    Not less than $3500, and if the center caps are nice, a couple hundred more.
  24. C

    Best Street/Strip slicks for GTS Gen II?

    BFGs are not fun in any corners, but they grip! Kumhos for street and strip for me.