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  1. R

    What day is this ?

    Has anyone received their Viper calenders ?
  2. R


    I don't get any leaks thru the top or windows with the factory soft top, BUT, I do get water in thru the generous door to fender gap. As soon as I turn on the wipers the water seems to pour in from the top of the door above the speakers. I can't see any worn seals of any type, it's just...
  3. R

    Dirty Wheels???

    I have no squeak, but I sure have dust and ugly chrome wheels that look like uncared for silver. Where do you buy the green pads ?
  4. R

    Any Vipers owners here live in Oahu???

    One word of advise, find your top. So you landed on Oahu instead of Maui ?
  5. R

    A good idea - George (MGW) Jon B. (Parts Rack)

    Most of my problem seems to be with the plastic "thumb screws" because you can't bop down to the local hardware store and buy them. Truth be known, you can't even get them thru DM. You can out-source them piece by piece, but it's sure not cost worthy. A true replacement "kit" would be great...
  6. R

    gen ii engine over 4k rpms

    Any vibration over 4,000 RPM in any gear 3rd or later could equate to a wheel balance problem. In all gears perhaps a drive line imbalance. You could also be hearing the side exhaust puffing like a UPS truck .
  7. R

    Dry Nitrous Sys.- any good??

    I've never heard of "dry nitrous". Please elaborate. Thanks, Robert
  8. R

    What the Gen I interior should look like!!!!

    Question, is the glove box door included with the new dash facia ? Second. Do the 96 dash pieces get fuzzy like the earlier cars ?
  9. R

    What the Gen I interior should look like!!!!

    Yup, that's what I meant. I guess it pays to shop around !
  10. R

    What the Gen I interior should look like!!!!

    Your black and gray combo's look great ! I would imagine that the new stock pieces also will be easily scratched, so I am thinking that a sprayed on enamel finish might be the way to go. But, just for fun, I wonder what the same '96 dash piece would be available from the dealer ? Mr. Tator ?
  11. R

    Just got straight pipes w/Roe high flow cats done

    OK ! What is deep throaty sound ? What is TOO loud ? And most of all, what is tolerable ? I love the rumble and puffing that my stock exhaust gives but I really get tired of the UPS truck drone at cruising speeds. Is this kit a fit and weld type or plug & play ?
  12. R

    Junk Viper

    It seems quite a few dealers have incredible mark ups on OEM Viper parts. Are there really enough naive viper owners that will write a check without shopping or at least having a basic concept of value that will support this practice ? I guess this really goes beyond dealerships though. Hey...
  13. R

    What the Gen I interior should look like!!!!

    BEEEUTIOUS ! Did you paint the dash or replace it with the '96 parts ? Are those new covers on the seats, or dyed ?
  14. R

    Help....How do you remove the fog lights (cracked right lens some how)

    The clear fog light cover lens, or fog lamp itself ? The lens is removed from the front via a tricky sequence with an undersized tongue depressor. The lamp is removed from behind the fascia. Both exercises are covered in the shop manual. At $60.00, it's as mandatory as a spare key.
  15. R

    Tator's Dodge did it again!

    Re: Tator\'s Dodge did it again! 6 stars for Chucks service (none of them paid for !). Information, great price for parts, FREE SHIPPING !, and the honest to goodness feeling that he isn't in a hurry to get off the phone with you when you need help. What else is there ? An invitauion to a...
  16. R

    Another wrecked Viper story...

    Daddy always told me that more than a handful was a waste ...
  17. R

    Burping the Viper!

    A local garage is offering a coolant replacement that is done by vacuum. Is this a safe method ? For $45 including a 50/50 antifreeze refill, it doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
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    $185.00 quarterly. Multi-car discount, home owner, 48, married, clean record for the last decade or so. I also have my '69 Z/28 insured with them for $65 quarterly. They consider it a parade vehicle or something.
  19. R

    New owner question

    The shop manual will tell you how to do it. Be very careful as the three mounting tabs break off very easily. You will need a pop-cicle stick to do it. There is a sequence to follow for both removal and installation.
  20. R

    gen 1 1/4 mile times

    Yes, we have tracks here in Hawaii. Oahu and Maui have the best, but our drag strip here on the Big Island is ok. The track is straight and flat and has all the modern equipment, just kind of a county fair atmosphere, which isn't so bad. However the road out to the track is the PITS, I've...
  21. R

    gen 1 1/4 mile times

    What should I expect to turn in the 1/4 mile with my basically stock 94 with pilots warmed in a water burn out ? Is it quicker with top and side curtains in ?
  22. R

    Sean R's old dash has a new life

    Re: Sean R\'s old dash has a new life That's beautiful, is it to drive with the sun above or behind you ? I'm ready to refinish my dash. I thought the black looked much better than the mis-matched grey, but now that I see the red I'm having second thoughts. The black will...
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    Opinions on no black trail left on burnout!!!

    Are you sure it's not your clutch ?????
  24. R

    Gave the RT/10 an interior facelift , no more fuzzy dash..

    Yes please ! More pic's of the "after", and tips on sanding, paint and finish. Looks great.......I'm thinking about stripes ...
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    Engine is clutch time, extras?

    I will be swapping transmissions in the next week or so. My car has 20 K. The clutch works perfectly. But, it seems remiss to remove the trans and not have the flywheel re-surfaced AND replace the clutch. However, I read in the factory manual that the flywheel cannot be turned and the only fix...