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  1. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Hi Mike, Nothing to declare for the moment, just worked on the body to clean it before painting... Chris. ;)
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    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Yes Mike,don't worry and be happy :D here you have some news this morning of what happened : I worked in your GTS during 20 hours on the body (it's not finish),I bought all the bombs for the new paint,but I must make a choise for one of the two grey colors to have a great combo with the blue...
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    Justin Bell to drive a GTS-R again !

    Thanks a lot for the pictures of this event Nadine,and thanks too to Neil for the link-repport on .:: ::..!! :2tu: Chris.
  4. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    You're right Arjen, the first paint is a red bright TS-49 (more orange than red) and the real GTS "model-car" is more red,so I used the TS-8 Italian Red (all Tamiya) and look-like than the real.... For the strippes,I used clear grey metal TS-17 with varnish TS-13 on the body.... ;)
  5. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Hi all, A new GTS with a red paint (more red than the first in right),without side-exaust,more large strippes (11mm/ 10 mm before) and with just a finish-work for the body in a few times.... Comming soon a new GTS....grey-blue strippes :D
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    AutoArt Diecasts 1:18

    Sometimes some nice GTS-R are sold in my country...If one of them are in a shop... I tell you that as possible (PM) :D
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    AutoArt Diecasts 1:18

    Not for instance from France...;)
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    New Ixo 1:43 Production!

    What? What? I don't understand you Arjen .....:D
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    New Ixo 1:43 Production!

    Dammage,theires pictures aren't free.... :( (I can see them but can't take them to work with....) A big big work....:crazy2: Chris....:2tu:
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    AutoArt SRT coupe pops up at the 08' toy fair at Nurnburg

    Willem,do you want again a '08 model ?? :D sure ?? Chris. :devgrin:
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    AutoArt SRT coupe pops up at the 08' toy fair at Nurnburg

    Comming soon..Comming soon...Comming soon.....:hail: :rolleyes: :devgrin: Chris.
  12. L

    New Ixo 1:43 Production!

    Just to tell you we can try the work in a simply GTS-R body (like a grey blue strpes... ;)) to know what the possibilities to made some specifics parts.... With the AA models,it's possible,my first problem it's to find some time to made one.... With Burago,"think it's not bad but not the...
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    New Ixo 1:43 Production!

    Tsss Tsss... :D Only if a 1/18 is produced,I take one !! :eater: If we made some modifications,for example with a GTS-R Auto-Art n°91 red ,we have a lot of differents details: Look at this one (for example) in front... or with this one: or with the n°51... You can see the...
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    AutoArt SRT coupe pops up at the 08' toy fair at Nurnburg

    Not a problem,I can made some... :D (prototype) Chris. :eater:
  15. L

    AutoArt SRT coupe pops up at the 08' toy fair at Nurnburg

    Yes...of corse :lmao: But I'm realy :crazy2: to have one SRT-c. one 2020???? :rolleyes:
  16. L

    AutoArt SRT coupe pops up at the 08' toy fair at Nurnburg tell abot the SRT-coupe or FXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.... :rolaugh: fight :lmao: Chris.
  17. L

    Hoodpad logo design - need opinions

    The first example is cool (red/white stripes) Chris. :2tu:
  18. L

    Video + Pics of '08 SRT

    Like Blue Pilot,this color is realy beautifull !!! :2tu: Many thanks for the originals pictures !!!! Chris. :headbang:
  19. L

    Video + Pics of '08 SRT

    Pleased !! Pleased !! Can you post the originals pictures.... Realy thanks by advance for that...and if it's possible!! Chris.
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    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Work in -low- progress :D Chris :eater:
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    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Yes Mike,give me just one day to finish this GTS and I have something specialy for you . I know you are waiting during a long time,but find all the parts for you was not a easy party,and they are not complete because I must made some myself too. I hope to start your project during this...
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    GTS Number 4 is in the garage!

    Thanks a lot for info (about color) very rare on GTS ACR !!! Chris. :2tu:
  23. L

    GTS Number 4 is in the garage!

    Congratulations and very beautiful Viper !! Is her color is dark black or dark blue ?? sometimes we can see some blue on the paint.... Thanks and congrat" again. Chris.
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    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    New stage today :D ,a big layer of varnish on the top of the body: Here you have before varnishing: (with a prototype SRT-10 coupe home-made) Here we take away all the tape for a complete layer of varnish: (pictures just to see the color before varnishing) As possible to show...