I just did a search on ROE, and man is it impressive... makes me really second guess the Paxton. I see there's a dealer/installer in SanJose. I just like loyalty, and would prefer Valaya to do it. I'll have to call and ask some questions. Thanks guys.
That ROE looks/puts out way better.
Hey guys, got into the car... turned the ignition and it fired right up, but than instantly died out.... tried again, it started ok... but then instantly died out... it will start, and will only stay running as long as I'm giving it plenty of gas.... as soon as I let off it goes...
My son came home from Grandpa's house with a cool little pedal go-cart... one of those toys that's probably been in his garage for ages... well I decided to clean it up and give it a little Viper attitude. lol Notice the Viper Club key chain I used for hood badge. lol When I was done, the...
I really hate to say it, but what do you expect? pull up in your Viper and watch how fast the chairs are pulled out and the coffee is poured... that's how it is, embrace it and use it to your advantage. lol
you should work for Paramount Pictures or Warner... cause that little teaser has me wanting to pay whatever the admission price is to watch that movie! lol :)
Yeah I hate when I'm at idle and my lumpy cam rocks the car like a gorrilla's trying to get out of the trunk... sounds sooooo... how would say..... bad azz!? lol... wish my car just sat there and kept quite like an over grown S2000 :) NOT.
I'm with you on that one. Not like it's adding power, it's for protection... and Mobil 1 syn is as good as it gets... 5.99/qt it better be ;) Thanks again John.
hey guys, tried to run a forum search before I aske the NEWB question... surprisingly found nothing. Just curious what's the recommended oil I should use for my 96 GTS. I bought 7 quarts of Mobil 1 full syn 5/30. Wasn't sure if I should have got 10/30 as my car is high 40K's mileage wise.
Well I went from listing the Viper for sale to having a change of heart and deciding to keep it and Supercharge it, Go figure. lol! I had a get together over the weekend with friends and the time ol' reaction the car got really woke me up again and gave it new life lol, I've had it for a...
He said he picked them up last year in a bundle from Mich... the stickers on the tires looked new. Plus they were definitely newer than the tires I had on.
Hey guys, how do you push the piston back into the caliper on the secondary E-Braker Caliper? Do I crack that bleeder screw then push it back in? will I have to bleed the brakes? Thanks.
Came across what I think is a good deal on ebay last week... not sure if he has fronts, I only inquired about the rears... 335/30 zr18's MPS. He says he bought a good amount from Mich directly when they were running a special a while back and just had them sitting around since. I got my set...
Question about \"Tuning\" a car
When it's referenced to drop your Viper off and get it "tuned", is this mainly for cars with power adders (SC, TT)? Could I drop my car off and really see some improvement by having my tech do some general tweaks with it to help it reach peak perf? what could...
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