Question about \"Tuning\" a car
When it's referenced to drop your Viper off and get it "tuned", is this mainly for cars with power adders (SC, TT)? Could I drop my car off and really see some improvement by having my tech do some general tweaks with it to help it reach peak perf? what could be done? I do run 100 Octane, I'm assuming something could be done to the CPU to help me optimize that high of an octane. Thanks for the input, I'm an R&R type wrench head... performance just puzzles me. But I still like to drive fast. lol
When it's referenced to drop your Viper off and get it "tuned", is this mainly for cars with power adders (SC, TT)? Could I drop my car off and really see some improvement by having my tech do some general tweaks with it to help it reach peak perf? what could be done? I do run 100 Octane, I'm assuming something could be done to the CPU to help me optimize that high of an octane. Thanks for the input, I'm an R&R type wrench head... performance just puzzles me. But I still like to drive fast. lol