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  1. big-n-italian

    Car For Sale!

    IMO, this is the last year for the great viper deals, and the prices will begin rising early in 2010 back to where the prices belong. if you are a buyer, get your great deal now. if you are a seller, wait till the summer or later to sell if you can.
  2. big-n-italian

    GTS Wreck on Break

    exactly. i have decided to pimp it out next year. :D
  3. big-n-italian

    GTS Wreck on Break

    so was this a case of the viper driver knowing he is being taped and showing off a bit for a camera, or a stranger taking a video of someones viper on the highway and accidentally catching an accident?
  4. big-n-italian

    GTS Wreck on Break

    dibs on the rims.
  5. big-n-italian

    Car For Sale!

    in this market, the price seems a bit high to me. :dunno:
  6. big-n-italian

    Car For Sale!

    2002 GRAPHITE RT/10 - ViperClub Classifieds
  7. big-n-italian

    30 mile test ride??

    i dont think 30 miles is too bad. if you think about it, they are actually driving out 15 miles to somewhere and back. (15 + 15 = 30). depending on the work that was done and where you live, i think its reasonable.
  8. big-n-italian

    Keeping Away Car Show Rugrats!

    i dont think Flex was belittling viper trucks or anyone for owning a viper truck J&R. he can correct me if i am wrong, but i am guessing Flex didnt know Kevan owned a viper truck, and was probably assuming by the "enthusiast", that Kevan didnt own a viper-powered vehicle of any kind.
  9. big-n-italian

    Keeping Away Car Show Rugrats!

    last time i checked, you have to own a VIPER (car, not truck) to join the VCA.
  10. big-n-italian

    Keeping Away Car Show Rugrats!

    your experience venom is why alot of people with really nice cars dont go to car shows.
  11. big-n-italian

    New Photoshoot

    awesome pics!
  12. big-n-italian

    New interior for ACR

    i am speechless. i have NO speech.
  13. big-n-italian

    Black hood vents? :)

    black hood vents on a black car looks SO MUCH better. trust me, i saw it in person last year. :D
  14. big-n-italian

    Happy Birthday "CitySnake"

    happy birthday City! :beer:
  15. big-n-italian

    Pics of my 2006 FE with aero

    oh, be sure to register you vin in your control panel so it shows you as an owner now! congrats.
  16. big-n-italian

    Pics of my 2006 FE with aero

    have you considered painting the rear spoiler side wings blue body color? it might help tie it all in a bit more. otherwise, it looks great. :2tu:
  17. big-n-italian

    A nice use for old tires

    not bad. if you turn them upside down they would make great cereal bowls too. (looks like the pics were taken in the kitchen) :rolaugh:
  18. big-n-italian

    And this is why I drive a Viper......

    i was at a car show earlier this year and they had a "exotic row". there were four of us - 2 supercharged vipers, a Ferrai 612 Scaglietti, and an 02 corvette. :rolaugh:
  19. big-n-italian

    1st Car Shows Enjoyable and Disappointing

    first of all, go to a car show to enjoy the day and spend time with people and friends you will eventually meet. nothing more. car shows are more enjoyable that way. a viper is a great car, and you already saw that through the publics reaction. i see it too with my car at shows. HOWEVER, just...
  20. big-n-italian

    Ebay Viper

    i am speechless. enough with the lambo doors already. and that gaping hole in the hood. unbelieveable.
  21. big-n-italian

    My 99 Black on Black GTS is for sale!

    you gotta love a black GTS. :2tu:
  22. big-n-italian

    Another Viper Bike!

    looks VERY uncomfortable.
  23. big-n-italian

    My message was removed with no notice, no reason given

    thread not found in recycle bin. wasnt me.